Volume 4- Issue 1 [January 2014 ]
S.No. | Title & Authors | Page | Downloads |
1. | Seasonal Variations Of Heavy Metals In Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L., 1758) Collected From Sikkak Dam Of Tlemcen (Algeria)
Seasonal Variations Of Heavy Metals In Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L., 1758) Collected From Sikkak Dam Of Tlemcen (Algeria)Abstract: Seasonal variations in the concentrations of six heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Ni) were determined from December 2010 to November 2011 in four different tissues (muscles, gills, gonads, and livers) of common carp (Cyprinuscarpio L., 1758) from Sikkak dam at Ainyoucef (Wilaya of Tlemcen) which is an important water source for irrigation and drinking in northwest part of Algeria. Heavy metals in fish samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) after dry digestion. One-way ANOVA and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to compare the data among seasons (level of 0,05). Mean concentrations were found to decrease in sequence of Cyprinuscarpio samples, in muscle and liver as Fe > Zn >Pb> Ni > Cu > Cd, in gills as Zn > Fe >Pb> Ni > Cu > Cd, and in gonads Fe > Zn > Ni >Pb> Cu > Cd. In samples Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations exceeded the tolerable values provided by FAO/WHO. The highest metals concentrations were found in liver followed by gills, by gonads, and by muscle. Heavy metal levels in tissues of carp were decreased in winter. The obtained results showed that the average values of Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni were at the highest levels in summer. The highest Pb levels were measured in the spring and Fe in autumn. It found that all tested metals in organs did not reveal any significant difference between different seasons (P > 0,05), (inter-season comparison).Key words: Heavy metal, pollution, Cyprinuscarpio, Sikkak dam, Tlemcen. Reference [1] S. Tekin-Özan, and I. Kir, Seasonal variations of heavy metals in some organs of carp (Cyprinuscarpio L., 1758) from Beyşehir Lake (Turkey), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 138 (1-3), 2008, 201-206. [2] M. Bahnasawy, A. Khidr, and N. Dheina, Seasonal variations of heavy metals concentrations in Mullet, Mugilcephalus and liza Ramada (Mugilidae) from lake Manzala, Egypt, Journal of Applied Sciences Research,5(7), 2009,845-852. [3] L. Kalyoncu, H. Kalyoncu, and G.Arslan, Determination of heavy metals levels in fish species from Isikh dam Lake and Karacaoren Dam (Turkey), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,184(4), 2012, 2231-2235. [4] M. P. Olgunoğlu, I. A. Olgunoğlu, Seasonal variation of trace elements in muscle tissues of two commercially valuable freshwater fish species (Silurustriostegus and BarbusgrypusHeckel, 1843) from Atatürk Dam Lake (Turkey), African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(34), 2011, 628-6632. [5] D.J.H. Phillips, Quantitative aquatic biological indicators. Applied Science Publishers, London, 1980. DerragZineb, Dali Youcef* Nacéra and MesliLotfi |
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2. | Spatial and Temporal Determination of the Air Quality at Major Transportation Regions of the Hyderabad Metropolitan City: India.
Spatial and Temporal Determination of the Air Quality at Major Transportation Regions of the Hyderabad Metropolitan City: India.Abstract: At present much attention is given to find the evidence linking urban air pollution to acute and chronic illnesses amongst all groups' people. Therefore, monitoring of ambient concentrations of various air pollutants as well as quantification of the pollutant inhaled becomes quite important, specially in view of the fact that in many countries, policy decisions for reducing pollutant concentrations are mainly taken on the basis of their health impacts. Amounts of SO2, PM and NOx originating from the city-traffic are not less important than the emissions from other sources such as residential heating systems and industrial activities. This paper reveals that concentration for four pollutants namely sulfur dioxide, Nitrogen oxides, Total suspended particulate matter and respirable suspended particular matter from January 2010 to April 2013. The three year average maximum concentration of SO2, NOX, RSPM and TSPM are reported to be 5.4 μg/m3, 32.0 μg/m3, 127.4 μg/m3 and 318.6 μg/m3 at Panjagutta, Paradise, Balanagar and Panjagutta respectively.Key words: Transportation, Air Quality, Particulate Matter, Wind Rose, Distribution. Reference [1] A.D. Bhanarkar, S.K. Goyal, R. Sivacoumar, C.V. Chalapati Rao, Assessment of contribution of SO2 and NO2 from different sources in Jamshedpur region, India, Atmospheric Environment 39, (2005). [2] Central pollution control board National Ambient Air Quality Standards, March 31, (1995). [3] Indrani Gupta., Rakesh Kumar., Trends of particulate matter in four cities in India, Atmospheric Environment 40 (2006). [4] Jai Shanker Pandey., Rakesh Kumar., Sukumar Devotta., Health risks of NO2, SPM and SO2 in Delhi (India), Atmospheric Environment 39 (2005). [5] Jean-Paul Rodrigue., Pollutants Emitted by Transport Systems (Air, Water and Noise)the geoghraphy of transportation system. B. Venkateswar Rao, E. Ramjee, V. Venkateswara Reddy |
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3. | Evaluation Of Flexure Strength Behavior Of Over Burnt Brick Ballast Aggregate Concrete
Evaluation Of Flexure Strength Behavior Of Over Burnt Brick Ballast Aggregate ConcreteAbstract: Regional conditions enforced engineers to generate a study on concrete which incorporate Over Burnt Brick Ballast Aggregate partially due to their abundance. 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% (M05, M10, M15, M20) incorporation was used as partial replacement of natural coarse aggregate in concrete. Analysis of incorporated concrete was done in fresh state as well in hardened state to evaluate different properties of concrete i.e. slump value, compaction factor value, unit weight, flexural strength and Los Angeles abrasion value. From experimental approach it is concluded that Concrete formed with over burnt brick ballast aggregate showed beneficial performance as compared with the concrete made up of natural aggregate obtained from Sargodha. It reduces the cost of concrete by reducing the aggregate cost and produces economical infrastructure system. The waste generated from the brick kiln is utilized efficiently, making environment friendly encouraging green construction.Key words: Over Burnt brick Ballast Aggregate, Kiln, Green construction Reference [1] The Dallas Sierra Club Take Action: Recycling Dallas, TX updated: 5/20/2008 http://texas.sierraclub.org/dallas/conservation/take-action/recycling.pdf [2] Ashfaq Hasan, The Art and Science of Brick Making, 1987: p. 107. [3] William P. Spence and Eva Kultermann, Construction Materials, Methods, and Techniques. 3rd Ed. p. 113. [4] Mechanical Behavior of Concrete as a Composite Material by C.V.S. Kameshwara Rao, R.N. Swamy, P.S. Mangat, P. No 266. [5] Marek, C. R. Gallaway, B. M. and Long, R. E., "Look at Processed Rubble – It is a Valuable Source for Aggregates", Roads and Streets,Vol. 114, No. 9, Sept. 1971, p 82-85. Tariq Ali, Nouman Iqbal, Muhammad Ali Khan, Dr Mehboob Ali, Dr Khan Shahzada |
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4. | Baseline Air Quality Monitoring For Palvoncha Thermal Power Plant
Baseline Air Quality Monitoring For Palvoncha Thermal Power PlantAbstract: The paper describes the experience and results from three months of baseline air quality monitoring campaigns in the Palvoncha city, Khammam District of Andhra Pradesh. Air quality measuring is still less experienced in South India. In this study the air pollutants majorly concentrated. Air quality measurement of PM10, PM2.5, NOx and SO2 concentrations has been done in several locations in Palvoncha.Key words: Air pollution, Air quality monitoring. Reference [1] F. Popescu, I. Ionel, C. Ungureanu, Ambient air quality monitoring in Timisoara. Current situation and perspectives, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol 10 (1), 1–13, 2009. [2] M. Apascaritei, F. Popescu, I. Ionel, Air pollution level in urban region of Bucharest and in rural region, SSE'09 Proceedings 11th WSEAS International Conference on Sustainability in Science Engineering, 2009, p. 330. [3] D. Patronas, A. Karida, A. Papadopoulou, A Pisiha, K. Xipolitos, G. Kokkinis, K. Vosnaikos, B. Grammatikis, F. Vosniakos, K. Vasdekis, Air pollution and noise pollution due to traffic in three Greek cities, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Year 2009, Book 2, p. 332. [4] I. HAIDUC, C. ROBA, L. BOBOS, L. FECHETE-RADU. Urban aerosols pollution. Case study – Cluj-Napoca city, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Year 2009, Book 3, p. 611. [5] M. Pavelescu, A. Pavelescu, A. Sandulescu, Nuclear power and the environment, Rom. Journ. Phys., Vol. 50, Nos. 5–6, P.473–491, 2005. P. Prasad Rao, M. Anji Reddy |
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5. | The Impact of Market Orientation on the Performance of Islamic Banks (Case Study: Jordanian Islamic Banks)
The Impact of Market Orientation on the Performance of Islamic Banks (Case Study: Jordanian Islamic Banks)Abstract: The aims of study to know the "impact of market orientation on Islamic banks" according to the perspective of the market" for customers, competitors, and jobs, and due to its importance, it focuses on addressing the problems faced by the performance of Islamic banks operating in Jordan. The study showed public and private obstacles facing the Jordanian banking performance according to the perspective of a change in the needs and desires of customers, competition situation, and coordination between the various banking functions. The study population included the employees in the Islamic banks in Jordan amounting to 710 employee, including (3) Islamic banks; the study sample consisted of 71 employees who were randomly selected. In collecting data, the researcher depended on elementary and secondary resources and supported them with related studies. The study concluded that the banking performance faces a gap or lack of the management understanding of the rapid and changing requirements of customers (the gap of banking management) with employees and customers in addition to the fact that competitors in the banking sector have highly competitive and distinctive abilities according to their banking resources and the customers' requirements. The study recommended that the Jordanian Islamic banks must be combining to meet the competitive situation in the banking sector, develop the methods of providing banking services and rehabilitate and prepare the employees in a way that suits the evolution of the needs, desires and preferences of customers.Key words: Market orientation, (customers, competitors, integration), customer satisfaction, employees satisfaction Reference [1] Imam, Wi-Fi Al Said (2007) " the effective market: your way to invade and control markets," Hearty Press , Ministry of Higher Education and Information Technology, Mansur , Egypt , first edition. [2] Malaya, Nagy al (2004) "the scientific assets of banking market ", Amman, Jordan, Dar Weal House for publication, first edition. [3] United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 2011, "the tourism development strategy in Jordan", Amman, Jordan. [4] Al-Qary outi, Mohammad Qasim (2008) the principles of modern market , Amman, Jordan , Dar Weal for publication [5] Al-Ta'e, Al-Ala q, Hammed, Basher (2008), products development and pricing, Amman, Jordan, Al-Yazourihouse for publication. Dr. Mahmud Aqel Abu Dalbooh |
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6. | Optimization of Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Surveillance RADAR
Optimization of Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Surveillance RADARAbstract: Digital Signal Processing techniques for ground surveillance RADAR has been thoroughly investigated and optimized for an improved detection of target. Using the established techniques like Pulse compression, Fast Fourier Transform and Windowing, the present work optimizes the selection of pulse coding techniques, window type and different filters.The work proposes techniques to mitigate inherent problems in RADAR Signal Processing like Range Side Lobe and Clutter. This paper covers the complete design of digital signal processing building blocks of Pulse Doppler RADAR namely, Modulation, Demodulation, Match Filtering, Range Side Lobe suppression, Doppler Processing and Clutter Reduction.Rejection of land and volume clutter(rain clutter) has been optimized. Related simulation results have been presented.Key words: Surveillance RADAR, Pulse compression, Range resolution, Peak side lobe level (PSL), Barker Code, FFT, Matched Filter, Clutter, Rain Clutter Reference [1] M.I. Skolnik, "Introduction to RADAR systems," McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 1981. [2] Carpentier, H. Michel, "Evolution of Pulse Compression in the RADAR Field," Microwave Conference, vol., no., pp.45-53, 17-20 Sept 1979. [3] N.N.S.S.R.K. Prasad, V. Shameem, U.B. Desai, S.N. Merchant, "Improvement in target detection performance of pulse coded Doppler RADAR based on multicarrier modulation with fast Fourier transform (FFT), " RADAR, Sonar and Navigation, IEE Proceedings - vol.151, no.1, pp.11-17, Feb 2004. [4] Bassem R. Mahafza, "RADAR Signal Analysis and Processing using MATLAB", CRC Press 2009. [5] M. Sanal, R. Kuloor, M.J. Sagayaraj, "Optimized FIR filters for digital pulse compression of biphase codes with low side-lobes, "Aerospace Conference, 2013 IEEE , vol.1, no.9, pp. 2-9 March 2013. Sonia Sethi, RanadeepSaha, JyotiSawant |
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7. | Securing The Channels Between Core Nodes In Y-Comm Framework
Securing The Channels Between Core Nodes In Y-Comm FrameworkAbstract: Future Generation Networks are the Networks that had the ability to work with all the available Wireless Technologies and in the same time support the best Qos and experience for the end user. The openness of the future Networks Architecture (Heterogeneous Networks) will have new security threats that need to be addressed due to the network architecture change. In this paper, these security threats in the AKA protocol will be addressed for the Y-comm framework. Moreover, the problem of having insecure channels between Core Nodes that leads to a lot of security threats will be investigated. Finally, a new proposal by including Authentication and Encryption module in the main protocol will be presented. This module was simulated using CASPER and successfully Verified using formal methods of FDRKey words: heterogeneous networks; Y-Comm framework; security; Future Networks; Reference [1] The Evolved Packet Core http://www.3gpp.org/The-Evolved-Packet-Core Accessed (04-11-2013) [2] LTE http://www.3gpp.org/LTE Accessed (04-11-2013) [3] Aiash, Mahdi,. "An integrated approach to QoS and security in future mobile networks using the Y-Comm framework". PHD Thesis Middlesex University's.( March 2012) [4] M. Aiash, G. Mapp, A. Lasebae, J. Loo, R. Phan , "A Survey of Potential Architectures for Communication in Heterogeneous Networks". The IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2012), April 2012. London, UK. [5] ] K Masahiro, Y Mariko, O Ryoji, K Shinsaku, T Tanaka, Secure service and network framework for mobile ethernet. Wirel Personal Commun 29, 161–190 (2004) Hossam Adel Abdel Fattah, Dr. Ahmed Abdel Hafez, Prof. Abdel Hamid A. Gaffar |
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8. | Modelling Of Converter Characteristics of Wind Energy Conversion System during Voltage Sags
Modelling Of Converter Characteristics of Wind Energy Conversion System during Voltage SagsAbstract: The proposed system presents power-control strategies of a grid-connected hybrid generation system with versatile power transfer. This hybrid system allows maximum utilization of freely available renewable energy sources like wind and photovoltaic energies. For this, an adaptive maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm along with standard perturbs and observe method will be used for the system. The turbine rotor speed is the main determinant of mechanical output from wind energy and Solar cell operating voltage in the case of output power from solar energy. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator is coupled with wind turbine for attaining wind energy conversion system. This paper addresses dynamic modeling and control of a grid-connected wind–PV–battery hybrid system with versatile power transfer. The hybrid system, unlike conventional systems, considers the stability and dispatch-ability of its power injection into the grid. The hybrid system can operate in three different modes, which include normal operation without use of battery, dispatch operation, and averaging operation. This paper also indicates the merits of the proposed system.Key words: wind energy conversion system, permanent magnet synchronous generator, voltage sags, maximum power point tracking (MPPT). Reference [1] Joanne Hui*, Alireza Bakhshai, and Praveen K. Jain, "A Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy System: A New Rectifier Stage Topology ", in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE, pp 156-161, 21-25 Feb. 2010 [2] S.K. Kim, J.H Jeon, C.H. Cho, J.B. Ahn, and S.H. Kwon, "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Grid-Connected Hybrid Generation System with Versatile Power Transfer," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, pp. 1677-1688, April 2008. [3] N. A. Ahmed, M. Miyatake, and A. K. Al-Othman, "Power fluctuations suppression of stand-alone hybrid generation combining solar photovoltaic/wind turbine and fuel cell systems," in Proc. Of Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 49, pp. 2711-2719, October 2008. [4] Y.M. Chen, Y.C. Liu, S.C. Hung, and C.S. Cheng, "Multi-Input Inverter for Grid-Connected Hybrid PV/Wind Power System," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 22, May 2007. [5] S. Jain, and V. Agarwal, "An Integrated Hybrid Power Supply for Distributed Generation Applications Fed by Nonconventional Energy Sources," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, June 2008. Pratyusha Dikkala, B. Srinivasa Rao |
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9. | Microwave-Mediated Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Ficus Elastica Leaf Extract and Application in Air Pollution Controlling Studies
Microwave-Mediated Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Ficus Elastica Leaf Extract and Application in Air Pollution Controlling StudiesAbstract: Silver Nanoparticles are applied in various fields due to its anti bacterial properties. A conventional method for synthesis of AgNP requires dangerous chemical and large amount of energy is released in the process. Environmental friendly techniques are adopted for the synthesis of nanoparticles of silver. The present research work summarizes the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using leaf extract of Ficus Elastica and alternative energy sources micro wave irradiation. The synthesized Nanoparticles are characterized by uv- visible spectroscopy and by SEM. The synthesized nanoparticles are applied for controlling SO2 and NO2 from aqueous solution of SO2 and NO2. Batch adsorption studies are carried out. The effect of the temperature on adsorption of aqueous solution is studied at different temperature. A comparison of kinetic models applied to the adsorption of on silver Nanoparticles was evaluated for the pseudo first order, pseudo second order, Elovich and intraparticle diffusion models respectively. Results show that pseudo second order model was found to correlate the experimental data. Data fitted perfectly into and Freundlich adsorption isotherms.Key words: Batch adsorption, green synthesis, silver Nanoparticles, adsorption kinetics, adsorption isotherms. Reference [1] C. Krishnaraj, E. G. Jagan, S. Rajasekar, P. Selvakumar P. T. Kalaichelvan, and N. Mohan, "Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Acalypha indica leaf extracts and its antibacterial activity against water borne pathogens". ELSEVIER International journal Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. Vol.76, pp. 50–56, 2010. [2] A. Leela, and V. Munusamy, "Tapping the unexploited plant resources for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles". African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 7, no. 17, pp.3162-3165, 2008. [3] J. Y. Song, and S. K. Beom, "Rapid biological synthesis of silver nanoparticles using plant leaf extracts". Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Vol.32, no.1, pp.79-84, 2009. [4] M. Shivashankar, and G. Sisodia, "Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles obtained from plant extracts of Moringa oleifera". International journal of Life sciences Biotechnology and Pharma research Vol. 1, no. 3, pp.65-70, 2012. [5] Y. Y. Loo, B. W. Chieng, M. Nishibuchi, and S. Radu, "Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by using tea leaf extract from Camellia sinensis". Dovepress International Journal of Nanomedicine, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 2-17, 2012. N. Gandhi, D. Sirisha and Vikas Chandra Sharma |
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10. | An Empirical Study on Modified ML Estimator and ML Estimator of
Weibull Distribution by Using Type II Censored Sample
An Empirical Study on Modified ML Estimator and ML Estimator of Weibull Distribution by Using Type II Censored SampleAbstract: In this paper MML estimator and ML estimator of Weibull distribution by using doubly type II censored sample have been derived and compared in term of asymptotic variances and mean square error. The purpose of conducting the empirical study is to see the closeness of MML estimators to ML estimator, and relative efficiency of censored sample to complete sample.Key words: Type II censored sample, Modified Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MMLE), Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) , Asymptotic Variances, Bias, Mean Square Error, Weibull distribution, Order Statistics. Reference [1] Aleem M. and Jamal F. (2009),"Modified Inference about the scale parameter of the Inverse Weibull Distribution by using type ll censored sample Sindh. Univ.Res. Jour . (Sci.Ser) Vol.41(1) 87-94. [2] Aleem M.et al (2009) Modified Inference about the scale parameter of the Weibull Distribution by using type ll censored sample.Proc.5th International Statistical Conference January 23-25. 2009, Vol 17, 203-210. [3] Akhter . S (2006) a study on parameter estimation of exponential distribution for type-ll censored sample M.Phil thesis department of statistics G.C.U Lahore Pakistan [4] John , T.T and Chen, P (2003). Selection of the Best using Censored Data from (log-) location - Scale Populations. Preprint submitted to journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 24 October 2003. [5] Walid Abu-Dayyeh and Esam Al Sawi (1996) modified inference about the location parameter of the logistic distribution using type II censored samples pak. J. Statist. 2006 vol. 22 (2) pp 157-169 Farrukh Jamal, Muhammad Arsalan Nasir |
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11. | Fault Detection and Isolation (Fdi) Via Neural Networks
Fault Detection and Isolation (Fdi) Via Neural NetworksAbstract: Recent approaches to fault detection and isolation for dynamic systems using methods of integrating quantitative and qualitative model information, based upon soft computing (SC) methods are used. In this study, the use of SC methods is considered an important extension to the quantitative model-based approach for residual generation in FDI. When quantitative models are not readily available, a correctly trained neural network (NN) can be used as a non-linear dynamic model of the system. However, the neural network does not easily provide insight into model. This main difficulty can be overcome using qualitative modeling or rule-based inference methods. The paper presents the properties of several methods of combining quantitative and qualitative system information and their practical value for fault diagnosis of Neural network. Keywords: Soft computing methods, fault-diagnosis, FDIReference [1] Aggarwal R K, Xuan Q Y, Johns A T, Li F R, Bennett A, (1999), A novel approach to fault diagnosis in multi-circuit transmission lines using fuzzy ARTmap neural networks, IEEE transactions on neural networks, Vol.10, No.5,pp.1214-1221. [2] Altug S, Chow MY, Trussell HJ, (1999), Fuzzy inference systems implemented on neural architectures for motor fault detection and diagnosis, IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, 1999, Vol.46, No.6, pp.1069-1079. [3] Aminian M, Aminian F, (2000), Neural-network based analog-circuit fault diagnosis using the wavelet transform as pre-processor, IEEE transactions on circuits and systems ii-analog and digital signal processing Vol.47, No.2, pp.151-156. [4] Brown M & Harris C J, (1994a), Neuro-fuzzy adaptive modelling and control, Prentice Hall. Brown M & Harris C J, (1994b), The Modelling Abilities of the Binary CMAC, IEEE Int.Conf. Neural Networks,pp 1335-133 [5] Chen J, Patton R J (1999), Robust Model Based Fault Diagnosis For Dynamic Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers ISBN 0-7923-8411-3. Neeraj Prakash Srivastava, R. K. Srivastava, P. K. Vashishtha |
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12. | Economic Stability to Papua New Guinea by Contribution in Reducing Carbon Emissions through Support of DC
Economic Stability to Papua New Guinea by Contribution in Reducing Carbon Emissions through Support of DCAbstract: Papua New Guinea is said to be PNG which is one of the most adversely affected small country by the impacts of climate change. Climate Change is one of the biggest challenges facing by them today, its devastation is widespread and intense. This issue has been discussed to evolve a method to support the nation in achieving the goal of emission reduction. The affects include those on Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Tourism which have major contribution towards GDP of the PNG. PNG has a very low economic growth rate according to several economic and social indicators, the performance of the PNG economy since independence has been disappointing. Thus, there is need of taking special attention & responsibilities by giving cooperation by the nations. This is to be done by especially developed ones so as to support the small island nations in adaptation to the impacts of climate change through financial support. Through this act, the Least Developed Countries will achieve economic stability as well as imparting in reduction of carbon emissions. This paper discusses to find a path and sort out the issue. The paper also discusses various negotiating points so as to achieve the said goal mutually and amicably.Key words: PNG, Climate Change, Least Developed Countries and negotiating points Reference [1] Bell, J. D. Vulnerability of tropical Pacific fisheries and aquaculture to climate change. Secretariat of the Pacific Community, New Caledonia. 2011. [2] Asik, R. Conference of Parties (COP17). (P. Press, Interviewer) Australian Government Department of Foreign Trade and Affairs. 2013. Papua New Guinea country brief. http://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/png/. [3] Worldwide Fund for Nature. WWF in Papua New Guinea. 2013. Available from http://wwf.panda.org/who_we_are/wwf_offices/papua_new_guinea/?referer=wwforg. [4] The World Bank Group in Papua New Guinea. (WBG). Papua New Guinea Economic Briefing, 2013.availablefromhttp ://www.worldbank.org/content/dam/Worldbank/document/EAP/Papua%20New%20Guinea/PNG-Economic-Brief-2013-1.pdf [5] Pokana, J. An overview of Papua New Guinea's readiness efforts towards the mitigating of its greenhouse gases. 2013. Available from http://www.env.go.jp/en/ earth/apnet/documents/seminar/22nd/07_PNG_Pokana.pdf. Eshan Ahuja, Sidharth Ahuja, Dr. Navin Kumar Kohli |
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13. | Filter Feeding Mechanism Simulated Machine Paradigms – A Theoretical Approach
Filter Feeding Mechanism Simulated Machine Paradigms – A Theoretical ApproachAbstract: Bionics is the emerging branch of bio engineering where in the structures and functions of organism are utilized to construct a gadget that resembles the structure and performs similar function. The functional principles are also used to construct special gadgets to perform functions in the form of simulated robots. Animal models have also been used in creation of many structures/machines, for example the organization and flight mechanism of birds, echolocation in bats, and internal ear of mammals have been taken as blue prints to design aero planes, radars and telegraphic systems respectively. Here we are using ciliary feeding mechanisms in animals to create a machine that can be used for a particular purpose. Cilia are minute finger like protoplasmic extensions serve different functions like movement, creation of water current propelling and filter feeding in animals. In many invertebrates and lower chordates rotor movements of cilia create whirl pool of water current to obtain food material. Animals those use cilia for feeding are referred to ciliary feeders or filter feeders. The filter feeders are highly diverse in their habit but share common requirements. The filter feeders may be sessile or free swimming forms but the principles of feeding remains the same. In lower chordates the pharngometry of pharynx plays a decisive role in filter feeding. The filter feeding mechanism is highly evolved in animals through well designed evolutionary paradigms.Key words: Bionics, Rotary motion, Turbines, whirl pool force Reference [1] Barrington E.J.W, Invertebrate structure and function, Nelson ELBS, London. [2] Ekambaranatha Ayyar.M, A manual of Invertebrate Zoology vol.1 publisher S. Vishwanathan, Madras.1967 [3] Mc Graw Hill, Encyclopedia of science and technology, vol.6 pp-81-90, Mc Graw Hill.Co.London. [4] Veena M.S. Protochordates filters feeding mechanism simulated machine paradigms. A project work dissertation submitted to science forum, Maharani's science college for women, Mysore.2005 [5] Shelley L Armsworthy, Bruce A Mac Donald and J Evan Ward, Feeding activity, absorption efficiency and suspension feeding processes in the ascidian, haocynthyia pyriformics (stolidobranchia ascidiacea) responses to variations in diet quantity and quality, Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology, Volume 260, Issue 1, 31 May 2001, Pages 41 – 69. Channaveerappa. H, Ramesh Babu.K, Geethanjali K K |
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14. | Survey of Bounding Theory in Arabic Language
Survey of Bounding Theory in Arabic LanguageAbstract: Government and Binding Theory or Principles and Parameters Theory is a universal theory of Chomsky. Linguists of world believe that Chomsky made a revolution in linguistics by this theory. One of the sub-theories of Government and Binding Theory is Bounding Theory which explains the restrictions of grammatical movements. Chomsky claims that his theory is universal and you can perform it in all languages. This essay considers this sub-theory (Bounding Theory) in Arabic language whether is performable in this language. If the answer is positive which grounds movement include off? Some of the movement restrictions of Arabic language are like the other languages, but some of the restrictions and movements are more than what is said in this sub-theory by Chomsky.Key words: bounding theory, criterion, argument movement, argument movement. Reference [1] Azbadfatri, Behrooz. about Noam Chamsky. Tehran. Farhang Moaaser Press. 1993. [2] Chomsky, Noam. Knowledge of Language. 1986. New York: Praeger. [3] Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use. Darzi, Ali. Tehran. Nei Press. P1. 2001. [4] Language and Thought. Darzi, Ali. Tehran. Agah Press. 1997. [5] Lectures on Government & Binding. 1981. Dordrecht: Foris. Ensieh Talebi and Hossein Seyyedi |
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15. | Wireless Sensor Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
Wireless Sensor Networks: Opportunities and ChallengesAbstract: The popularity of cell phones, laptops, PDAs and intelligent electronics has made computing devices to become cheaper and more pervasive in daily life. The desire for connectivity among these devices has caused an exponential growth in wireless communication. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) provide an example of this phenomenon. WSNs belong to the general family of sensor networks that employ distributed sensors to collect information on entities of interest. This paper provides a brief introduction to wireless sensor networks. It addresses the opportunities and challenges of WSNsKey words: Wireless networks, sensors, computing Reference [1] I. F. Akylidiz et al., "A survey on sensor networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, Aug. 2002, pp. 102-114. [2] l. Mokdad et al., "Performance evaluation tools for QoS MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks," Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 12, 2014, pp. 86-99. [3] R. I. de Silva et al., "Spatial query processing in wireless sensor networks—A survey," Information Fusion, vol. 15, 2014, pp. 32-34. [4] H. Karl and A. Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2005, pp. 3-7. [5] H. K. Patil and T. M. Chen, "Wireless Sensor Network Security,' in J. Vacca (ed.), Computer and Information Security Handbook. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2013, 2nd ed.,chapter 15, pp. 349-397. Matthew N. O. Sadiku and Sarhan M. Musa, Omonowo D. Momoh |
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16. | Experimental Study of Castor Oil Based Lubricant for Automotive Applications
Experimental Study of Castor Oil Based Lubricant for Automotive ApplicationsAbstract: Vegetable oils due to their better natural propertiescan be used as an alternative to reduce the dependency on the conventional lubricants. With the depletion of conventional resources at faster pace, need of hour is to approach the safer alternatives for ensuring the availability of such resources for longer periods with lesser harm to the mankind and sorroundings.This workevaluates the prospects of Castor oil based lubricant for automotive applications in contrast to the available commercial servo gear oil. Experimentation has been performed on four ball tester set up.Material used is carbon steel balls. Refined castor and mahua oils are blended in fixed ratios and subjected to friction and wear tests. Experimentation reveals that castor mahua oil blend possess immense potential in contrast to servo gear oil due to good wear reducing traits apart from environmental benefits.Key words: Castor Oil, Mahua Oil, Servo Gear Oil, Blending, Viscosity, Four Ball Tester Reference [1] Julian, H., "The Nation, the State, and theFirst Industrial Revolution", Journal of BritishStudies, Vol.50 (20), April 2011, pp 307-331. [2] Theo, Mang ,W. Dresel, " Lubricants andLubrication" 2nd Ed. 4,2007 WILEY-VCHVerlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, WeinheimISBN: 978-3-527-31497-3. [3] http://www.palco.co.in/historyof_lubricants.html. [4] IoanS.,"On the Future of BiodegradableVegetable Lubricants Used for Industrial TriboSystems",Gal I Fascicie2002;VIII:pp 1221-4590. [5] WilfriedJ.Bartz, "Ecotribology: EnvironmentallyAcceptable Tribological Practices", TribologyInternational, Vol. 39, 2006, pp728–733. Amit Suhane, R.M.Sarviya, A.Rehman, H.K.Khaira |
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17. | GPS Based Autonomous Flight Control System for an Unmanned Airship
GPS Based Autonomous Flight Control System for an Unmanned AirshipAbstract: An unmanned airship, also known as a Unmanned aircraft System (UAS) or a remotely piloted aircraft is a machine which functions either by the remote control of a navigator or pilot. The unmanned airship uses the autonomous flight, navigation and guidance based on the telemetry command of ground station. The Autonomous Flight Control System (AFCS) [1] plays a key role in achieving the given requirements and missions. This paper introduces the overall design architecture of the hardware and software of the flight control systems in a 50m long unmanned airshipKey words: AFCS, COS,DLG, HILS,PMC Reference [1] E.H.J. Pallett, T. Eng.(CEI), A.M.R. Ae. S., F.S.L.A.E.T," Automatic Flight Control ", Granada, London Toronto, Sydney, NewYork. [2] Kim, D.M.et., "Development of an Unmanned Airship System", Proceeding of 4th International Airship Convention And Exibition, July 2002. [3] Yeom, C.H. et al., "System Integration Standard for KARI 50m Unmanned Airship", KARI Technical Report, May 2002. [4] Ahn, I.G. et al., "Development Standard of Flight Control System for KARI 50m Unmanned Airship", KARI Technical Report, May 2002. [5] Ryu, H. et al., "Design of FCC Software for KARI Unmanned Airship", KARI Technical Report, May 2002. Vishnu G Nair, Dileep M V, Prahalad K R |
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18 | An Investigation For Control Aspect Towards Modeled Dexterous
Hand System
An Investigation For Control Aspect Towards Modeled Dexterous Hand SystemAbstract: The research domain of prosthetic technology has always remained a dialectic zone of creativity, yoking together technology and biomedical necessity. Any part of the human body replication procedure commences the prosthetic control science. Dexterity, adroitness in using the hands or body, is the prime or essential aspect in modeling dexterous hand. Simulation procedure implies to build up stability of the reference transfer function of Dexterous Hand. The present work deals with the discussion of stability criteria and simulation in discrete domain of Dexterous Hand.Key words: Dexterous Hand, Control Strategy, Stability Analysis, Simulation and Numerical Approach. Reference [1] J. Tsinias," Sufficient Lyapunov-like conditions for stabilization", Math. Contr. Signals Syst., Volume 2, Number 4, 343-357,1989. [2] B. Neogi, A.Roy, S. Mukherjee, S. Ghosal, S. Ghosh, A. Chatterjee, S.Dutta, A. Das & D. N. Tibarewala, "Simulator Generation of Jury's Stability Test In z Domain", International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Application. [ISSN:0974-1518] Vol. 3, No. IV, pp. 411-421, 2010. [3] The Times of India, Kolkata (pp.13) Wednesday, September 20, 2006. [4] Dudley S. Childress Historical Aspects of Powered Limb Prostheses by Dudley S. Childress, Ph.D. Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics No.1, pp. 2 – 13. [5] Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop, "Modern Control Systems" (8th Edition), Addison Wesley Longman 1998, pp 753-759 Rahul Roy, Anuradha Verma, Asutosh Kumar, Rajdeep Chatterjee |
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19. | Trajectory Optimization of Launch Vehicles Using Steepest Descent Method – A Novel Approach
Trajectory Optimization of Launch Vehicles Using Steepest Descent Method – A Novel ApproachAbstract: Trajectory optimization of a generic launch vehicle is considered in this paper. The direct application of a nonlinear programming method is used in recent literature, which transforms the original problem into a nonlinear optimization problem.To study the rocket motion under the influence of gravitational field, 2-D simulator is developed. The rocket motion is analyzed for a gravity turn trajectory. The objective is to ensure desired terminal conditions as well as minimum control effort in the low dynamic pressure region. Design of optimal trajectory for a single stage rocket is a two point boundary problem. Trajectory is designed for a single stage liquid rocket.Trajectory is computed for a given initial and final condition using equations of motion of rocket in 2-D plane. Hamiltonian is formulated for the given constraints. The non-linear equations are solved using steepest descent method.It is assumed that the launch vehicle is not experiencing any perturbations. Results are compared for Runge-kutta and Euler‟s integration methods,which clearly brings out the potential advantages of the proposed approachKey words: Trajectory optimization, Steepest descent method, Euler‟s method, Runge-Kutta method Reference [1] Bruce A. Conway"A Survey of Methods Available for the Numerical Optimization of Continuous Dynamic Systems" J Optim Theory Appl (2012) 152:271–306 © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 [2] Schwartz, A. L., "Theory and Implementation of Numerical MethodsBased on Runge–Kutta Integration for Solving Optimal ControlProblems," Ph.D. Thesis, Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1996. [3] C. V. Sirisha and M. Manickavasagam, "A Specific Energy Based Guidance Algorithm for the Hypersonic Launch Vehicle", International Conference on Avionics Systems–2008Conference, RCI, Hyderabad. [4] Lukkana Varaprasad and Radhakant Padhi "Ascent Phase Trajectory Optimization Of A Generic Launch Vehicle" XXXII NATIONAL SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, IIT-Roorkee. NSC 2008 [5] Nobuhiro YOKOYAMA, Shinji SUZUKI "Flight Trajectory Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm Combined with Gradient Method" e-journal: Information Technology for Economics &Management (ITEM) Volume 1, No 1, 2001 Paper 10 Dileep M V, Vishnu G Nair, Prahalad K R,Surekha Kamath |
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20. | A Study On Recent Trends In High Subsonic Flow Over Delta Wings
A Study On Recent Trends In High Subsonic Flow Over Delta WingsAbstract: An understanding of the vortical structures and vortex breakdown is essential for the development of highly maneuverable and high angle of attack flight. This is primarily due to the physical limits these phenomena impose on aircraft and missiles at extreme flight conditions. In today's competitive world, demands for more maneuverable and stealthy air vehicles have encouraged the development of new control concepts for separated flows and vortex flow.An overview is given about investigations on a 65◦ delta wing using the Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) techniques, carried out in the framework of Vortex flow experiment. For the delta wing with rounded leading edges and subsonic flow, the occurrence of a flat vortical structure as well as the onset of the primary vortex and the development of a vortex system consisting of an inner and outer vortex is described in dependency of the angle of attack and the Reynolds number. The Q -criterion is applied to the measured velocity data to estimate the circulation strength of individual vortices allowing for a quantitative description of the vortex developments and interactions. Furthermore, a case at transonic flow speeds (M = 0.8) is described, showing a sudden occurrence of vortex breakdown above the delta wing, most probably induced by a shock wave.Vortex Flow Experiment provided a variety of experimental data for a 65◦ swept delta wing sharp and blunt leading edges. Flow details including forces and moments, surface pressures,Pressure Sensitive Paint measurements, and off-surface flow variables from Particle Image Velocimetry were made available for comparisons with computational simulations. This paper concentrates on some typical problems of delta wings with rounded leading edges at subsonic speed: the prediction of the main leading edge separation, the generation of the second inner vortex, the effect of transition, and Reynolds number effects.Key words: Subsonic flow ,delta wing, Vortex flow Reference [1] Robert Konrath, Christian Klein, Andreas Schroder, "PSP and PIV investigations on the VFE-2 configuration in sub- and transonic flow". 2012. [2] Willy Fritz. "Numerical simulation of the peculiar subsonic flow-field about the VFE-2 delta wing with rounded leading edge". 2012. Hand books [1] John D Anderson Jr., "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics", TMH. Web [1] http://prezi.com/j_39bpgrlfmp/subsonic-flow-over-a-delta-wing/ Vishnu G Nair, Dileep M V, Prahlad K R |
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21. | Supply Chain Management of Satellite Mechanisms- Product Development and Monitoring
Supply Chain Management of Satellite Mechanisms- Product Development and MonitoringAbstract: The project report primary deals with the Testing, Analysis, Modeling of the components of the Solar Array deployment Mechanism and a preliminary design. It also discusses the Monitoring of the supply chain management system for the procurement of the components from vendors. The deployment of solar array or any other appendage is a mission critical activity of any satellite. It is necessary to study about the deployment mechanism because once the array latches up, the satellite can have disturbance resulting in attitude change. To begin, a detail study of the drawings of all the components, assemblies and sub-assemblies incorporated in the deployment mechanism was done. A literary review was carried out to investigate the research done previously and the research currently being done in the field of deployment mechanisms. This was followed by the designing of the components of SADM in Unigraphics. The components were assembled with their respective sub-assemblies. The next step was to perform the testing of components on various testing machines & thereafter analyzing the results. A conceptual design was prepared for the Solar Array Deployment Mechanism. A proper approach was used for the supply chain management of the procurement of raw materials.The torsion spring parameters were calculated, which importantly included the pre rotation angle, spring angular and the time required by the wings to deploy. The hinges were tested on the auto hinge characterization setup and the torque value required to deploy the wings was compared with the required value. The testing of micro switches was performed and the values of loads at actuation point, deactuation point, over travel and the gap between actuation and deactuation was compared with the actual values required. Torsion springs were tested and it was seen whether the stiffness values of the torsion springs are in limit to the defined value or not.Several components of Solar Array Deployment Mechanism were modeled in 3D. A simulating model of the preliminary design was made using Solid Works in which the deployment of the wings was shown by making use of the servo motor. The values of the torque required for hinges, loads at actuation point, deactuation point, over travel and the gap between actuation and deactuation and stiffness values of the springs were approximately accurate. Some errors had occurred due to the improper setup of the components on the fixtures.Unigraphics was used for the modeling of the components of Solar array Deployment Mechanism. The preliminary design was modeled and simulated in Solid Works.Key words: Satrellite, supply chain, unigraphics Reference [1] B. Lakshmi Narayana, B.P. Nagaraj and B.S Nataraju, "Deployment Dynamics of Solar Array with Body Rates", International ADAMS User Conference, 2000, page numbers [2] Marino Fragnito and Sergio Vetrella, "A Space Release/Deployment System Actuated By Shape Memory Wires", Acta Astronautica, Vol 51, 2002, page numbers [3] Hamza Baig, "Integrated Design of Solar Panels Deployment Mechanisms For a Three Unit Cubesat", Arab Satellite Communication Organization, 2012, page numbers [4] Ju Won Jeong et al, "Development of a Tape Spring Hinge with a SMA Latch for a Satellite Solar Array Deployment Using the Independence Axiom", 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, 2012 [5] M. Mirshams et al, "Design of Deployment Mechanism of Solar Array of a Sample Sateliite and investigation of Deployment on control Attitude of Satellite", Department of Mechanical Engineering, K. N. Toosi Univerity, Iran Sreejith, Vishnu G Nair, Akhil Vishnu |
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22. | Robust Feature Based Automatic Text-Independent Gender Identification System Using Gmm
Robust Feature Based Automatic Text-Independent Gender Identification System Using GmmAbstract: In this paper, robust feature for Automatic text-independent Gender Identification System has been explored. Through different experimental studies, it is demonstrated that the timing varying speech related information can be effectively captured using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). The study on the effect of feature vector size for good Gender Identification demonstrates that, feature vector size in the range of 18-22 can capture Gender related information effectively for a speech signal sampled at 16 kHz, it is established that the proposed Gender Identification system requires significantly less amount of data during both during training as well as in testing. The Gender Identification study using robust features for different mixtures components, training and test duration has been exploited. I demonstrate the Gender Identification studies on TIMIT database.Key words: Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Gender, LPC, MFCC. Reference [1] Alex Acero and Xuedong Huang, "Speaker and Gender Normalization for Continuous-Density Hidden Markov Models", in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal , IEEE, May 1996. [2] C. Neti and Salim Roukos., "Phone-specific gender-dependent models for continuous speech recognition", Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU97), Santa Barbara, CA, 1997. [3] R. Vergin, A. Farhat and D.O‟Shaughnessy, "Robust gender-dependent acoustic-phonetic modeling in continuous speech recognition based on a new automatic male/female classification", Proc. Of IEEE Int. Conf. on Spoken Language (ICSLP), pp. 1081, Oct. 1996. [4] A. Nagesh, V. Kamakshi Prasad, " New Feature Vectors for Automatic Text-Independet Language Identification" IJCSC, Vol. 2, Issue 2 pp553-558, 2011. [5] S. Slomka and S. Sridharan, "Automatic gender identification optimized for language independence", Proc. Of IEEE TENCON‟97, pp. 145-148,Dec. 1997. R Rajeswara Rao |
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23. | Reduction of Image Blurring With Digital Filters
Reduction of Image Blurring With Digital FiltersAbstract: In digital photography image blurring is one of the general artifacts. Digital filters and algorithm is well-known for deblurring the image. This paper proposed different filters and algorithm like inverse filter, wiener filter and an improved Lucy-Richardson deconvolution algorithm. Before deconvolution step, we separate the blurred image into smooth part. By introducing different noises and image corrupting parameters scale and length the blurred image are then used for image deblurring. The filter comparison provides the different parameter which decided the image quality and best result.Key words: Inverse Filter, Wiener Filter, Lucy-Richardson Algorithm Reference [1] S. Morigi, L. Reichel, F. Sgallari, and F. Zama, An iterative method for linear discrete ill-posed problems with box constraints, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 198 (2007), pp. 505–520. [2] "Adaptive filter design for image deblurring by using multi-criteria blurred image information" Ziya Telatar ,Journal Digital Signal Processing Volume 15 Issue 1, January, 2005 Pages 4- 18 http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=17014 32 Books: [3] Gonzalez, Rafeal C. and Woods, Richard E. Digital image processing, 2nd edition Prentice Hall, Beijing China 2002 Theses: [4] M. Biswas,"Content adaptive video processing algorithms for digital TV," Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. California, San Diego, 2005. Proceedings Papers: [5] Shay Har-Noy, Truong Q. Nguyen LCD Motion Blur Reduction: A Signal Processing Approach, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 17, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2008 Annu Gupta, Sanjivani Shantaiya |
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24. | Preparation and Characterization of (PEO+NaClO3) Based Polymer Electrolyte System and Its Application as an Electrochemical Cell
Preparation and Characterization of (PEO+NaClO3) Based Polymer Electrolyte System and Its Application as an Electrochemical CellAbstract: Ion conducting polymer electrolyte films of poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO) complexed with NaClO3 salt have been prepared in the weight ratios (90:10), (80:20) and (70:30) by solution-casting technique using methanol and water as solvents. The complexation of poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO) and NaClO3 have been studied by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), IR and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Using these polymer electrolyte films, solid-state electrochemical cells are fabricated and their discharge characteristics are examined for a constant load of 100 k. Several cell parameters associated with the cells evaluated and reported.Key words: Polymer, poly (ethylene oxide), X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, electrochemical cells. Reference [1] J.R. Mac Callum, C.A. Vincent (Eds.), In: Polymer Electrolyte Reviews, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987. [2] M.B. Armand, Ann. Rev. Mater. Sci. 16(1986) 245. [3] M.A. Ratner, D.F. Shriver, Chem. Rev. 88 (1988) 109. [4] J.R. Owen, in: A.L. Lasker, S. Chandra (Eds.), Superionic Solids and Solid Electrolytes Ð Recent Trends, Academic Press, New York, 1989, p. 111. [5] D.F. Shriver, B.L. Papke, M.A. Ratner, R. Doppon, T. Wong, M. Brodwin, Solid State Ionics 5 (1981) 83. T. Sreekanth |
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25. | Pid Plus Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Electronic Load Controller For Self Exited Induction Generator
Pid Plus Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Electronic Load Controller For Self Exited Induction GeneratorAbstract: This paper deals with the electronic load controller for self exited induction generator using PID plus fuzzy logic controller. The self-excited induction generators (SEIGs) are considered to be well suited for generating electricity by means of conventional energy sources and for supplying electrical energy in remote and rural areas. Induction generators have many advantages such as cost, reduced maintenance, rugged, and simple construction, brushless rotor (squirrel cage). A three phase induction generator can be operated on a delta connection for supplying single phase loads. The main disadvantage of SEIG has is that it poor voltage regulation, and its value depends on the prime mover speed, capacitance, load current and power factor of the load. The electronic load controller (ELC) can be used for maintaining constant voltage and frequency of SEIG with variable consumer load driven by constant prime mover. This paper presents the simulation design and implementation of ELC using fuzzy logic method for an SEIG feeding single-phase load. The ELC consist of a rectifier, IGBT as a chopper switch, PI controller, voltage sensor, and resistive dump load in which power consumption was varied through the duty cycle of the chopper. However an ELC consist of electronics system, in general, has complex nonlinear model with parameter variation problem, and the control need to be very fast. The fuzzy logic based controller gives nonlinear control with fast response and virtually no overshoot. The simulation of ELC for self exited induction generator is carried out on MATLAB/SIMULINK. By this proposed ELC using FLC for SEIG we can maintain the constant voltage and frequency of SEIG with variable consumer load.Key words: Electronic load controller (ELC), Self excited induction generator (SEIG), Fuzzy logic controller and PID. Reference [1] R. C. Bansal, "Three-Phase Self-Excited Induction Generators: An Overview," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 292-299 June 2005. [2] Chandra, T.S., Bishnu, P.M., Voltage Regulators for Self Excited Induction Generator, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 20, no. 4, pp 460÷463,April 2004. [3] Juan M. Ramirez and Emmanuel Torres M., "An electronic load controller for self excited induction generators" in IEEE PES General Meeting, June 24-28, 2007. [4] Sarsing Gao, S. S. Murthy, G. Bhubaneswar, and M. Sree Lalitha Gayathri, "Design of a Microcontroller Based Electronic Load Controller for a Self Excited Induction Generator Supplying Single - Phase Loads," Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 10, No.4, pp.444- 449, 2010. [5] Bhim Singh, S.S. Murthy & Sushma Gupta ,"An Electronic Voltage and Frequency Controller for Single-Phase Self-Excited Induction Generators for Pico Hydro Applications", IEEE PEDS, pp 240-245,2005. S.Swathi, V. Vijaya Kumar Nayak, Sowjanya Rani ,Yellaiah.Ponnam |
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26. | Detection of an Alpha Rhythm of EEG Signal Based On EEGLAB
Detection of an Alpha Rhythm of EEG Signal Based On EEGLABAbstract: The EEG (Electroencephalogram) is the electrical activity of brain that can be detected and measured by putting electrodes according to international 10-20 system on the scalp. There are four major frequency rhythms in EEG. Alpha is one of the frequency bands. This rhythm is very important because of its application in seizure suppression and for treatment of depression in biofeedback method. Hence detection of alpha band's place and patient state has importance. However EEG waves contain useful information of brain, but we cannot see these information by observing in time domain directly. Hence we have to analyze these waveforms by signal processing techniques. In this paper, EEGLAB is used for processing and taking power spectrum density (PSD), which explains how the power of a signal is distributed with frequency. PSD of different subjects with open and closed eyes is shown in this paper. EEG data are downloaded from free database physionet in MIT/BIH database. It is observed that alpha rhythm in back of head and with closed eyes has dominant power in periodgram.Key words: Alpha rhythm, Artifact, dominant power, EEG,EEGLAB, PSD Reference [1] Steven Dowshen, MD. September (2010) http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/sick/eeg.html. [2] D Puthankattil Subha, Paul K Joseph, Rajendra Acharya U, Choo Min Lim, EEG signal analysis: a survey. Journal of Medical Systems, 34:195–212 (2010). [3] Palva, S. and Palva, J.M., New vistas for a-frequency band oscillations, Trends Neurosci. (2007), doi:10.1016/j.tins.2007.02.001. [4] Ulrich Kraft. Train Your Brain-Mental exercises with neurofeedback may ease symptoms of attention-deficit disorder, epilepsy and depression--and even boost cognition in healthy brains. Scientific American. (2006). [5] Arnaud Delorme, Hilit Serby, and Scott Makeig, The EEGLAB Tutorial, http://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/eeglabtut.html Samaneh Valipour, A.D. Shaligram, G.R.Kulkarni |
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27. | A Brief Survey on the Advancement of Smart Grid
A Brief Survey on the Advancement of Smart GridAbstract: The Smart Grid, regarded as the next generation power grid, uses two-way communication of electricity and information to create a widely distributed automated energy delivery network. In this article, a review work on different aspects on the enabling technologies for the Smart Grid is being presented. Infrastructure of Smart Grid can be broadly classified into three terms namely the smart infrastructure system, the smart management system, and the smart protection system. We also presented a review work in which implementation strategy of Smart Grid in different countries was briefly highlighted. In this paper then some advantages and hindrance of Smart Grid was also explained. Specifically, we focused for the smart infrastructure system, we explore the smart energy subsystem, the smart information subsystem, and the smart communication subsystem. For the smart management system, we explore various management objectives, such as improving energy efficiency, profiling demand, maximizing utility, reducing cost, and controlling emission. We also explore various management methods to achieve these objectives. For the smart protection system, we explore various failure protection mechanisms which improve the reliability of the Smart Grid, and explore the security and privacy issues in the Smart Grid.Key words: Smart Grid, bidirectional energy flow, Peak curtailment, demand side management, Sustainability Reference [1] AF- Mercados EMI & Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation: Integrating Variable Renewal Energy with the Grid : Lessons From the southern Region ,Nov 2012. [2] Kelvin Tan, Valerie Choy, Zhang Ming Hui: Key Technical issues for Renewable Energy Grid Integration and Development in Asia ,2012. [3] M. C. Kintner-Meyer, D. P. Chassin, R. G. Pratt, J. G. DeSteese, L. A. Schienbein, S. G. Hauser, W. M. Warwick (2003-11). GridWise: The Benefits of a Transformed Energy System (PDF). Pacific Northwest National Laboratory [4] Michael T. Burr, "Reliability demands drive automation investments," Public Utilities Fortnightly, Technology Corridor department, Nov. 1, 2003. Chandra Mukherjee, Pratibha Bharti, Mrs A.N.Mahajan |
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28. | Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Topological Spaces
Connectedness in Ideal Bitopological Topological SpacesAbstract: In this paper we study the notion of connectedness in ideal bitopological spaces. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 54A10, 54A05, 54A20Key words: ideal bitopological spaces, pairwise *-connected sets, pairwise *-separated sets, pairwise *s-connected sets, pairwise *-connected ideal bitopological spaces Reference [1] Arenas, F. G., Dontchev, J, Puertas, M. L., Idealization of some weak separation axioms. Acta Math. Hungar. 89 (1-2) (2000), 47-53. [2] Dontchev, J., Ganster, M., Rose, D., Ideal resolvability. Topology and its Appl. 93 (1999), 1-16. [3] Ekici, E., Noiri, T., Connectedness in ideal topological spaces. Novi Sad J. Math.Vol. 38, No. 2, 2008, 65-70 [4] Hatir, E., Keskin, A., Noiri, T., A note on strong β-I-sets and strongly β-I- continuous functions. Acta Math. Hungar. 108 (1-2) (2005), 87-94. [5] Jafari, S., and Rajesh, N., On qI open sets in ideal bitopological spaces, University of Bacau, Faculty of Sciences, Scientific Studies and Research, Series Mathematics and Informatics., Vol. 20, No.2 (2010), 29-38 Mandira Kar, S. S. Thakur |
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29. | Review of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WLAN and WiMAX
Review of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WLAN and WiMAX ApplicationAbstract: In this rapid changing world in wireless communication, dual or multiband antenna has been playing a key role for wireless service requirements. Wireless local area network (WLAN) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) have been widely applied in mobile devices such as handheld computers and smart phones. These two techniques have been widely considered as a cost-effective, flexible, reliable and highspeed data connectivity solution, enabling user mobility. This paper presents a literature survey of dual band rectangular patch antenna for WLAN and WiMAX application with variety of substrate, feed techniques and slots. In this paper we also discuss the basics of microstrip antenna, various feeding techniques, design model and antenna parameters with their advantage and disadvantages.Key words: Microstrip antenna, feed techniques, Dielectric, Patch width, Patch Length. Reference [1] R. Jothi Chitra,V. Nagarajan ,2013. "Double L-slot microstrip patch antenna array for WiMAX and WLAN applications", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 39, pp 1026-1041 [2] Bharath Kelothu, K.R. Subhashini, IEEE Transactions 2012."A compact high-gain microstrip patch antenna for dual band WLAN application". [3] Xu-bao Sun ,Mao-Young Cao, 2012. "A rectangular slot with Transactions improved bandwidth", Elsevier Science Direct, Vol. 66, pp 465-466. [4] M A Matin, M.P Saha, H. M. Hasan, 2010 " Design of broadband patch antenna for WiMAX and WLAN", IEEE. [5] Chien- Yuan Pan, Tzyy-sheng horng, 2007. "Dual wideband printed monopole antenna for WLAN/WiMAX application", IEEE. Neha Parmar, Manish Saxena, Krishnkant Nayak |
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30. | Half Swing Clocking Scheme at 45nm
Half Swing Clocking Scheme at 45nmAbstract: Achievement of high processor speed with low power consumption is an elemental factor in processor technology, especially for hand-held devices. The need for low power has caused a major paradigm shift where power dissipation has become a important consideration as performance and area. In CMOS circuits, dynamic power consumption is proportional to the transition frequency, capacitance, and square of supply voltage. Consequentially, lowering supply voltage delivers significant power savings compromising the speed of processor. Large portion of the total power is consumed in the clocking circuitry in embedded processor technology. So clock power can be reduced using half swing of clock scheme which will cut down the power dissipation and minimum speed degradation. In Digital circuits by using double-edge triggered flip flops (DETFFs), the clock frequency can be significantly reduced ideally, in half while preserving the rate of data processing. Using lower clock frequency may translate into considerable power savings for the clocked portions of a circuit, including the clock distribution network and flip-flops. The designing is based on 45nm process technology.Key words: Clock power, CMOS, DETFF Reference [1] David Levacq, M.Yazid, Hiroshi Kawaguchi, M. takamaya" Half VDD clock swing flip flop with reduced contention for upto 60% power saving in clock distribution"IEEE Trans.,2007. [2] Farhad HajAli Asgari and Manoj Sachdev" A Low-Power Reduced Swing Global Clocking Methodology" IEEE TRANS. Vol. 12, no. 5, May 2004. [3] Jae-Il Kim and Bai-Sun Kong "Dual Edge-Triggered NAND-Keeper Flip-Flop for High-Performance VLSI" Hankuk Aviation University, 200-1 Hwajun-dong Deokyang-gu, Goyang, Kyunggi-do, 412-791, Korea,May 2003. [4] Jatuchai Pangjun and Sachin S. Sapatnekar," low power clock distribution using multiple voltages and reduced swings" in University of Minnesota ,June2002. [5] Loew, M.; Pfleiderer, H.-J.; Bruels, N. "Power Saving in CMOS using Half swing clocking scheme", Solid-State Circuits Conference, 2001.ESSCIRC 2001. Sakshi Verma, Mukesh Maheshwari |
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31. | Implementation of High Performance Fir Filter Using Low Power Multiplier and Adder
Implementation of High Performance Fir Filter Using Low Power Multiplier and AdderAbstract: The ever increasing growth in laptop and portable systems in cellular networks has intensified the research efforts in low power microelectronics. Now a day, there are many portable applications requiring low power and high throughput than ever before. Thus, low power system design has become a significant performance goal. So this paper is face with more constraints: high speed, high throughput, and at the same time, consumes as minimal power as possible. The Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter is the important component for designing an efficient digital signal processing system. So, in this paper author trying, a FIR filter is constructing, which is efficient not only in terms of power and speed but also in terms of delay. When consider the elementary structure of an FIR filter, it is found that it is a combination of multipliers and delays, which in turn are the combination of adders. . This paper presents an efficient implementation and analysis for performance evaluation of multiplier and adder to minimize the consumption of energy during multiplication and addition methodology to improve the performance by compares different type of Multipliers and adder, respectively. By using, power comparison result of adders and multiplier, choice low power adder and multiplier to implementation of high performance FIR filter.Key words: DSP, FPGA, Multiplier, VHDL Reference [1] Ankit Jairath, Sunil Kumar Shah, Amit Jain – "Design & implementation of FPGA based digital filters", Journal of IJARCET, ISSN: 2278-1323, Vol. 1, Issue 7, Sept. 2012. [2] T Ramesh Reddy, Dr. K. Soundara Rajan – "Low Power and Low Area Digital FIR filter using Different Multipliers and Adders", International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol.1, Issue 3, May-2012. [3] Shraddha S. Borkar and Awani S. Khobragade – "Optimization of FIR Digital Filter using Low Power MAC", IJCSET, ISSN: 2231-0711, Vol.2, Issue 4, 1150-1154, April-2012. [4] Prof. Gopal S. Gawande, Dr. K. B. Khanchandani, T.P. Marode – "Approaches to Design and Implement High Speed Low Power Digital Filter: Review", International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research (IJCCR), ISSN: 2249-054X, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 1 January 2012. [5] G.J.V.S.N. Lakshmi Devi and M. Ramesh Kumar – "Design and Implementation of Energy Efficient, Reconfigurable Fir filter using Modified Booth and C.S.A.", Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (JEEE), ISSN: 2250-2424, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Sept 2012 11-18. Sweety Kashyap, Mukesh Maheshwari |
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32. | A Mathematical Model Using Gamma Process to Find Pulsatile LH Secretion in Women with Premenstrual Syndrome
A Mathematical Model Using Gamma Process to Find Pulsatile LH Secretion in Women with Premenstrual SyndromeAbstract: The uncertain arrival of shocks can be modeled as a Poisson process. When degradation takes place in very small increments almost continuously over time, a simpler and effective stochastic model of degradation can be derived as a limiting form of the compound poison process. The limiting form is obtained when the rate of damage occurrence approaches infinity in any finite time interval as the size of the increment tends to zero. Such a stochastic process is referred to as a gamma process because the cumulative damage up to time t follows the gamma distribution. The gamma process is suitable to model gradual damage monotonically accumulating over time in a sequence of tiny increments, such as wear, fatigue, degrading health index etc., In the application part the premenstrual syndrome has been proposed to result from excessive exposure to and or withdrawal of brain opioid activity during the luteal phase. The changes in the luteal LH pulse frequency failed to provide evidence that GnRH secretion is impaired, thus challenging the view that the neuroregulation of the menstrual cycle in women with PMS is markedly altered. The mathematical model has been proposed that for women suffering from severe, long term premenstrual symptoms, the symptom free interval associated with the follicular phase is compromised by the feelings of guilt and depression for neglect of families and professional responsibilities.Key words: Compound Poisson Process, EF, FSH, GnRH, ML, LH, LL. 2010 AMS Classification: 62HXX, 60 EXX Reference [1] Abdel – Hameed M.A gamma wear process. IEEE Trans Reliab 1975; 24(2): 152 – 3. [2] Backstorm CT, McNeilly AS, Leask RM, Baird DT (1982) Pulsatile secretion of LH FSH, prolactin, oestradiol and progesterone during the human menstrual cycle. Clin Endocrinol 17: 29 – 42 [3] Choung CJ, Coulam CB, Bergstrahl EJ, O'Fallon WM, Steinmetz GI (1988) Clinical trial of naltrexone inpremenstrual syndrome. Obstet Gynecol 72: 332 – 336. [4] De Kloet, E.R., Hormones and the stressed brain. Ann.N.Y Acad. Sci. 2004; 1018: 1-15. [5] Endicot, J., Andreasen, N., Spitzer, R.L., Family History Research Diagnostic Criteria. Biometric Research New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, 1975. Dr. S. Lakshmi and G. Shankari |
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33. | Design and Analysis of Gas Turbine Blade by Potential Flow Approach
Design and Analysis of Gas Turbine Blade by Potential Flow ApproachAbstract: The design features of the turbine segment of the gas turbine have been taken from the "preliminary design of a power turbine for maximization of an existing turbojet engine". It was observed that in the above design, after the rotor blades being designed they were analyzed only for the mechanical stresses. As the temperature has a significant effect on the overall stress in the rotor blades, a detailed study is carried out on the temperature effects to have a clear understanding of the combined mechanical and the thermal stresses. The first stage rotor blade of the gas turbine is analyzed for the mechanical axial and centrifugal forces. Knowing the fluid conditions at exit of the gas turbines, a value of static pressure was assumed at the turbine outlet. From this the corresponding enthalpy drop required in the power turbine is calculated. The peripheral speed of rotor and flows velocities is kept in the reasonable range so to minimize losses. In which the base profiles available and is analyzed later for flow conditions through any of the theoretical flow analysis methods such as "Potential flow Approach".Key words: Gas turbine blade, Mechanical and the thermal stresses, mechanical axial and centrifugal forces, Potential flow Approach, Static pressure, enthalpy drop Reference [1]. Steam & Gas turbines and Power Plant Engineering, VII ed., 2004, Central Publishing House Allahabad. [2]. Fundamental of Internal combustion Engine by Gill, Smith, Ziurys [3]. I.C. Engine by Rogowsky [4]. I.C. Engine Analysis and Practice by E.F. Obert [5]. Gas Turbine Theory by Cohen and Rogers V. Vijaya Kumar, R. Lalitha Narayana, Ch. Srinivas |
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34. | Experimental Investigation of Bio-Diesel Obtained From Waste Cooking Oil and Its Blends with Diesel on Single Cylinder Engine
Experimental Investigation of Bio-Diesel Obtained From Waste Cooking Oil and Its Blends with Diesel on Single Cylinder EngineAbstract: In this experiment a comprehensive experimental investigation of bio-diesel oil on single cylinder engine running with biodiesel obtained from Waste cooking oil and its blends with diesel was carried out for its performance and emission analysis. The results which obtained are significantly comparable to pure diesel. It shows that biodiesel obtained from cooking oil can be used as alternative fuel with better performance and lower emissions compared with diesel and play a very vital role for the overall economic development of the country.Key words: Waste Cooking oil, Transesterification, Engine performance, Exhaust emission Reference [1] Meher LC., Naik SN., and Das LM., "Methanolysis of pongamia pinnata (Karanja) oil for production of biodiesel." Journal of Scientific and Industrial research Volume 63, November 2004 pp 913-918. [2] Meher LC., Naik SN., "Optimization of alkali-catalyzed transesterification of Pongami pinnata oil for production of biodiesel." Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) pp. 1392-1397. [3] Tomasevic AV., Siler-Marinkovic SS." Methanolysis of used frying oil." Fuel processing Technology 81 (2003) pp. 1-6. [4] Math MC. and Irfan G. "Optimization of restaurant waste oil methyl ester yield." Journal of Scientific and Industrial research Volume 66, November 2007 pp. 772-776. [5] Stavarache C, Vinatoru M, Maeda Y. "Aspects of ultrasonically assisted transesterification of various vegetable oils with methanol.", Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 14(3) March(2007) pp.380-386. R. B. Sharma, Dr. Amit Pal, Juhi Sharaf |
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35. | The Dynamic Response Analysis of Auto Body Sheets to Node Loads
The Dynamic Response Analysis of Auto Body Sheets to Node LoadsAbstract: The 3D vehicle body model was built using UG NX6.0, then it was imported into the Workbench of Finite Elment Analyis Software ANSYS V12.1. In the Workbench, the modal analysis and harmonic response analysis of auto body sheets with 4 kinds of node load environment are implemented. Meanwhile the harmonic response analysis of engine's single sine vibration is obtained in stimulation processing based on the modal calculation. Then the rule of influence on the auto body sheets to node load environment was explored further. Node load environment increased the resonance amplitude of harmonic response analysis. What's more, the resonance amplitude increased as the increasing of node loads, which would increase the probability of vehicle structure failure.Key words: ANSYS-Workbench,vibration modal,dynamic response,harmonic response analysis,node load Reference [1] Lin, N. I., Z. H. O. N. G. Hui, and D. U. A. N. Chao. "Research on RFID Application Mode in Automotive Manufacturing Production Line." Computer Engineering 4 (2012): 074. [2] Wang, Gang, and Feng Sun. "FEA and optimize design of a new type structure of FOG." Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE), 2010 2nd International Conference on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2010. [3] Kong, Xiang Wei, et al. "Finite Element Analysis of Sieve Box Structure in Fluidized Bed." Advanced Materials Research 118 (2010): 497-501. [4] Gao, Dong Qiang, et al. "Research on the Application of Periodic Truss-Core Structures to Structural Design of Machine Tool." Advanced Materials Research 194 (2011): 1977-1981. [5] Wanqiong, Guan Fei Wang Lie Li, and Feng Benyi Li Baocheng. "A SIMPLIFIED MODEL OF A WHOLE VEHICLE AND DYNAMIC STRESS ANALYSIS OF A VEHICLE FRAME." Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics 2 (1985): 006.(in Chinese) Luo Yun, Feng Guoying, Du Yongzhao, Zhou Shouhuan |
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36. | Effect of Chemical Additives on the Shelf Life of Cucumber Juice
Effect of Chemical Additives on the Shelf Life of Cucumber JuiceAbstract: Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a commercially cultivated worldwide as a seasonal vegetable crop. The aim of the experiment was to compare the effect of different chemical additives namely Sodium benzoate, Potassium metabisulfite( KMS) and their combination, on the physicochemical and phytochemical parameters and antioxidant activity of cucumber juice. The storage was done for 6 months at room temperature and the analysis was conducted at the interval of one month. For the physicochemical parameters like TS, TSS, acidity, color values (Lab), a very slight but non-significant change was observed. Vitamin C, total phenols and antioxidant activity changed significantly (p≤0.05). The variation was found in the color of different samples. Considering all the parameters, samples treated with potassium metabisulfite maintained the maximum nutrient stability.Key words: Antioxidant activity, Chemical additives, Cucumber, Phytochemicals Reference [1] P K Mukherjee, N. K. Nema, N. Maity and B. K. Sarkar, Phytochemical and therapeutic potential of cucumber, Fitoterapia 84 (2013) 227–236. [2] G Sotiroudis, E. Melliou Sotiroudis and I. Chinou, Chemical analysis, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of three Greek cucumber (Cucumis sativus) cultivars, Journal of Food Biochemistry, 34, 2010,61-78. [3] P K Warrier, Indian medicinal plants: a compendium of 500 species (Chennai: Press Orientlongman, 1994). [4] E D A Melo, V.L.A.G. Lima, M.I.S Maciel, A.C.S. Caetano and F.L.L Leal, Polyphenol, ascorbic acid and total carotenoid contents in common fruits and vegetables, Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 9, 2006,89-94. [5] N S Gill, M. Garg, R. Bansal, S. Sood, A. Muthuraman and M. Bali, Evaluation of antioxidant and antiulcer potential of Cucumis sativus L. seed extract in rats, Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1, 2009, 131-138. Gurpreet Kaur, Poonam Aggarwal and Mohammed Javed |
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37. | Shunt Connected STATCOM Control Grid of Wind Turbine System for Balanced and Unbalanced Non Linear Loads
Shunt Connected STATCOM Control Grid of Wind Turbine System for Balanced and Unbalanced Non Linear LoadsAbstract: Injection of wind power into the grid affects the power quality resulting in poor performance of the system. The power arising out of the wind turbine when connected to a grid system concerning the power quality measurements are active power, reactive power, voltage sag, voltage sell, flicker, harmonics, and electrical behavior of switching operation. This paper proposes a control scheme based on instantaneous reactive power theory for compensating reactive power requirements of wind turbine generator as well as the harmonics produced by balanced and unbalanced.non linear loads. The proposed control scheme is simulated l using MATLAB/SIMULINK in power system block setKey words: STATCOM, Wind Turbine Generator, Instantaneous Reactive power (IRP), Hysteresis Control Reference [1] J. O. Q. Tande 'Applying Power Quality Characteristics of wind turbine for Assessing impact on Voltage Quality', wind Energy,pp52 2002 [2] Z. Chen, E. Spooner, 'Grid Power Quality with Variable Speed Wind Turbines', IEEE Trans on Energy Conversion, Vol. 16, No .2, pp 148-154, June 2001. [3] L. H. Hansen, L. Helle, F. Blaabjerg, E. Ritchie, S. Munk-Nielsen, H. Binder, P. Sørensen and B. Bak - Jensen "Conceptual Survey of Generators and Power Electronics for Wind Turbines ", Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, December 2001. [4] A.Arulampalam, M.Barnes & N.Jenkins, Power quality and stability improvement of a wind farm using STATCOM, Proc. IEE Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 153, No.6, 2006, 701-710. [5] Z.Saad-Saoud, M.L.Lisboa, J.B.Ekanayake, N. Jenkins & G.Strbac, Application of STATCOMs to wind farms, Proc. IEE Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol.145, No. 5, 1998, 511-516. Vinay Kumar. Polishetty, Dr.S.Siva Prasad |
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38. | Parametric Study and Design Optimization of Centrifugal Pump Impeller-A Review
Parametric Study and Design Optimization of Centrifugal Pump Impeller-A ReviewAbstract: Centrifugal pumps are widely used for irrigation, water supply plants, steam power plants, sewage, oil refineries, chemical plants, hydraulic power service, food processing factories and mines, because of their suitability in practically any service. Therefore it is necessary to find out the design parameters and working conditions that yield optimal output and maximum efficiency with lowest power consumption. Study indicates that Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is being increasingly applied in the design of centrifugal pumps. With the aid of the CFD approach, the complex internal flows in water pump impellers, can be well predicted, to speed up the pump design procedure. This paper exposes the various research work carried out in this direction especially in the content of parametric study and optimization of centrifugal pump impeller using CFD tool and DoE technique. Literature surveys indicate that very restricted work has been done in this area.Key words: Centrifugal pump, CFD, DOE. Reference [1] E. Dick, J. Vierendeels, S. Serbruyns and J. Vande Voorde "Performance Prediction Of Centrifugal Pumps With Cfd-Tools" tq0405e7/579 26 I 2002 BOP s.c., [2] K.W. Cheah, T. S. Lee, S. H.Winoto, and Z.M. Zhao "Numerical Flow Simulation in a Centrifugal Pump atDesign and Off-Design Conditions" Hindawi Publishing CorporationInternational Journal of Rotating MachineryVolume 2007, Article ID 83641 [3] E.C. Bacharoudis, A.E. Filios, M.D. Mentzos and D.P. Margaris, "Parametric Study of a Centrifugal Pump Impeller by Varying the Outlet Blade Angle" The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2008, 2, 75-83 [4] Andrzej Wilk "The Analysis Of A Hydraulic Efficiency Of An Open Impeller with Radial Blades Obtained In Laboratory Tests Of High Speed Impeller Pump" New Aspects Of Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer And Environment Isbn: 978-960-474-215-8 [5] LIU Houlin, WANG Yong, YUAN Shouqi, TAN Minggao, and WANG Kai "Effects of Blade Number on Characteristics of Centrifugal Pumps" chinese journal of mechanical engineering vol. 23,ano. *,a2010 Vijaypratap R Singh, M J Zinzuvadia, Saurin M. Sheth |
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39. | Robust Palm Vein Recognition Using LMKNCN Classification
Robust Palm Vein Recognition Using LMKNCN ClassificationAbstract: This paper presents a novel approach to improve the recognition percentage of palm-vascular-based authentication systems presented in the literature. The proposed method efficiently accommodates the rotational, translational changes and potential deformations by encoding the orientation preserving features. The proposed palm-vein approach is compared with other existing methods and obtained an improved performance in both verification and recognition scenarios. The experimental results obtained in this work based on PolyU and CASIA Vein databases conforms the superiority of the proposed method in both the recognition and verification.Index Terms: Biometrics, multispectral palm- print, palm-vein recognition, personal authentication, vascular biometrics. Reference [1] Chen H, Lu G. and Wang R. (2009) "A new palm vein matching method based on ICP algorithm‟ in Proc. Int. Conf. Interaction Sciences, Seoul, pp. 1207–1211. [2] Feng M.L. and Tan Y.P. (2004) "Contrast adaptive binarization of low quality document images‟ IEICE Electron. Express, vol. 1, no. 16, pp. 501–506. [3] Gayathri, R. and Ramamoorthy, P. "Automatic personal identification using feature similarity index matching", Am. J. Applied Sci., Vol. 9, pp. 678-685, 2012. [4] Gayathri, R. and Ramamoorthy, P. "Automatic palmprint identification based on high order zernike moment", Am. J. Applied Sci., Vol. 9, pp. 759-765, 2012. [5] Gayathri, R. and Ramamoorthy, P. "Palmprint recognition using feature level fusion", J. of Comput. Sci.,. Vol.8, No.7, pp.1049-1061, 2012. M. Senthil Kumar, R. Gayathri |
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40. | Active Watermarking Approach in Detecting Encrypted Traffic Attack by Making Correlation Scheme Robust
Active Watermarking Approach in Detecting Encrypted Traffic Attack by Making Correlation Scheme RobustAbstract: Network security is complex and challenging problem in today's world.Despite of many Sophisticated techniques,attack on the network continues to increase.At present,in order to hide the identity of the attacker,attackers send their attack through a chain of compromised hosts that are used as "stepping stones".In this paper we present an approach to find the connection chain of an intruder for tracing back to the origin especially if the attack through the traffic is encrypted one.Our approach will based on analysing correlations of encrypted connection between number of packets sent in outgoing connections and that of the incoming packets in the connection.We proposed a correlation scheme based on watermarking which will be robust against timing perturbation.This approach yields effective better results in terms of number of packets than in existing passive timing based coreelation.This paper presents a new method of embedding a watermark in traffic flow.Here for the purpose of embedding the watermark,the packet timing is adjusted for specific intervals.By slightly changing the packet timing,we achieve robust correlation of encrypted network against random timing perturbation.Key words: Correlation, IPD, Robustness, Stepping stones, Watermark Reference [1] X.Wang, D. Reeves, S. F. Wu and J. Yuill .Sleepy Watermark Tracing: An Active Network -Based Intrusion response framework. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on information Security (IFIP/Sec 2001),pages 369 -384. Kluwer Academic Publishers, June 2001 [2] K.Yoda and H. Etoh. Finding a Connection Chain for Tracing Intruders. In Proceeding of the 6th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2000),LNCS-1895,pages 191-205. Springer-Verlag,October 2002 [3] Y.Zhang and V. Paxson. Detecting Stepping Stones.In Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Security Symposium,pages 171 - 184.USENIX ,2000. [4] L. Zhang ,A. G. Persaud ,A. Johnson, and Y. Guan. Detection of Stepping Stone Attack under Delay and Chaff Perturbations. In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2006), April 2006 [5] I. Cox, M. Miller, and J. Bloom. Digital Watermarking. Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, 2002. Saptshree Dengle,Snehshree Dengle, Dr.Santosh Lomte |
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41. | Development of Genetic Algorithm Based Macro Mechanical Model for Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete
Development of Genetic Algorithm Based Macro Mechanical Model for Steel Fibre Reinforced ConcreteAbstract: This paper presents the applicability of hybrid networks that combine Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) for predicting the strength properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced concrete (SFRC) with different water-cement ratio (0.4,0.45,0.5,0.55), aggregate-cement ratio (3,4,5), % of fibres (0.75,1.0,1.5) and aspect ratio of fibres (40,50,60) as input vectors. Strength properties of SFRC such as compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and compaction factor are considered as output vector. The network has been trained with data obtained from experimental work. The hybrid neural network model learned the relation between input and output vectors in 1900 iterations. After successful learning GA based BPN model predicted the strength characteristics satisfying all the constrains with an accuracy of about 95%.The various stages involved in the development of genetic algorithm based neural network model are addressed at length in this paper.Key words: Aggregate-Cement ratio(A/C), Aspect ratio(AR), Back propagation network(BPN),Genetic Algorithm(GA),Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete(SFRC), Reference [1] Battacharya,A.K,Devadas Menon,Rajeevan,K. (2008), Optimal Design of precast pipe racks, Indian Concrete journal March-2008 pp-21-28 [2] Cengiz Toklu, Y., (2005). Aggregate blending Algorithm, computer Aided Civil and Infrastructural Engineering, Vol.20, NoK.6,pp 450-460. [3] Dragon A. Savic, Ken E.Evans and Thorstan Silberhorn, (1999), A Genetic Algorithm based system for the Optimal Design of Laminates, Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructural Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp.187-197. [4] Govindaraj, V., Ramasamy, J.V.,(2006) Optimum Design Of Reinforced Concrete Columns Using Genetic Algorithm, Journal of structural engineering Vol.33, No.2, June-July 2006 pp. 139-147. [5] Kong, J., Kwok, T.C.,(2006) Preliminary designing of concrete structures using Genetic Algorithm and spread sheets, 31st conference on OUR world in concrete and structures,16-17th Aug-2006 Gopala Krishna Sastry, K, V.S, Dr. Sudarsana Rao, H, Dr. Ramana Reddy, I.V and Dr.Vaishali.G.Ghorpade |
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42. | Energy Auditing Of Induction Motor
Energy Auditing Of Induction MotorAbstract: Energy crisis is one of the crucial problems faced by all the countries in the world due to depletion in natural resources used for energy generation and the huge investment for generating energy from alternate resources. This article suggested some of the major areas of energy conservation practices so that there may be a chance to see the state of Andhra Pradesh as "NO POWERCUT" state in India. A viable and immediate solution in this juncture is the energy conservation as cited by the slogan "Energy conserved is Energy Generated". Optimum use of electrical energy, not only results in cash savings, but also improves the economy of the country substantially. Hence there is an urgent need for energy management and control, which ultimately concludes with the practice of energy conservation. Energy as we all know is a crucial input in the process of economic, social and industrial development. Energy consumption is increasing at a very fast rate. With growing demand for energy ithas become essential to minimize energy leakages. This article suggest some of the methods to make the gap between power generation and demand is equal to Zero.Key words: Energy audit, induction motor, Neural network, Payback period calculations, Rewound motors Reference [1] O.C. Agustin ,"Automatic milled rice quality analysis" Future Generation Communication and Networking, vol.2., pp.112-115, Issue13-15, 2008. [2] M. D. Ahiduzzaman, A.K.M. Sadrul Islam , "Assessment of rice husk energy use for green electricity generation in Bangladesh", Developments in Renewable Energy Technology, pp.1, 2012. [3] J. Armstrong, "Quality system implementation in a pulp and paper mills", E&I maintenance group, pp. 194-202, 1994. [4] Ashrae , "Driftmier energy audit report", University of Georgia Athens, Georgea, 2006. [5] A. Boysen, H.B. Hidemark Danielson, Sweden, "Energy conservation in building and community system", 1987. Manoj Verma, Vijay Kr. Garg |
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43. | Integrated Circuit Interconnect Lines on Lossy Silicon Substrate
with Finite Element Method
Integrated Circuit Interconnect Lines on Lossy Silicon Substrate with Finite Element MethodAbstract: The silicon substrate has a significant effect on the inductance parameter of a lossy interconnect line on integrated circuit. It is essential to take this into account in determining the transmission line electrical parameters. In this paper, a new quasi-TEM capacitance and inductance analysis of multiconductor multilayer interconnects is successfully demonstrated using finite element method (FEM). We specifically illustrate the electrostatic modeling of single and coupled interconnected lines on a silicon-silicon oxide substrate. Also, we determine the quasi-static spectral for the potential distribution of the silicon-integrated circuit.Key words: Finite element method, capacitance, inductance, interconnect, silicon substrate. Reference [1] H. Ymeri, B. Nauwelaers, and K. Maex, "On the modeling of multiconductor multilayer systems for interconnect applications,"Microelectronics Journal, vol. 32, pp. 351-355, 2001. [2] H. Ymeri, B. Nauwelaers, and K. Maex, "On the frequency-dependent line admittance of VLSI interconnect lines on silicon-based semiconductor substrate," Microelectronics Journal, vol. 33, pp. 449-458, 2002. [3] H. Ymeri, B. Nauwelaers, and K. Maex, "On the capacitance and conductance calculations of integrated-circuit interconnects with thick conductors," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 335-339, 2001. [4] W. Delbare and D. De Zutter, "Accurate calculations of the capacitance matrix of a multiconductor transmission line in a multilayered dielectric medium," IEEE Microwave Symposium Digest, Long Beach, CA, pp. 1013-1016, 1989. [5] J. Zhang, Y-C. Hahm, V. K. Tripathi, and A. Weisshaar, "CAD-oriented equipment-circuit modeling of on-chip interconnects on lossy silicon substrate," IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 1443-1451, 2000. Sarhan M. Musa, Matthew N. O. Sadiku and Pamela H. Obiomon |
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45. | Experimental Investigation of Jet Impingement Cooling On a Ribbed Surface with Holes
Experimental Investigation of Jet Impingement Cooling On a Ribbed Surface with HolesAbstract: Jet impingement has found applications in many processes where there is a need for higher heat transfer The paper reports the results of experimental investigations of the flow and heat transfer from a triangular ribbed heated plate with holes, impinged by a round jet in a confined case built around the plate. The parameters varied are heat flux, ratio of the distance of the nozzle from the plate to the diameter of the nozzle and flow rate of air. These values are further processed to calculate the Reynolds number, heat transfer coefficients and consequently the Nusselt numbers for each combination.Key words: Jet impingement, Reynolds number, Triangular Ribbed surface. Reference [1] V. Narayanan, J. Seyed-Yagoobi, R.H. Page, An experimental study of fluid mechanics and heat transfer in an impinging slot jet flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 1827–1845. [2] Shyy Woei Changa, Hsin-Feng Liou ,Heat transfer of impinging jet-array onto concave- and convex-dimpled surfaces with effusion, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 4484–4499. [3] W.M. Yan, S.C. Mei, Measurement of detailed heat transfer along rib-roughened surface under arrays of impinging elliptic jets, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 5235–5245. [4] Vadiraj Katti, S.V. Prabhu, Heat transfer enhancement on a flat surface with axisymmetric detached ribs by normal impingement of circular air jet, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 29 (2008) 1279–1294 [5] Akhilesh P. Rallabandi, Dong-Ho Rhee, Zhihong Gao, Je-Chin Han, Heat transfer enhancement in rectangular channels with axial ribs or porous foam under through flow and impinging jet conditions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (2010) 4663–4671 Kartik Jujare, Shashank Kumat, Akash Thawkar |
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46. | An Adaptive Power System Stability Enhancement Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
An Adaptive Power System Stability Enhancement Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)Abstract: In this research we are investigate the controlling and enhancing or modulation power flow in a transmission line using a static synchronous series compensator (SSSC). At present studies it include detailed PWM techniques controlled for SSSC, are conducted in control circuits. In this proposed technique we are study a static synchronous series compensator is used to investigate the device in controlling active and reactive power as well as damping power system oscillations in th transient mode. This SSSC DEVICE IS EQUIPPED WITH A SOURCE ENERGY IN TH dc LINK can observe or supply the active and reactive power to or supply the active and reactive power to or from the line. This application has been done in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The simulation results are obtained from a selected bus-2 in two machine power system shows and efficiency of this compensator is one of the facts device as a member in power flow controller to achieve desired value for active, reactive powers and damping oscillations appropriately,Key words: STATCOM, SSSC, UPFC, Voltage Source Converter (VSC), FACTS Reference [1] M. Faridi , H.Maeiiat, M. Karimi, P. Farhadi and H. Mosleh (2011) "power System Stability Enhancement Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)" IEEE Transactions on power system [2] Sandeep Gupta, R. K. Tripathi (2010) "Voltage Stability Improvement in Power Systems using Facts Controllers: State-of-the- Art Review". IEEE Transactions on Power System, pp.I-8. [3] H. Taheri, S. Shahabi, Sh. Taheri and A. Gholami (2009) "Application of Synchronous Static Series Compensator (SSSC) on Enhancement of Voltage Stability and Power Oscillation Damping", IEEE Transactions on Power System, pp. 533-539 [4] Abido M. A. (2009), "Power System Stability Enhancement Using Facts Controllers: A Review", The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 34, pp. 153-172. [5] B.N. Singh, A. Chandra, K.AI-Haddad and B. Singh (1999) "Performance of sliding- mode and fuzzy controllers for a static synchronous series compensator", IEEE proceedings, Volume 146, No.2, pp. 200-206. Nagarjun Donipala, R. Suresh Babu |
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47. | Hybrid Series Capacitive Compensation Scheme In Damping Power System Oscillations Using Tcsc
Hybrid Series Capacitive Compensation Scheme In Damping Power System Oscillations Using TcscAbstract: This paper demonstrates the phase imbalanced series capacitive compensation concept to enhance power system dynamics as it has the potential of damping power swing as well as sub synchronous resonance oscillations. A scheme for a phase imbalanced capacitive compensation is shown. It is a "hybrid" series compensation scheme, where the series capacitive compensation in one phase is created using a single-phase TCSC in series with a fixed capacitor (Cc), and the other two phases are compensated by fixed series capacitors (C).Key words: FACTS controllers, phase imbalance, series compensation, thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC). Reference [1] Narain G. Hingorani and Laszlo Gyugyi, "Understanding FACTS, Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems," IEEE Press, 2000 [2] M. Klein, G.J. Rogers and P. Kundur, "A Fundamental Study of Inter-Area Oscillations in Power Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1991, pp. 914-921. [3] E.V. Larsen, J.J. Sanchez-Gasca and J.H. Chow, "Concepts for Designof FACTS Controllers to Damp Power Swings," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, May 1995, pp. 948-956. [4] B. Chaudhuri, B. Pal, A. C. Zolotas, I. M. Jaimoukha, and T. C. Green,"Mixed-sensitivity Approach to H Control of Power System Oscillations Employing Multiple FACTS Devices," IEEE Transactions on Power System, Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2003, pp. 1149–1156. [5] B. Chaudhuri and B. Pal, "Robust Damping of Multiple Swing Modes Employing Global Stabilizing Signals with a TCSC," IEEE Transactions on Power System, Vol. 19, No. 1, February 2004, pp. 499–506. M. Mallesham, Dr.S.Vathsal |
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48. | Control Scheme of Z-Source Inverter Based BLDC Motor Drive System Using Modified Pulse Width Modulation Technique
Control Scheme of Z-Source Inverter Based BLDC Motor Drive System Using Modified Pulse Width Modulation TechniqueAbstract: A modified pulse width modulation technique for Z-source inverter based BLDC motor is proposed and analyzed in this project.The Z-source inverter can be used as Buck/Boost converter with lower cost and high efficiency. BLDC motors are used in electric vehicles where portability and efficiency are required. This drive system provides advantages of both BLDC motors and Z-source inverter, and can be used in fuel cell system and other adjustable speed drive application. In this project principle of modified pulse width modulation technique is implemented and simulated. The model of a three phase Z-source inverter has been discussed based on modified pulse with modulation technique. The simulation of Z-source inverter based BLDC motor is done using the MATLAB/SIMULINK.Key words: Brushless dc motor(BLDC), z-source inverter, VSI, CSI, electric drive system. Reference [1]. F. Z. Peng, "Z-Source Inverter," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 39(2), pp.504–510, March/April 2003. [2]. F. Z. Peng, Li Hui, Su Gui-Jia, J. S. Lawler, "A new ZVS bidirectional dc-dc converter for fuel cell and battery application," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 19(1), Jan. 2004. [3]. M. Shen, A. Joseph, J. Wang, F. Z. Peng, and D. J. Adams, "Comparison of traditional inverter and Z-Source inverter for fuel cell vehicles," IEEE WP 2004, pp.125–132. [4]. "Advanced PM brushless DC motor control and system for electric vehicles" Fang Lin Luo; Hock Guan Yeo; Industry Applications Conference, 2000. Conference Record of the 2000 IEEE , vol.2, pp 1336 -1343, 2000 [5]. G. L. Tao, Z. Y. Ma, L. B. Zhou, and S. Hu, "Modeling and simulation of permanent magnet brushless DC motor allowing for damping windings," in Proc. IPEMC'2004, vol. 1, pp. 271-274, 2004. S. Suresh Kumar, Dr. S. Shiv Prasad |
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49. | Image Enhancement Using Linear Programming Method for High Dynamic Range Image
Image Enhancement Using Linear Programming Method for High Dynamic Range ImageAbstract: Now a days in Telecommunication areas the contrast gain is considered as a major constraints. For the enhancement purpose, the technique called Histogram Equalization is involved, but due to over enhancement and not such gain is been obtained. So that for the OCTM is been proposed, where the constraints of HE is been rectified. OCTM gives better efficiency and it is been solved by Linear programming. In this paper the enhancement of HDR Image using linear Programming is done. According to it HDR Image is constructed using the multiple exposures and its contrast is enhanced using the OCTM method using Linear Programming.Key words: HE, Dynamic Range, OCTM, Contrast Enhancement, Linear programming Reference [1] A. Majuinder and S. Irani, "Contrast enhancement of images using human contrast sensitivity," in APGV '06: Proceedings of the 3rd symposium on Applied perception in graphics and visualization. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2006, pp. 69-76. [2] H. Seetzen, W. Heidrich, W. Stuerzlinger, G.Ward, L. Whitehead, M. Trentacoste, A. Ghosh, and A. Vorozcovs, "High dynamic range display systems," ACMTrans. Graph. (Proc. SIGGRAPH), vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 757–765, 2004. [3] J R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, Digital image processing, 2nd ed. NJ: Prentice- Hall, 2002. [4] J K. H. Goh, Y. Huang, and L. Hui, "Automatic video contrast enhancement," in Proc. IEEE Int Consumer Electronics Symp, 2004, pp. 359-364. [5] P. Ledda, A. Chalmers, T. Troscianko, and H. Seetzen, "Evaluation of tone mapping operators using a high dynamic range display," ACM Trans. Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 640–648, 2005. S. Yamini |
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50. | Modeling and Optimization of Reductive Leaching Of Manganese from Low-Grade Manganese Ore in H2SO4 Using Glucose as Reductant
Modeling and Optimization of Reductive Leaching Of Manganese from Low-Grade Manganese Ore in H2SO4 Using Glucose as ReductantAbstract: Leaching studies of low-grade Egyptian manganese ore containing 25.3% MnO2, and 52.06 % Fe2O3 using glucose as reductant in sulfuric acid medium. The experiments were designed according to 25 full factorial design, and regression equation for the extraction of Mn was determined as a function of H2SO4 concentration (C), H2SO4/Mn stoichiometric (S), glucose/Mn mole ratio (G), leaching temperature (T), and leaching time (M). The main factors affecting Mn dissolution are X1 (C), and X4 (T) that are the most positive significant. While the interaction of X1X4 (C : T), X1X5 (C : M), X2X3 (S : G), X1X2X3 (C : S : G) X1X3X5 (C : G : M) are positive significant which mean that the increase in these variables increasing the Mn recovery. On the other hand, the interaction between X2X3X4 (S : G : T), and X2X4X5 (S : T : M) are negatively significant, which means that increasing these effects decreasing the Mn recovery.Key words: Mn ore, leaching, glucose, reductant, Mn recovery, factorial design. Reference [1] D. Azizi, S. Z. Shafaei, M. Noaparast, H. Abdollahi "Modeling and optimization of low-grade Mn bearing ore leaching using response surface methodology and central composite rotatable design", Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, V. 22, Issue 9, 2012 [2] X. Tian, X. Wen, C. Yang, Y. Liang, Z. Pi, Y. Wang "Reductive leaching of manganese from low-grade manganese dioxide ores using corncob as reductant in sulfuric acid solution" Hydrometallurgy V. 100, Issues 3– 4, 2010. [3] Z. Cheng, G. Zhu, Y. Zhao "Study in reduction-roast leaching manganese from low-grade manganese dioxide ores using cornstalk as reductant" Hydrometallurgy V. 96, Issues 1–2, 2009. [4] H. Su, Y. Wen, F. Wang, Y. Sun, Z. Tong "Reductive leaching of manganese from low-grade manganese ore in H2SO4 using cane molasses as reductant" Hydrometallurgy V. 93, Issues 3–4, 2008. [5] F.W.Y. Momade, Zs. G. Momade "Reductive leaching of manganese oxide ore in aqueous methanol-sulfuric acid medium", Hydrometallurgy 51, 1999. Seham Nagib, R.S. Abdelhameed |
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51. | A Newsubblock Partition Technique for PTS in OFDM Systems
A Newsubblock Partition Technique for PTS in OFDM SystemsAbstract: In recent years, OFDM has gained a lot of interest in diverse-digital communication applications. This has been due to its favorable properties like high spectral efficiency and robustness to channel fading. Some of the major drawbacks in OFDM are its high peak-to-average-power ratio(PAPR) of the transmitted signals and the synchronization of signals. In this paper, a new subblock partition technique has been proposed in which signal subbands are partitioned in no. of subblocks using pseudo-random partitioned technique and then interleaved partition technique is applied. It is observed that PAPR is reduced as compared to conventional PTS.Key words: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), partial transmit sequence (PTS), complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), inter-carrier-interference (ICI),Power amplifier (PA) Reference [1] X. Li and L. J. Cimini Jr., "Effects of clipping and filtering on the performance of OFDM," IEEE Comm. Letts., vol. 2, pp. 131-133,May 1998. [2] A. E. Jones, T. A. Wilkinson, and S. K. Barton, "Block coding scheme for reduction of peak to mean envelope power ratio of multicarrier transmission scheme," Elec. Letts., vol. 30, pp. 2098-2099, 1994. [3] H. W. Kang, Y. S. Cho, and D. H. Youn, "On compensating nonlineardistortions of an OFDM system using an efficient adaptive predistorter,"IEEE Trans. on Comm., vol. 47, Apr. 1999. [4] R. W. Bauml, R. F H. Fischer, and J. B. Hiuber, "Reducing the peak-toaverage power ratio of multicarrier modulation by selective mapping,"Elec. Letts., vol. 32, pp. 2056-2057, 1996. [5] S. H. Muller, R. W. Bauml, R. F H. Fischer, and J. B. Huber,"OFDM with reduced peak-to-average power ratio by multiple signal representation," in Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 52, pp. 58-67,Feb. 1997. Garima Singhal and Manoj Kumar |
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52. | Effect of FACTS Type to Optimization Performance and Voltage Stability for Electrical Network Effect of FACTS Type to Optimization Performance and Voltage Stability for Electrical NetworkAbstract: In this paper, a multi objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) to solve optimal reactive power (VAR) dispatch problem with flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices is presented. This nonlinear multi objective problem (MOP) consists to minimize simultaneously real power loss in transmission lines and voltage deviation at load buses, by tuning parameters and location of FACTS. The constraints of this MOP are divided to equality constraints represented by load flow equations and inequality constraints such as, generation VAR sources and security limits at load buses. Two types of FACTS devices, thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) and unified power flow controller (UPFC) are considered. The design problem is tested on the IEEE 30-bus system.Key words: Multi objective optimization; Voltage deviation; power losses; voltage stability; NSGAII; TCSC and UPFC. Reference [1] M. A. Abido, J. M. Bakhashwain, 'Optimal VAR dispatching using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm', Electrical Power and Energy System, 27 (2005) pp. 13-20.J. [2] Mansour MO, Abdel-Rahman TM, Nonlinear VAR optimization using decomposition and coordination. IEEE Trans Power Apparat Syst 1984; PAS-103(2):246-55. [3] Mamandur KRC, Chnoweth RD. Optimal control of reactive power flow for improvement in voltage profiles and for real power loss minimization. IEEE Trans Power Apparat Syst. 1981;PAS-100(7):3185-93. [4] Iba K. Reactive power optimization by genetic algorithm. IEEE Trans Power Syst. 1994;9(2):685-92. [5] Abido MA. A novel multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for environmental/economic power dispatch. Electr Power Syst Res 2003;65(1):71-81.. Marouani Ismail, Allagui Brahim, Hadj Abdallah Hsan |
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53. | Controlling Of Grid Interfacing Inverter Using ZVS Topology
Controlling Of Grid Interfacing Inverter Using ZVS TopologyAbstract: In a high-power grid-connected inverter application, the six-switch three-phase inverter is a preferred topology with several advantages such as lower current stress and higher efficiency. To improve the line current quality, the switching frequency of the grid-connected inverter is expected to increase. Higher switching frequency is also helpful for decreasing the size and the cost of the filter. However, higher switching frequency leads to higher switching loss. The soft-switching technique is a choice for a high-power converter to work under higher switching frequency with lower switching loss and lower EMI noise. The inverter can realize zero-voltage switching (ZVS) operation in all switching devices and suppress the reverse recovery current in all anti parallel diodes very well. And all the switches can operate at a fixed frequency with the new SVM scheme and have the same voltage stress as the dc-link voltage. In grid-connected application, the inverter can achieve ZVS in all the switches under the load with unity power factor or less. The aforementioned theory is verified in a 30-kW inverter. The reduced switching loss increases its efficiency and makes it suitable for practical applications.Index Terms— Grid connected soft switching, space vector modulation (SVM), three-phase inverter, zero-voltage switching (ZVS). Reference [1] N. Mohan, T. Undeland, andW. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design. New York: Wiley, 2003, pp. 524–545. [2] M. D. Bellar, T. S. Wu, A. Tchamdjou, J. Mahdavi, and M. Ehsani, ―A review of soft-switched DC–AC converters,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 847–860, Jul./Aug. 1998. [3] D. M. Divan, ―Static power conversion method and apparatus having essentially zero switching losses and clamped voltage levels,‖ U.S. Patent 48 64 483, Sep. 5, 1989. [4] M. Nakaok, H. Yonemori, and K. Yurugi, ―Zero-voltage soft-switched PDM three phase AC–DC active power converter operating at unity power factor and sinewave line current,‖ in Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Spec. Conf., 1993, pp. 787–794. [5] H. Yonemori, H. Fukuda, and M. Nakaoka, ―Advanced three-phase ZVSPWM active power rectifier with new resonant DC link and its digital control scheme,‖ in Proc. IEE Power Electron. Variable Speed Drives, 1994, pp. 608–613. Nelakurthi Sowjanya, A. Bhaskar |
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54. | Design and Implementation of a Teacher-Student Interaction System Based On ZIGBEE and RFID
Design and Implementation of a Teacher-Student Interaction System Based On ZIGBEE and RFIDAbstract: Based on analysis of features of ZIGBEE Wireless sensor networks and RFID technology, From the perspective of improving teaching methods, combining instruction practices, a teacher-student interaction system based on ZIGBEE and RFID technology was designed and implemented for the application of actual teaching. Results show that the system achieved the basic functions of a teacher-student interaction system. ZIGBEE wireless sensor network is based on the ZIGBEE technology. It has great application potential. Radio Frequency Identification, RFID is the use of radio frequency signals through space coupling (alternating magnetic field or electromagnetic field) to achieve non contact transmission of information through the message to the purpose of automatic identification technology. The teacher-student interaction system consists of RFID systems with ZIGBEE subsystems, can enhance the learning interaction between students and teachers. Students may also rely on this system to effectively communicate and interact with teachers, to unfamiliar places for learning and ask questions at any time, to avoid face to face embarrassing questions or omission may be a key.Key words: ARM Processor, AT89S52 Micro-controller, RFID, ZIGBEE Reference [1] The Design and Implementation of a teacher-student Interaction Between Zigbee And Rfid , 978-1-4244-8039-5/11/ ©2011 IEEE [2] Jiang Ting, Zhao Chenglin. Wireless sensor network technology and its application. Beijing: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. [3] SUN Limin, Li Jianzhong. Wireless sensor networks. Beijing T singhua University Press, 2005. [4] Dong Haitao, Qu Yugui Et al. ZigBee wireless sensor network platform for the design and implementation [J]. Electronic technology. 2007. [5] IEEE 802 Std 802.15.4.Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY). Specifications for Low rate Wireless Personal Area Network. http://standards.ieee.org,2003. Ms. Reshma Sultana, Ms. Seema Sultana, Mr. Mohammad Osman |
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55. | Emergency Control Using Multifunctional DVR for Distribution Systems
Emergency Control Using Multifunctional DVR for Distribution SystemsAbstract: This paper discusses a new multifunctional dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) and closed loop controller using the Posicast and P+Resonant controllers. The closed loop controller using the Posicast and P+Resonant controllers is proposed in order to improve the transient response and eliminate the steady-state error in DVR response, respectively. The proposed algorithm is applied to some disturbances in load voltage caused by induction motors starting, and a three-phase short circuit fault. Also, the capability of the proposed DVR has been tested to limit the downstream fault current. The current limitation will restore the point of common coupling (PCC) (the bus to which all feeders under study are connected) voltage and protect the DVR itself. The innovation here is that the DVR acts as virtual impedance with the main aim of protecting the PCC voltage during downstream fault without any problem in real power injection into the DVR. Results of the simulation studies in the MATLAB/SIMULINK software environment indicate that the proposed control scheme with faults and induction motor under multifunctional DVR.Reference [1] A. K. Jindal, A. Ghosh, and A. Joshi, ―Critical load bus voltage control using DVR under system frequency variation,‖ Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 255–263, Feb. 2008. [2] J. A. Martinez and J. Martin-Arnedo, ―Voltage sag studies in distribution networks- part II: Voltage sag assessment,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1679–1688, Jul. 2006. [3] S. S. Choi, B. H. Li, and D. M. Vilathgamuwa, ―Dynamic voltage restoration with minimum energy injection,‖ IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 51–57, Feb. 2000. [4] C. Fitzer, M. Barnes, and P. Green, ―Voltage sag detection technique for a dynamic voltage restore,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 203–212, Jan./Feb. 2004. [5] Y. W. Li, D. M. Vilathgamuwa, F. Blaabjerg, and P. C. Loh, ―A robust control scheme for medium-voltage-levelDVR implementation,‖ IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 2249–2261, Aug. 2007. Salava V Satyanarayana, Tejasri |
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56. | Effect of Jet Shape on Flow and Torque Characteristics of Pelton Turbine Runner
Effect of Jet Shape on Flow and Torque Characteristics of Pelton Turbine RunnerAbstract: In Pelton turbine, the energy carried by water is converted into kinetic energy by providing nozzle at the end of penstock. The shape of jet affects the force and torque on the bucket and runner of turbine. The nozzle of circular cross section is commonly used. In this paper attempt has been made to study the effect of four different jet shapes on the flow and torque characteristics of Pelton turbine runner through numerical simulation.Key words: Multiphase flow, jet shape, Pelton turbine, free surface flow, nozzle Reference [1] L.S. Kotousov, Measurement of the Water Jet Velocity at the Outlet of Nozzles with Different Profiles, Transaction of Technical Physics, Gases and Liquids, Vol. 50, No. 9, 2005, pp 1112-1118. [2] Perrig, F. Avellan, J.L. Kueny and M. Farhat, Flow in a Pelton Turbine Bucket: Numerical and Experimental Investigations, Transaction of ASME, Vol.128, 2006,pp.350- 358. [3] Zoppe, C. Pellone, T. Maitre and P. Leroy, Flow Analysis Inside a Pelton Turbine Bucket, Transaction of ASME, Vol. 128, 2006, pp.500-511. [4] Zh. Zhang and M. Casey, Experimental Studies of the Jet of a Pelton Turbine, Proceeding of Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Vol. 221, 2007, pp.1181-1192. [5] M. Peron, E. Parkinson, Importance of Jet Quality on Pelton Efficiency and Cavitation, Proceeding of International Conference onHydraulic Efficiency Measurements (IGHEM-2008), 3-6 September, 2008, Milano. Vishal Gupta, Dr. Vishnu Prasad, Dr. Ruchi Khare |
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57. | Thin-Layer Chromatography of 2-Imino-3-(Substituted Aryl)-1-Thiazolidin-4-Ones and Their Intermediates, Chloroacetanilides
Thin-Layer Chromatography of 2-Imino-3-(Substituted Aryl)-1-Thiazolidin-4-Ones and Their Intermediates, ChloroacetanilidesAbstract: Chloroacetinilides, prepared by the reaction of primary amines with chloroacetylchloride in benzene, were cyclocondensed with potassium thiocyanate in acetone to obtain 2-imino-3-(substituted aryl)-1-thiazolidin-4-ones. Intermediates and final products have been chromatographed on silica gel G. thin-layers using one- and two-component solvent systems and effects of various properties of developing solvents and migrating species on Rf values have been investigated beside the separation and identification.Reference [1] R.K.Upadhyay, V.P Singh and U. Bajpai. J. Chromatography, 93(1974) 494. [2] R.K.Upadhyay, R.R. Bansal and U. Bajpai. Monatshefte Fur Chemie, 107(1976) 1221. [3] R.K.Upadhyay and R.R. Bansal. J. Chromatography, 9(1976) 582. [4] R.K.Upadhyay.J.Chromatography, 11(1978) 197. [5] R.K.Upadhyay, N.Agarwal and N.Gupta. J. Chromatography, 542(1991) 531. Minbale Aschale |
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58. | Nutrition Modelling Through Nano Topology
Nutrition Modelling Through Nano TopologyAbstract: Nutrition is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary in the form of food to support life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy, balanced diet. The purpose of this paper is to apply topological reduction of attributes in set-valued ordered information systems in finding the key foods suitable for two age groups in order to be healthy. We have already introduced a new topology called nano topology. The tactic applied here is in terms of basis of nano topology.Key words: Core, Dominance relation, Lower approximation, Nano-open sets , Nano topology, Set valued information system, Upper approximation Reference [1] Changzhong Wanga, Congxin Wua, Degang Chenb, Qinghua Huc, Cong Wud, Communicating between information systems, Information Sciences 178 (2008) 3228-3239 [2] I. Düntsch, G. Gediga, Uncertainty measures of rough set prediction, Artificial Intelligence 106 (1998) 109-137. [3] R. Jensen, Q. Shen, Fuzzy-rough sets assisted attribute selection, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 15 (2007) 73-89. [4] E.F. Lashin , T. Medhat, Topological reduction of information systems, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 25 (2005) 277-286 [5] M.Lellis Thivagar, Carmel Richard, Note on nano topological spaces (communicated) M. Lellis Thivagar, Carmel Richard |
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59. | Rate Control Protocol for Fast Flows: A Survey
Rate Control Protocol for Fast Flows: A SurveyAbstract: In today's world, congestion control is a main objective to maximize fairness, utilization and throughput of the Internet. Every protocol has its own features to handle the congestion. The most widely used protocol over the Internet is Transfer Control Protocol. It aims at reliable and in order delivery of bytes to the higher layer and it also protect the network from congestive control. Other congestion control protocols are XCP and RCP. These new protocols are advancement over TCP. We study new congestion control protocol like Rate Control Protocol that make flows complete frequently as compared to TCP and other version of TCP and XCP. In this paper we have presented a comparison between TCP, XCP and RCP, which shows that RCP is a superior choice to use over the Internet to make flows complete quickly.Key words: Transmission control protocol, Explicit control protocol, Rate control protocol Reference [1] S.Floyd, M.Allman, A.Jain, P.Sarolahti, "Quick-Start for TCP and IP," RFC4782, January 2007. [2] M. Allman, S. Floyd, C. Partridge, "Increasing TCP's Initial Window," RFC 3390, October 2002. [3] D. Katabi, M. Handley, C. Rohrs, "Internet Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks," Proceedings of ACM Sigcomm 2002 , Pittsburgh, August,2002. [4] S. Floyd, "HighSpeed TCP for Large Congestion Windows," RFC 3649, December 2003. [5] Y. Tian, K. Xu, N. Ansari, "TCP in Wireless Environments: Problems and Solutions,"IEEE(Radio)Communications Magazine, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. S27 - S32 , March 2005. Mr. Gaganpreet Singh, Mr. Sukhvir Singh |
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60. | URL Obfuscation Phishing and Anti-Phishing: A Review
URL Obfuscation Phishing and Anti-Phishing: A ReviewAbstract: Phishing is an internet fraud that acquires a user's credentials by deceptions. It includes theft of password, credit card number, bank account details, and other confidential information. It is the criminal scheme to steal the user's confidential data. There are many anti-phishing techniques used to protect users against phishing attacks. The statistical of APWG trends report for 1st quarter 2013 says that now a day the maximum phishing attacks are done using URL Obfuscation phishing technique. Due to the different characteristics and methods used in URL Obfuscation, the detection of Obfuscated URL is complex. The current URL Obfuscation anti-phishing technique cannot detect all the counterfeit URLs. In this paper we have reviewed URL Obfuscation phishing technique and the detection of that Obfuscated URLs.Key words: Anti-phishing, Hyperlink, Internet Security, Phishing, URL Obfuscation Reference [1] Anti-phishing Working Group (APWG) Official site, http://www.apwg.org [2] Gaurav, Madhuresh Mishra, Anurag Jain, (March-April 2012) ―Anti-phishing techniques: A Review‖ International Journal of Engineering Research and Application (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, Volume.2 Issue.2, Pages: 350-355. [3] Madhuri S. Arade, P.C.Bhaskar (June 2011) ―Anti-phishing Model with URL & image based webpage Matching‖ International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCST) ISSN: 2229-4333 (Print), 0976-8491 (Online), Volume 2, Issue.2, Pages: 282-286. [4] Gunter Ollmann, Director of Security Strategy, IBM Internet Security System. ―The Phishing Guide: Understanding & Preventing Phishing Attacks‖. [5] Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) – Phishing Activity Trends Reports 2013. (July 2013). http://docs.apwg.org/reports/apwg_trends_report_q1_2013.pdf. Jigar Rathod, Prof. Debalina Nandy |
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61. | A Survey Paper on Deduplication by Using Genetic Algorithm Alongwith Hash-Based Algorithm
A Survey Paper on Deduplication by Using Genetic Algorithm Alongwith Hash-Based AlgorithmAbstract: In today‟s world, by increasing the volume of information available in digital libraries, most of the system may be affected by the existence of replicas in their warehouses. This is due to the fact that, clean and replica-free warehouse not only allow the retrieval of information which is of higher quality but also lead to more concise data and reduces computational time and resources to process this data. Here, we propose a genetic programming approach along with hash-based similarity i.e, with MD5 and SHA-1 algorithm. This approach removes the replicas data and finds the optimization solution to deduplication of records.Key words: Database administration, evolutionary computing algorithm i.e, genetic algorithm and MD5 and SHA-1 algorithm. Reference [1] N. Koudas, S. Sarawagi, and D. Srivastava, "Record Linkage: Similarity Measures and Algorithms," Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int‟l Conf. Management of Data, pp. 802-803, 2006. [2] S. Chaudhuri, K. Ganjam, V. Ganti, and R. Motwani, "Robust and Efficient Fuzzy Match for Online Data Cleaning," Proc. ACM SIGMOD Int‟l Conf. Management of Data, pp. 313-324, 2003. [3] V.S. Verykios, G.V. Moustakides, and M.G. Elfeky, "A Bayesian Decision Model for Cost Optimal Record Matching," The Very Large Databases J., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 28-40, 2003. [4] I.P. Fellegi and A.B. Sunter, "A Theory for Record Linkage," J. Am. Statistical Assoc., vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 1183-1210, 1969. [5] I. Bhattacharya and L. Getoor, "Iterative Record Linkage for Cleaning and Integration," Proc. Ninth ACM SIGMOD Workshop Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, pp. 11-18, 2004. Miss. J. R. Waykole, Prof. S. M. Shinde |
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62. | Client Server Model Based DAQ System for Real-Time Air Pollution Monitoring
Client Server Model Based DAQ System for Real-Time Air Pollution MonitoringAbstract: The proposed system consists of client server model based Data-Acquisition Unit. The Embedded Web Server integrates Pollution Server and DAQ that collects air Pollutants levels (CO, NO2, and SO2). The Pollution Server is designed by considering modern resource constrained embedded systems. In contrast, an application server is designed to the efficient execution of programs and scripts for supporting the construction of various applications. While a pollution server mainly deals with sending HTML for display in a web browser on the client terminal, an application server provides access to server side logic for pollutants levels to be use by client application programs. The Embedded Web Server is an arm mcb2300 board with internet connectivity and acts as air pollution server as this standalone device gathers air pollutants levels and as a Server. Embedded Web server is accessed by various clients.Key words: Air Pollution, Embedded System, GPS, GPRS, Web Server Reference [1] M. Gao, F. Zhang, and J. Tian, "Environmental monitoring system with wireless mesh network based on embeddedsystem," in Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Symp. Embedded Computing, 2008, pp. 174–179. [2] W. Chung and C. H. Yang, "Remote monitoring system with wireless sensors module for room environment," Sens. Actuators B, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 35–42, 2009. [3] J. W. Kwon, Y. M. Park, S. J. Koo, and H. Kim, "Design of air pollution monitoring system using ZigBee networks for ubiquitous-city," in Proc. Int. Conf. Convergence Information Technology, 2007, pp. 1024–1031. [4] M. AbuJayyab, S. Al Ahdab, M. Taji, Z. Al Hamdani, and F. Aloul, ―Pollumap: A pollution mapper for cities,‖ in Proc. IEEE Innovations in Information Technology Conf., Dubai, UAE, Nov. 2006, pp. 1–5. [5] A. R. Al-Ali, Imran Zualkernan, and Fadi Aloul, "A Mobile GPRS-Sensors Array for Air Pollution Monitoring", IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 10, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2010. Vetrivel. P |
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1. | In-Silico Studies of Halophilic Archaeon DL31 Plasmids for Gene Annotation and Structure Prediction
In-Silico Studies of Halophilic Archaeon DL31 Plasmids for Gene Annotation and Structure PredictionAbstract: The Insilico structure prediction, gene annotation and sub-cellular location were determined for the hypothetical proteins in two plasmids from Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31 plasmids. The probable structures were predicted for 92 hypothetical proteins by the use of PS2 structure prediction server. The functional annotation for 68 proteins was possible by the use of Bioinformatics web tools like CDD-Blast, Interproscan and pfam by searching the presence of conserved domains amongst the different known proteins and their families through online databases. The Sub-cellular location predictions were done for all the 92 unclassified hypothetical proteins by using CELLO v 2.5 servers. Through comparative genomics approach this study revealed various functional hypothetical proteins in two plasmids of Unclassified Halophilic archaeon DL31.Key words: Insilico, gene annotation, sub-cellular location; Bioinformatics web tools, conserved domains, comparative genomics. Reference [1] Alex, B., Lachlan, C., Richard, D., Robert, D. F., Volker, H., Sam, G.J., Ajay, K., Mhairi, M., Simon, M., Erik, L. L. S., David, J. S., Corin Y., Sean, R. E., (2004). The Pfam families' database. Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 32, D138-D141. [2] Altschul, S. F., Madden, T. L., Schaffer, A. A., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Miller, W., Lipman, D. J., (1997). Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: "a new generation of protein database search programs". Nucleic Acids Res. 25 (17), 3389-402. [3] Aron, M. Bauer., John, B. A., Myra, K. D., Carol, D. S., Noreen, R. G., Marc, G., Luning, H., Siqian, H., David, I. H., John, D. J., Zhaoxi, K., Dmitri, K., Christopher, J. L.,Cynthia A. L., Chunlei, L., Fu, L., Shennan, L., Gabriele, H. M., Mikhail, M., James, S. S., Narmada, T., Roxanne, A. Y., Jodie, J. Y., Dachuan, Z., Stephen, H. B., (2006). CDD: "a conserved domain database for interactive domain family analysis. "Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 35, D237– D240. [4] Benlloch, S., Martínez-Murcia, A.J., and Rodríguez-Valera, F. (1995a) Sequencing of bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA genes directly amplified from a hypersaline environment. Syst Appl Microbiol 18: 574–581. [5] Burns DG, Camakaris HM, Janssen PH, Dyall-Smith ML (2000) Cultivation of Walsby's sqare haloarchaeon. FEMS Microbiol Lett 238:469–473 Archis Panday, Azeem Siddique and S. G. Sanmukh And Krishna Khairnar |
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2. | Crack Sensing Scheme in Rail Tracking System
Crack Sensing Scheme in Rail Tracking SystemAbstract: A major share to the Indian economy is contributed by the commercial transport railway network. So, any problems of crack detection in railway network when encountered, may be dealt with a robust and cost effective solution, else, there may be a proportionate decrease in the nations economy. This paper attempts to provide a viable solution by discussing the technical details and design aspects. The discussion continues with the explanation of different criteria involved in choosing simple components like GPS module,PC,IR-photo diode based crack detector module, modeled for effective implementation in India.Key words: Railway cracks, Robot, PC, LPC 2148,IR-Photo diode assembly. Reference [1] Qiao Jian-hua; Li Lin-sheng; Zhang Jing-gang; "Design of Rail Surface Crack- etecting System Based on Linear CCD Sensor", IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2008 [2] K. Vijayakumar, S.R. Wylie, J. D. Cullen, C.C. Wright, A.I. AIShamma'a, "Non invasive rail track detection system using Microwave sensor", Journal of App. Phy., 2009 [3] Tranverse crack detection in rail head using low frequency eddy currents, Patent US6768298, www.google.com/patents/US6 768298 [4] M. Cacciola, G. Megali, D. Pellicanμo, S. Calcagno, M. Versaci, and F. C. Morabito, "Rotating Electromagnetic Field for Crack Detection in Railway Tracks", PIERS ONLINE, Vol. 6, NO. 3, 2010 [5] Wojnarowski, Robert John Welles, II, Kenneth Brakeley Kornrumpf, William Paul, "Electromagnetic system for railroad track crack detection and traction enhancement", Patent US6262573, www.patentstorm.us/patents/6262573/description.html Ch. Muneendra Rao, B. R. Bala Jaswanth |
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3. | Optical, Structural and Elemental Analysis of New Nonlinear Organic Single Crystal of Urea L-Asparagine
Optical, Structural and Elemental Analysis of New Nonlinear Organic Single Crystal of Urea L-AsparagineAbstract: Single crystal of urea L-asparagine was synthesized and crystallized by slow evaporation solution growth method at room temperature. The bright, transparent and colourless crystal was obtained with average dimension of 11 × 0.7 × 0.3 cm3. The elemental analysis of the compound confirms the stoichiometric ratio of the compound. The sharp and well defined Bragg peaks obtained in the powder X-ray diffraction pattern confirm the crystalline nature of the compound. The optical property of the compound was ascertained through UV-visible spectral analysis. The various characteristics absorption bands in the compound were assigned through fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy. The single crystal unit cell parameters of the compound show that the grown crystal belongs to orthorhombic system with space group P. The nonlinear optical property study indicates that the compound has SHG efficiency 0.5 times greater than that of standard potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP).Key words: Optical; Elemental analysis; Structural properties Reference [1] J.T. Lin, V.S. Wang, H. Arend, SPIE 1104 (1989) 100-132. [2] U. Duo-rong, X.U. Dong, Z.L. Nan, I.U. Ming-guo, J. Min-hua, Chin. Phys. Lett. 13 (1996) 841-843. [3] H.O. Marcy, M.J. Rosker, L.F. Warren, P.H. Cunningham, C.A. Thomas, L.A. DeLoach, S.P. Velsko, C.A. Ebbers, J.H. Liao, M.G. Kanatzidis, Opt. Lett. 20 (3) (1995) 252-254. [4] M. Jiang, Q. Fang, Adv. Mater. 11 (1999) 1147-1151. [5] J.Casado, F.J. Ramirez, J.T.L. Navarrete, J. Mol. Struct. 349 (1995) 57-60. R. N. Jayaprakash, P. Sundaramoorthi, T. Dhanabal |
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4. | High Speed Boosted Cmos Differential Logic for Ripple Carry Adders
High Speed Boosted Cmos Differential Logic for Ripple Carry AddersAbstract: This paper describes a high speed boosted CMOS differential logic which is applicable in Ripple Carry Adders. The proposed logic operating with supply voltage approaching the MOS threshold voltage. The logic style improves switching speed by boosting the gate-source voltage of transistors along timing critical signal path. It allows a single boosting circuit to be shared by complementary outputs as a result the area overhead also minimizes. As compared to the conventional logic gates the EDP (energy delay product) is improved. The test sets of logic gates and adders where designed in tsmc0.18μm of Mentor Graphics EDA tool. The experimental result for Ripple Carry Adders using the proposed logic style revealed that the addition time is reduced as compared with the conventional CMOS circuits.Key words: Adder, low power, low voltage, voltage boosting. Reference [1] Pedram M and Rabaey J M, Power-Aware Design Methodologies. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 2002. [2] Wang A and Chandrakasan A, ―A 180 mV FFT processor using subthreshold circuit techniques,‖ in Proc. IEEE ISSCC, 2004, pp. 292–295. [3] Zhai B, Nazhandali L, Olson. J, Reeves A, Minuth M, Helfand R, Sanjay P, Blaauw D, and Austin T, ―A 2.60 pJ/Inst subthreshold sensor processor for optimal energy efficiency,‖ in Proc. IEEE VLSI Symp., 2006, pp. 154–155. [4] Bol D, Flandre D, and Legat J D, ―Technology flavor selection and adaptive techniques for timing-constrained 45 nm subthreshold circuits,‖ in Proc. ACM ISLPED, 2009, pp. 21–26. [5] Heller L G, Griffin W, Davis J, and Thoma N, ―Cascode voltage switch logic: A differential CMOS logic family,‖ in Proc. IEEE ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 1984, pp. 16–17. Meenu Roy, N.Kirthika |
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5. | Detecting Malicious Node: Survey
Detecting Malicious Node: SurveyAbstract: Now-a-days people are more habitual of using portable devices like laptops, mobile phones, mp3 players etc. The Ad hoc networking allows communication between these devices without any central administration. But this flexibility is threatened by various security issues. To overcome this we need the robust security solution. In order to meet this requirement, we have first focused on various network attacks for which MANET is vulnerable. Later we have discussed many security goals related to MANET. Finally we emphasized on various security solutions. It also compares standard and secure routing protocol on the basis of security aspects.Key words: AODV, MANET, Malicious Node, Network Attack, Trust Value. Reference [1] http://www.olsr.org/docs/report_html/node1 8.html [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_ad_hoc _ network [3] Data Integrity, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Data_integrity [4] Deepak Chayal, Dr. Vijay Singh Rathore "ASSESSMENT OF SECURITY IN MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORKS (MANET)" Volume 2, No. 6, June 2011, Journal of Global Research in Computer Science [5] Manel Guerrero Zapata, N. Asokan "Securing Ad Hoc Routing Protocols" WiSe'02, September 28, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Copyright 2002 ACM 1-58113-585-8/02/0009 ...$5.00 Charusheela Pandit, Seema Ladhe |
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6. | Review Paper on Flooding Attack in MANET
Review Paper on Flooding Attack in MANETAbstract: Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is widely applicable in various areas like military services, civilian environments and emergency operations. The issues in MANET are broadcasting, clustering, mobility management, bandwidth management and power management. Broadcasting becomes an important issue in MANET for route information discovery. The different routing attacks in MANET are flooding, black hole, link spoofing and wormhole attack. In this paper we are representing works proposed by various author on flooding attack. Our contribution in this paper is that we have presented details comparison of various counter based schemes.Key words: Broadcasting, Black hole, Flooding, MANET Reference [1] Y.-C. Tseng, S.-Y. Ni, and E.-Y. Shih, "Adaptive approaches to relieving broadcast storms in a wireless multihop ad hoc networks", IEEE TRANSACTION ON COMPUTERS, VOL. 52, PP. 545-557, 2003. [2] Wei Lo and Jie Wu, "On Reducing Broadcast Redundancy in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 1, NO. 2, APRIL-JUNE 2002. [3] B. Williams, T. Camp, "Comparison of broadcasting techniques for mobile ad hoc networks".(MOBIHOC 2002).PROCEDING OF ACM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MOBILE AD-HOC NETWORKING. PP.194-205,2002. [4] Y.-C. Tseng, S.-Y. Ni, and E.-Y. Shih, "Adaptive Approaches to Relieving Broadcast Storms in a wireless multihop mobile ad hoc network". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOLUME52 (5),PAGES 545-557,MAY 2003.. [5] M. Bani yassein, S. Al-Humoud, M. Ould Khaoua and L. M. Mackenzie, "New Counter based Broadcast Scheme using local Neighborhood Information in MANETs." Ruchita Meher, Seema Ladhe |
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7. | Comparison of Modulation Techniques Used In WCDMA
Comparison of Modulation Techniques Used In WCDMAAbstract: Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) was introduced to provide higher data rates in mobile communication. This technology provides the users with many multimedia rich applications such as video streams and high resolution pictures. Thus in order to enhance the performance of this technology it is necessary to determine a suitable modulation technique. Also suitable error correcting mechanisms need to be implemented to enhance these services. Analysis of these techniques is crucial to improve the performance of a system. We have considered two modulation techniques of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) and Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) used in WCDMA systems. We have studied the performance of these two modulation techniques and compared them using the parameters of eye pattern. This analysis will help us determine a suitable modulation technique for WCDMA. We have used MATLAB for the simulation of WCDMA transmitter sectionKey words: WCDMA, UMTS, TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, BER, SNR, Orthogonality, LOS, DSSS. Reference [1] M. A. Masud, M. Samsuzzaman, M. A.Rahman, "Bit Error Rate Performance Analysis on Modulation Techniques of Wideband Code Division Multiple Access", Journal of Telecommunications, Vol-1, Issue-2, March 2010. [2] Jerker Bengtsson, "Baseband Processing in 3G UMTS Radio Base Stations", Technical Report IDE0629, Halmstad, Sweden. [3] Aun Ali Tahir, Feng Zhao, "Performance Analysis on Modulation Techniques of WCDMA in Multipath Fading Channel", Blekinge Institute of Technology, January 2009. [4] www.3gpp.org [5] S.Haykin, Chapter 7, "Spread Spectrum Modulation", "Communication Systems", Fourth Edition, 2002. Ciana Barretto, Olinda Braganza, Suman D'sa, Saurabh Saju, Gejo George |
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8. | Effect of ZnS as an Impurity on the Physical Properties of KDP Single Crystals
Effect of ZnS as an Impurity on the Physical Properties of KDP Single CrystalsAbstract: Pure and ZnS doped KDP (KH2PO4) single crystals were grown from aquous solutions by the slow evaporation technique at room temperature. The influence of ZnS on the growth and characteristic properties of the KDP single crystals were examined. Powder X-ray diffraction, atomic absorption spectroscopic and Fourier transform infrared spectral measurements were done to characterize the grown crystals structurally and chemically. Thermal and mechanical stabilities were understood by making respectively the thermogravimetric and microhardness measurements. The optical transparency and second harmonic generation efficiency were understood by making respectively the UV-Vis-NIR spectral and nonlinear optical measurements. The AC and DC electrical measurements made on all the six grown crystals indicate a normal dielectric behaviour. The electrical parameters, viz. dielectric constant, dielectric loss factor, AC electrical conductivity and DC electrical conductivity are found to increase with the increase in temperature in the temperature range (40 – 150oC ) considered in the present study. The AC and DC activation energies estimated are found to vary nonlinearly with the impurity concentration.Key words: Crystal growth, Doped crystals, KDP crystals, Physical Properties, X-ray diffraction Reference [1] R.J.Nelmes, G.M.Meyer and J.E.Tibballs. J.Phys. C Solid State Phys.,15, 1982, 59. [2] T.H.Freeda and C.K.Mahadevan, Bull.Mater.Sci., 23, 2000, 335. [3] E.Subbaro, Ferroelectrics, 5, 1973, 267. [4] D.J.Bae, T.Y.Koo, K.B.Lee, Y.H.Jeung, S.M.Lee and S.I.Kwun, Ferroelectrics, 159, 1994, 91. [5] M.Rifani, Y.Y.Yin and D.S.Elliott, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 117, 1995, 1512. O. V. Mary Sheeja, C. K. Mahadevan |
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9. | A Review: Multi Protocol Label Switching (Mpls)
A Review: Multi Protocol Label Switching (Mpls)Abstract: The demand for technology called MPLS is increasing day by day in most internet service provider networks. Majority of the carriers are deploying MPLS in their backbone networks to facilitate a number of services and applications such as virtual private networks, quality of service (QoS) and traffic engineering. MPLS is a scalable, protocol-independent protocol. MPLS allows for creating end-to-end circuits across any type of transport medium using any protocol. The primary benefit of MPLS is to eliminate the dependence on a particular OSI model data-link layer technology such as asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), Frame Relay or Ethernet and eliminates the need for multiple layer-2 networks to satisfy different types of traffic. This paper reflects a detailed overview on MPLS with its architectural terminology, working and the services that it offers.Key words: MPLS, LDP, Shim, LSR, QoS, Label. Reference [1] S. Alouneh, S. Abed, M. Kharbutli, B. J. Mohd, ―MPLS Technology in wireless networks‖, 2013, Springer. [2] S. Smith, ―Introduction to MPLS‖, 2003, cisco press article. [3] Y.Cheng, ―MPLS‖, 2003, white paper. [4] K.K. Nguyen, B.Jaumard, ―MPLS/LDP distributed architecture for next generation routers‖, 2012, Springer. [5] H. Tamura , S. Nakazawa, K. Kawhara, Y.Oie, ―Performance Analysis for QoS Provisioning in MPLS networks‖, 2004, Kluwer academic Publisher. Rashed Qayoom Shawl, Rukhsana Thaker, Er. Jasvinder Singh |
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10. | Solar Panel Maximum Power Point Tracker for Power Utilities
Solar Panel Maximum Power Point Tracker for Power UtilitiesAbstract: ―Solar Panel Maximum Power Point Tracker For power utilities‖ As the name implied, it is a photovoltaic system that uses the photovoltaic array as a source of electrical power supply and since every photovoltaic (PV) array has an optimum operating point, called the maximum power point, which varies depending on the insolation level and array voltage. A maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is needed to operate the PV array at its maximum power point. The objective of this thesis project is to build a photovoltaic (PV) array Of 121.6V DC Voltage(6 cell each 20V, 100watt) And convert the DC voltage to Single phase 120v,50Hz AC voltage by switch mode power converter's and inverter's.Key words: MPPT, Photovoltaic, Fast Changing Irradiation, Boost Converter, PWM, Inverter Reference [1] Photovoltaic Panel Simulation User's Guide, Educational Bookmarks, Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Renewable Energy (ACRE), August 14—1998. [2] C. CecaL, A. Dell' Aquila and M. Liserre , ― Analysis and control of a threephase dc/ac step-up converter‖, in proc. IEEE ISIE'02 Conf., pp. 850-856,July 2002. [3] RafiaAkhter, AminulHoque, ―Analysis of a PWM Boost Inverter for solar home application‖. CISE 2006, International Conference,Enformatika, Volume17,ISSN 1305-5315, pp. 212-216, December 2006. [4] Ram´on O. C´aceres, Ivo Barbi,‖ A Boost DC– AC Converter: Analysis,Design, and Experimentation‖, IEEE transactions on power electronics, vol. 14, pp. 134-141, January 1999. [5] R. C´ aceres and I. Barbi, ―A boost dc–ac converter: Operation, analysis, control and experimentation‖, in Proc. Int. Conf. Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON'95), pp. 546–551, Nov. 1995. Sandeep Banik, Dr P.K.Saha , Dr. G.K Panda |
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11. | Design of Off-Grid Home with SOLAR-WIND-BIOMASS Energy
Design of Off-Grid Home with SOLAR-WIND-BIOMASS EnergyAbstract: Due to the limited reserves of fossil fuels and global environmental concerns for the production of electrical power generation and utilization, it is very necessary to use renewable energy sources. By use of hybrid systems we can implement renewable energy sources which are very economical for remote villages, homes etc. In particular, rapid advances in wind-turbine generator ,biomass generator and photovoltaic technologies have brought opportunities for the utilization of wind and solar resources for electric power generation world-wide .So by the use of hybrid systems consisting of Biomass ,PV and also wind for production of electrical energy in these remote areas can be more economical . If the development of a computer-based approach for evaluating, the general performance of standalone hybrid PV- Biomass-wind generating systems are analyzed ,then these results are useful for developing and installing hybrid systems in remote areas This paper focuses the economical consideration and simulation approach for a standalone hybrid systems having PV, wind and Biomass for electrical production in remote areas. In this paper we are taken the average solar radiation, quantity of biomass, average wind speed for the remote area for prediction of general performance of the generating system. Simulation studies were carried out using HOMER software Simulation results will be given for performance evaluation of a stand-alone hybrid wind-PV generating unit for a residential house which is to be located in a remote area . The system is a off grid one. Finally, the results obtained and methods are suggested to enhance the performance of the proposed modelKey words: Biomass, Hybrid system, Homer software, Micro grid, PV array, Wind generator Reference [1] Optimal sizing method for stand-alone hybrid solar–wind system with LPSP technology by using genetic algorithm; Hongxing Yang a,*, Wei Zhou a, Lin Lu a, Zhaohong Fang; Science Direct, Solar Energy 82 (2008) 354–367 [2] Specified evaluation of manure resources for production of biogas in planning region latgale Imants Plūme, Vilis Dubrovskis, Benita Plūme; Latvia University of Agriculture; I. Plūme et al. Specified Evaluation of Manure Resources for Production of Biogas in Planning Region Latgal; Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, 2012 [3] Biogas and biofuel production technologies Balancing Cost and Performance in a PV/Wind/Battery Hybrid Power System Ahmad Zahedi1, Akhtar Kalam2 [4] Monash University, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Xiaoli Li, Chris P. Bowers, and Thorsten Schnier, Classification of Energy Consumption in Buildings With Outlier Detection, IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 57, no. 11, November 2010 [5] Liping Wang, Julie Gwilliam, Phil Jones, Welsh school of Architecture, Cardiff University, on Case study of zero energy house design in UK, Elsevier, Energy and Buildings 41 (2009) 1215–1222A.J. Marszala, P. Heiselberg, J.S. Bourrelle, E. Musall, K.Vossc, I. Sartori, A.Napolitano Zero Energy Building – A Smruti Ranjan Pradhan, Sarada Prasanna Sahoo, Radhakrishna Das, Priyanka Sen |
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12. | Modeling and Simulation of Microgrid Connected Renewable Energy Resources with Svpwm Technique
Modeling and Simulation of Microgrid Connected Renewable Energy Resources with Svpwm TechniqueAbstract: The increasing tension on the global energy supply has resulted in greater interest in renewable energy resources. This presents a significant opportunity for distributed power generation (DG) systems using renewable energy resources, including wind turbines, photovoltaic (PV) generators, small hydro systems, and fuel cells .However, these DG units produce a wide range of voltages due to the fluctuation of energy resources and impose stringent requirements for the inverter topologies and controls. Usually, a boost-type dc–dc converter is added in the DG units to step up the dc voltage. This kind of topology, although simple may not be able to provide enough dc voltage gain when the input is very low, even with an extreme duty cycle. Also, large duty cycle operation may result in serious reverse-recovery problems and increase the ratings of switching devices. Furthermore, the added converter may deteriorate system efficiency and increase system size, weight, and cost. This paper deals with modeling and simulation of microgrid connected with renewable energy resources like Photo Voltaic panel and fuel cell. The inverter circuit is controlled by Space vector Pulse Width Modulation Technique.Key words: DG, PV, SVPWM. Reference [1] Engler A., "Applicability of Droops in Low Voltage Grids", International Journal of Distributed Energy Sources, Vol.1, number 1, pp 3-15, September 2004. [2] F. D. Kanellos, N. D. Hatziargyriou, "The effect of variable speed wind turbines on the operation of weak distribution networks," IEEE Trans.Energy Conversion, vol. 17, pp.543-548, Dec. 2002. [3] Chee-Mun Ong, Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machinery Using Matlab®/Simulink, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey, 1998. [4] S. A. Papathanassiou, M. P. Papadopoulos, "Dynamic behavior of variable speed wind turbines under stochastic wind, " IEEE Trans.Energy Conversion, vol. 14, pp. 1617-1623, Dec. 1999. [5] R. A. Messenger, J. Ventre, Photovoltaic Systems Engineering (2nd ed.),CRC Press, New York, 2004. Govinda Chukka, P. Guruvulu Naidu |
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13. | Anomaly Extraction Using Association Rule Mining
Anomaly Extraction Using Association Rule MiningAbstract: Today network security, uptime and performance of network are important and serious issue in computer network. Anomaly is deviation from normal behavior which is factor that affects on network security. So Anomaly Extraction which detects and extracts anomalous flow from network is requirement of network operator. Anomaly extraction refers to automatically finding in a large set of flows observed during an anomalous time interval, the flows associated with the anomalous event(s). It is important for root cause analysis, network forensics, and attack mitigation and anomaly modeling. We use meta data provided by several histogram based detectors to identify suspicious flows, and then apply association rule mining to find and summarize anomalous flows. Using Histogram based detector to identify anomalies and then applying Association rule mining, anomalies will be extracted. Apriori and FP Growth algorithm will be used to generate the set of rule applied on metadata. Using traffic data from a network this technique effectively finds the flow associated with the anomalous event(s). it triggers a very small number of false positives, which exhibit specific patterns and can be sorted out by an administrator this anomaly extraction method significantly reduces the work hours needed for analyzing alarms, making anomaly detection systems more practical.Key words: Anomaly Extraction, Association Rules, computer network, data mining, Apriori Algorithm,FP Growth Algorithm. Reference [1] F. Silveira and C. Diot, "URCA: Pulling out anomalies by their root causes," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Mar. 2010, pp. 1-9. [2] S. Ranjan, S. Shah, A. Nucci, M. M. Munafò, R. L. Cruz, and S.M Muthukrishnan, "Dowitcher: Effective worm detection and containment in the Internet core," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, 2007, pp.2541-2545. [3] G. Dewaele, K. Fukuda, P. Borgnat, P. Abry, and K. Cho, "Extracting hidden anomalies using sketch and non Gaussian multi resolution statistical detection procedures," in Proc. LSAD, 2007, pp. 145-152. [10] [4] A. Lakhina, M. Crovella, and C. Diot,"Diagnosing network-wide traffic anomalies," in Proc. ACM SIGCOMM, 2004, pp. 219-230. [5] X. Li, F. Bian, M. Crovella, C. Diot, R. Govindan, G. Iannaccone, and A. Lakhina, "Detection and identification of network anomalies using sketch subspaces," in Proc. 6th ACM SIGCOMM IMC, 2006, pp. 147-152. Ms. Gargi Joshi |
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14. | Performance Appraisal of River Stone as a coarse Aggregate in Concrete
Performance Appraisal of River Stone as a coarse Aggregate in ConcreteAbstract: Concrete has been proved to be a leading construction material for more than a century. The aggregate element in concrete comprises 60-75% of the total volume. Due to heavy increase in the construction activities, the crushed granite stone which are the conventional coarse aggregate is under depletion and also, now–a-days an acute shortage of these materials is experienced. Hence an alternative for the crushed granite stone has to be explored. Though the river stone has got high potential for being a natural aggregate, it is been rarely used as a concrete material. The present investigation envisages the potential utilization of river stone as a coarse aggregate in replacement of crushed stone aggregate in concrete. Concrete mixes with 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% replacement to crushed stone aggregate were considered in this study. The mix proportion is done as per IS 10262 (2009). The properties of fresh and hardened concrete were studied on the mixes considered. The results showed that there is an increase in slump value and strength properties and hence the use of river stones could be considered for future concrete.Key words: Aggregates; River stones; Fresh properties; Hardened properties Reference [1] P. Kumar Mehta and Paulo J.M. Monteiro, Concrete Microstructure, Properties, and Materials, New York, McGraw Hill, 3rd edition, 2006. [2] Mohammad Reenaz P.M., Abhishek B.L., Ayoob K.A., Karthik S., Comparitive study on plain cement concrete using river sand and beach sand, Project report, K.V.G. College of Engineering, Sullia, 2004. [3] Neville.A. M., Properties of concrete, London, Pitman Publishing, 4th edition, 1997. [4] Neville.A. M., Properties of concrete, London, Pitman Publishing, 6th edition, 2003. [5] Kaushal Kishore, Screeners – River Bed Uncrushed Aggregates For Concrete, Roorkee, 2006.( Source: http://www.engineeringcivil.co m/screeners-river-bed-uncrushed-aggregates-fo r-co ncrete.html). Chandrashekar. A, Maneeth.P.D |
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15. | Mobile Element Routing, Data Gathering and Energy Efficient Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mobile Element Routing, Data Gathering and Energy Efficient Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor NetworksAbstract: Recent research shows that significant energy saving can be achieved in wireless sensor networks with a mobile base station that collects data from sensor nodes via short-range communications. We consider the problem of gathering data from a sensor network using mobile elements. The system is limited to single receive antennas the non-optimization of encoding/decoding order. This project is to develop the Wireless Distributive System Management with high reliability, mobility and routing. We propose an algorithmic solution that to provide the energy efficient data path planning for the mobile system and we go for upper sampling in the encoding processing. The choice of implementing algorithm depends upon the power allocation, nodal analysis, data gathering and node localization. The system to multiple receives antennas for the non optimization of encoding/decoding order. Also the existing system is an approach to achieve lower data rate with sufficient performance (38Mbps). We should increase Data Rate of several Mb/sec (58Mbps). This can be achieved by linear processing. By balancing the system, the speed of the MIMO system is optimum.Key words: Wireless Sensor Network, Routing, Data Gathering, Energy efficient. Reference [1] Multi-sector crisis management consortium (mscmc). [2] S. R. Ning Xu, Krishna Kant Chintalapudi Deepak Ganesan, and R. G. Alan Broad, and Deborah Estrin, "A wireless sensor network for structural monitoring," in Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems (SenSys), pp. 13-24, Aug 2004. [3] A. Mainwaring, J. Polastre, R. Szewczyk, D. Culler, and J.Anderson, "Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring," in Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Wireless sensor networks and applications(WSNA), pp. 88 - 97, Sep 2002. [4] A. Somasundara, A. Ramamurthy, and M. B. Srivastava, "Mobile element scheduling for efficient data collection in wireless sensor networks with dynamic deadlines," in Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 296-305, Dec 2005. [5] M. Solomon, "Algorithms for the vehicle routing and scheduling problems with time window constraints," Operations Research, vol. 35, pp. 254-265, 1987. G.Guru charan, S. Ravi Kumar, G.Srikanth |
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16. | Enhancement in Power Generation in Hydroelectric Power Plants with Water Conservation- A Case Study
Enhancement in Power Generation in Hydroelectric Power Plants with Water Conservation- A Case StudyAbstract: Today, importance of water is realized better than ever before. Awareness on making judicious and optimum use of water is continuously on the increase. The hydroelectric power plants need huge quantity of water for their operation. Normally these plants are operated as per the generation schedule provided by the Load Dispatch Centre. The method presented in this paper is based on the fact that discharge of water is minimum when a turbine operates at maximum efficiency, thus conserving water and thereby enhancing power generation as compared to normal or conventional practice. A case study for Indira Sagar Hydroelectric power plant is presented and estimated for other hydroelectric power plants in cascade on river Narmada in India.Key words: Power generation, cascaded power plants, generation scheduling, water conservation, turbine efficiency. Reference [1] Soares S, and C.T. Salmazo, Minimum loss predispatch model for hydroelectric power system. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 12, 1997, 1220-1228. [2] J P S Catalão, S.J.P.S. Mariano, V.M. F. Mendes, and L.A.F.M. Ferreira, Scheduling of head-Sensitive cascaded hydro systems: A nonlinear approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 24, 2009, 337-346. [3] A Mahor, and S. Rangnekar, Short term optimal generation scheduling of Narmada cascaded hydro electric system. Hydro Nepal, 7, 2010a, 71-80. [4] C Li, E. Hsu, A.J. Svoboda, and Chung-li Tseng, Johnson R B, Hydro unit commitment in hydro-thermal optimization IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 12(2), 1997, 764-769. [5] O Nilsson, and D. Sjelvgren, Variable splitting applied to modeling of start-up costs in short term hydro generation scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 12, 1997, 770-775. Shambhu Ratan Awasthi, Vishnu Prasad, Saroj Rangnekar |
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17. | Artificial Neural Network Modeling for Dynamic Analysis of a Dam-Reservoir-Foundation System
Artificial Neural Network Modeling for Dynamic Analysis of a Dam-Reservoir-Foundation SystemAbstract: In this research, an Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) model is built and verified for quick estimation of the various maximum stresses, strains and hydrodynamic pressures developed on a gravity dam section due to seismic excitation. The developed model can be for accurate estimation of these values. There are no explicit equations that relate the input to the output variables. It requires the solution of a system of simultaneous of partial differential equations governing the phenomenon, taking into account the three media interactions, dam body (concrete),reservoir(water) and foundation (soil).In this research a data base of 900 different cases inputs and outputs is build using the ANSYS software. Each of these input variables is assigned a range from which values are selected. These ranges were set according to the recommendations of authorized sources relevant to this issue. The statistical software SPSS with the database mentioned above are used, after converting the input and output variables to dimensionless forms, to build a model of Artificial Neural Networks ANN. The results showed the capability of the model to predict the values of the outputs (stresses and hydrodynamic pressures) with high accuracy. The correlation coefficients between the observed outputs values and the predicted values model are between 97.8% and 99.7%.The MATLAB programming language is used to write a program to apply the Artificial Neural Networks model for obtaining the stresses and hydrodynamic pressures for any set of input variables, instead of using the long process of ANSYS modeling. For the purpose of further checking of the performance of the model it was applied to a three different data cases which were not exist in the database that was used to build the model. The comparison of the results of these three cases obtained by the Artificial Neural Networks model with those obtained by using the ANSYS software had showed an excellent capability of the model to predict the outputs with high accuracy. The correlation coefficients for these three cases are 99.6%, 99.9% and 99.8% for the horizontal acceleration only, the vertical acceleration only and the dual acceleration (horizontal and vertical) respectively.Reference [1.] Akkose M. &Simsek E., (2010), "Non-Linear Seismic Response of Concrete Gravity Dams to Near-Fault Ground Motions Including Dam-Water-Sediment-Foundation Interaction", Applied Mathematical Modeling, Volume 34, Issue 11, Pages 3685–3700. [2.] Aviles J. & Suarez M., (2010), "Effects of Surface Waves on Hydrodynamic Pressures on Rigid Dams with Arbitrary Upstream Face", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Volume 62, Pages 1155–1168. [3.] Bayraktar A., TurkerT., Akkose M. &Ates S., (2010). "The Effect of Reservoir Length on Seismic Performanceof Gravity Dams to Near- and Far-Fault Ground Motions", Natural Hazards, Volume 52, Issue 2, Pages 257-275. [4.] Béjar L. A., (2010), "Time-Domain Hydrodynamic Forces on Rigid Dams with Reservoir Bottom Absorption of Energy", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Volume 136, Issue 10, Pages 1271-1280. [5.] Bouaanani N., Paultre P. &Proulx J., (2003), "A Closed-Form Formulation for Earthquake-Induced Hydrodynamic Pressure on Gravity Dams", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 261, Issue 3, Pages 573–582. Pr. Dr. Rafa H. S. Al-Suhaili, Pr. Dr. Ahmed A. M. Ali, Shamil A. K. Behaya |
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18. | Optimization of Heat Treatment Process for Internal Clutch by Using Taguchi Technique
Optimization of Heat Treatment Process for Internal Clutch by Using Taguchi TechniqueAbstract: Surface engineering and surface engineered materials find wide applications in engineering industries in recent years. Inconsistency in hardness and case depth has resulted in the further optimization of the process variables involved in surface hardening. In the present study, the following operating parameters viz. Carbon potential, holding position, furnace temperature, carburizing time, quenching medium, quenching temperature, quenching time, tempering temperature and tempering time were taken for optimization using the Taguchi and Factorial design of experiment concepts. From the experiments and optimization analysis conducted on EN8 materials it was observed that furnace temperature and quenching time had equal influence in obtaining a better surface integrity of the case hardened components using gas carburizing. In the case of induction hardening process, power potential played a vital role in optimizing the surface hardness and the depth of hardness.Key words: Internal clutch, hardness, taguchi techniques, optimization, process variables. Reference [1] Child, H.C., Surface hardening of steels", Oxford University Press, London, 1980. [2] Schimizu N, Tamura I. An examination of the relation between quench-hardening behavior of steel and cooling curve in oil. Trans ISIJ 1978; 18: 445-50. [3] Barbacki A, Mikolajski E. Optimization of heat treatment conditions for maximum toughness of high strength silicon steel.Int J Mater Process Techno 1998; 78: 18-23. [4] J. Wunning, "Advances in Gas Carburizing Technique," Haerterei-Technische Mitteilungen, 23 (3) (1968), 101-109. [5] Fee AR, Robert, and Edward SL. Mechanical testing of materials. ASM Handbook 1995; vol.8: pp.91-93 Prof. S. R. Thakare, Prof. S. C. Makwana |
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19. | Design of High Speed Low Power Reversible Logic Adder Using HNG Gate
Design of High Speed Low Power Reversible Logic Adder Using HNG GateAbstract: Reversibility plays a fundamental role when computations with minimal energy dissipation are considered. In recent years, reversible logic has emerged as one of the most important approaches for power optimization with its application in low power CMOS, optical information processing, quantum computing and nanotechnology. This research proposes a new implementation of adder in reversible logic. The design reduces the number of gate operations compared to the existing adder reversible logic implementations. So, this design gives rise to an implementation with a reduced area and delay. We can use it to construct more complex systems in nanotechnology.Key words: Adder, Decimal Arithmetic, Reversible logic, Garbage output, HNG gate Reference [1] R. Landauer, "Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computational Process", IBM Journal of Research Development, 5, 1961, 183-191. [2] Bennett, C., "Logical Reversibility of Computation," IBM Journal of Research and Development, 17, 1973, 525-532. [3] Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu and A. R. Chowdhury, "Design of a Reversible Binary Coded Decimal Adder by Using Reversible 4-bit Parallel Adder", VLSI Design 2005, pp-255-260, Kolkata, India, Jan 2005. [4] Himanshu. Thapliyal, S. Kotiyal and M.B Srinivas, "Novel BCD Adders and their Reversible Logic Implementation for IEEE 754r Format", VLSI Design 2006, Hyderabad, India, Jan 4-7, 2006, pp. 387-392. [5] R. James, T. K. Shahana, K. P. Jacob and S. Sasi,"Improved Reversible Logic Implementation of Decimal Adder", IEEE 11th VDAT Symposium Aug 8-11, 2007. Manjeet Singh Sankhwar, Rajesh Khatri |
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20. | MPPT control of Photovoltaic using SEPIC converter to reduce the input current ripples
MPPT control of Photovoltaic using SEPIC converter to reduce the input current ripplesAbstract: This paper presents P&O control method for maximum power point tracking(MPPT) of PV system under varying irradiation and temperature conditions. This algorithm will identify the suitable duty ratio in which the DC/DC SEPIC converter should be operated to maximize the power output. In this paper, the SEPIC converter has been compared with conventional boost converter about reducing the input current ripple. Also, both converters and their control strategies have been analyzed and simulated using Simulink/Matlab software. Simulation results show that the SEPIC converter reduces input current better than conventional boost converter.Key words: Solar Cell – DC/DC Converter – P&O Algorithm – MPPT Reference [1] D. Jc Mac Kay, Sustainable Energy with out the Hot Air,(UIT Cambridge,England, 2009). [2] R.B.Darla, Development of maximum power point tracker for PV panel using SEPIC converter, Tele communications Energy Conference, 2007, sept.30-oct.4. [3] D.Morales, Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for photovoltaic Applications, Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science,Aalto University ,Finland ,2010. [4] S.Poshtkouhi,V.Palaniappan and M.Fard, O.Trescases, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 27, 2012, 4656-4666. [5] G.Walker, Evaluating MPPT converter topologies using a matlab PV model, J. Elect. Electron. Eng., Vol. 21, 2001, 45–55. M. R. Banaei, M. R. Shirinabady, Mehdi Mirzaey |
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21. | Attention-Grabbing Train Car Advertisements
Attention-Grabbing Train Car AdvertisementsAbstract: Younger people have changed the way they access information in recent years, increasing the number of opportunities to take advantage of transit advertising. Train car advertising in particular boasts a high contact rate and extended length of contact. This study seeks to understand the correlations between passenger information and riding conditions when it comes to train car advertising (hanging posters, above-window posters, and sticker ads) in order to discover the ideal way to advertise inside passenger trains. Specifically, the study first tries to find the correlations among three factors: (1) whether or not passengers pay attention to train car advertisements, (2) basic passenger information (age and gender), and (3) riding conditions (riding time, average number of trips, etc.). Once data on riding conditions is collected, it is then grouped using a cluster analysis and Quantification Theory Type III in order to establish the relationship of the data to passenger attention towards train advertisements once again. Then, in order to conduct an in-depth analysis, a Categorical Automatic Interaction Detector (CAID) analysis is done on each group, using passengers pay attention to train advertisements as the objective variable and basic passenger information as the explanatory variable. The results of the CAID analysis are then used to study the format of existing and future train car advertisements.Key words: Train Car Advertisements, AIDA model, CAID analysis Reference [1] Amasaka, K., (2005), ―Constructing a Customer Science Application System CS-CIANS - Development of a global strategic vehicle Lexus utilizing New JIT -‖, WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, Issue 3, Vol.2, pp. 135-142. [2] Amasaka, K., (2007), ―The validity of Advanced TMS - A strategic development marketing system utilizing New JIT –‖, The International Business & Economics Research Journal, Vol.6, No.8, pp.35-42. [3] Amasaka, K., (2009), ―The effectiveness of flyer advertising employing TMS: Key to scientific automobile sales innovation at Toyota‖, The Academic Journal of China-USA Business Review, Vol.8, No.3, pp.1-12. [4] Amasaka, K., (2010), ―Changes in marketing process management employing TMS: Establishment of Toyota Sales Marketing System‖, The Academic Journal of China-USA Business Review, Vol.10, No.7, pp.539-550. [5] Dentsu, (2011), Advertisement expenses in Japan (2011), http://www.dentsu.co.jp/books/ ad_cost/2011/index.html. (in Japanese) Motoi Ogura, Takayuki Hachiya, Kenta Masubuchi, Kakuro Amasaka |
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22. | Investigation of Four wave mixing effects using different modulation formats in optical communication system
Investigation of Four wave mixing effects using different modulation formats in optical communication systemAbstract: In this paper, the four wave mixing effect on sixteen channel wavelength divison multiplexing has been compared for different modulation formats at various values of dispersion, core effective area, channel spacing.The performance of system has been evaluated in terms of four wave mixing power, BER and Q-factor.This paper simulates that with increase in the channel spacing,core effective area of fiber, signal interference between input signals decreases hence four wave mixing effect also decreases. It has been observed that for duobinary FWM decreases 1dBm more than NRZ. So duobinary modulation format is best suitable technique to reduce four wave mixing power by varying dispersion from 0 to 4 ps/nm.km, core effective area and channel spacing.Key words: Non-return-to-zero (NRZ), return-to-zero (RZ), duobinary, wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM). Reference [1] Govind P. Agarwal, "Fiber Optic Communication Systems", John Wiley & sons, Inc. Publication, 2003. [2] J.S Malhotra, M.Kumar, A.K.Sharma, "Estimation and mitigation of FWM penalties in dispersion managed 32 channel long haul DWDM soliton link"International Journal for Light and Electron optics( Elsvier), vol. 124, pp. 3029– 3032, September 2012. [3] A. Singh, A.K. Sharma, T.S. Kamal, "Investigation on modified FWM suppression methods in DWDM optical communication system‟‟ International Journal for Light and Electron optics( Elsvier), Vol. 282, pp. 392-395, 2009 [4] LaxmanTawade, BalasahebDeokate, "‟ The Reduction of FWM effects using Duobinary Modulation in a Two-Channel D-WDM System" International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems, Vol.2, No.6, November 2011 [5] Amarpal Singh, Ajay K. Sharma, Paramjit Singh, " Investigation of FWM effect on BER in WDM optical communication system with different modulation format" Journal of scientific and industrial research Vol. 6, pp. 495- 498, June 2006 Prabhpreet Kaur, Kulwinder Singh |
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23. | Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Rice Straw Fibre Polypropylene Composites
Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Rice Straw Fibre Polypropylene CompositesAbstract: The main objective of present work is to investigate the mechanical properties of rice straw fibre reinforced polypropylene composites at different weight fractions (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%) of rice straw fibre. Rice straw fibre reinforced polypropylene composites were manufactured according to ASTM standards using injection moulding technique. The developed composites were then tested for their tensile, bending and impact properties. The standard test methods ASTM-D638M for tensile properties, ASTM-D790M for flexural properties and ASTM-D256M for impact properties of rice straw fibre composites, were used.Key words: composites, fiber, polypropylene Reference [1] Vithal Babu V and G. N. Nagar, "Survey on Indian‟s export potential of polymer of Palmyra fiber and allied products in UK, USA and Japan," Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, 1972, pp73-75. [2] Samir Abdul Azim M, "Palm tree fronds for concrete roof reinforcement", Concrete International, The American Concrete Institute Magazine, Vol 14, n 12, 1992. [3] Cook D. J, "Concrete and cement composites reinforced with natural fibers", Proceedings of Symposium on Fibrous Cements, London, April 1980. [4] Samir Abdul-Azim M, "Development of prototype structure for low - cost and energy efficient house by utilizing palm tree fronds", Building and Environment, Vol 32, n 4, 1997, pp 373-380. [5] Olfat Y. Mansour, El-Hady B. A, Ibrahim S. K and Goda M, "Lignocellulose -Polymer composites. V", Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering, Vol 40, n 3, 2001, pp311-320. S. Mishra, J.B.Naik, Y.P.Patil,"The compatibility effect of Maleic anhydride on swelling and mechanical properties of plant fiber reinforced novolac composites", Composite science and technology 60(2000) 1729-1735. K Sudhakar, Ch Srinivas |
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24. | Triple Domination Number and Its Connectivity of Complete Graphs
Triple Domination Number and Its Connectivity of Complete GraphsAbstract: In a graph G, a vertex dominates itself and its neighbours. A subset S of V is called a dominating set in G if every vertex in V is dominated by at least one vertex in S. The domination number γ (G) is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set. A set S ⊆𝑉 is called a Triple dominating set of a graph G if every vertex in V dominated by at least three vertices in S. The minimum cardinality of a triple dominating set is called Triple domination number of G and is denoted by Tγ(G). The connectivity κ (G) of a connected graph G is the minimum number of vertices whose removal results in a disconnected or trivial graph. In this paper we find an upper bound for the sum of the Triple domination number and connectivity of a graph and characterize the corresponding extremal graphs. Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C69Key words: Domination, Domination number, Triple domination, Triple domination number and connectivity. Reference [1] G. Chartrand and Lesniak, Graphs and Digraphs, CRC, (2005). [2] T . W. Haynes, S.T.Hedetniemi and P . J. Slater, Fundamentals of Domination in Graphs, Marcel Dekkar, Inc., New York, (1997). [3] T .W. Haynes, S. T. Hedetniemi and P .J. Slater, Domination in Graphs- Advanced Topics, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, (1997). [4] F .Harary and T . W. Haynes , Double Domination in graphs, Ars combin. 55, 201 -213(2000). [5] J. Paulraj Joseph and S .Arumugam, Domination and connectivity in Graphs, International Journal of management and systems, 8, 233-236(1992). A. Nellai Murugan, G. Victor Emmanuel |
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25. | Cut Slotted Microstrip Antenna for Dual Frequency Application and Analysis Using Different Optimizer Available In Ie3d
Cut Slotted Microstrip Antenna for Dual Frequency Application and Analysis Using Different Optimizer Available In Ie3dAbstract: Design of dual frequency antenna always gives the added advantages for microwave antenna applications. In this paper Fast EM and Powel method based design of a dual-frequency patch antenna using IE3D is presented. The proposed antenna is excited through the inset feed technique and the antenna design and parametric studies has been executed. The method effectively obtains the geometric parameters for efficient antenna performance. Maximum return loss obtained at 7 GHz is -36.5 dB and at 7.59 GHz is –15 dB with acceptable bandwidth at -10db.Key words: Microstrip Antenna, Dual frequency, VSWR, Return loss, Optimization, IE3D. Reference [1] Bahl, I. J.; Bhartia, P., ―Microstrip Antennas Design Handbook‖. Artech House, USA, 2001. [2] James, J. R.; Hall, P. S., (Eds.), ―Handbook of Microstrip Antennas‖. IEE Electromagnetic Waves Series 28, Pete Peregrinus Ltd., United Kingdom, 198 [3] Costantine A. Balanis, "Antenna Theory Analysis and Desingn", Wiley, 2nd edition 4] A. A. Abdelaziz;‖ bandwidth enhancement of microstrip antenna‖ Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 63, 311–317, 2006 [5] Richards, W. F., S. E. Davidson, and S. A. Long, ―Dual band reactively loaded microstrip antenna,‖ IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop.,Vol. AP-33, No. 5, 556–561, 1985. Hasanujjaman, Mehedi Hasan Habib Mondal, Dr. A Biswas, Dr. A. K Bhattacharjee |
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26. | Unique Rating System for Green Building: By Comparing Various Existing Rating Systems
Unique Rating System for Green Building: By Comparing Various Existing Rating SystemsAbstract: The construction industries are known to be the pioneer of a country‟s development. In modern days the infrastructure of a country defines its true development, thus making construction sector more prominent. Countries like India are thus solemnly dependent on its construction sector for its rapid development. In 21st century, one of the major challenges faced by mankind is that of global climate change, which has highly alerted to the concern for conservation of nature. In a way, making environmental sustainability to be of much more importance in actual execution of work is the focus. World-wide there are various building evaluation tools that focus on different areas of sustainable development and are designed for different types of projects.Thisresearch attempts to understand the various Green building rating system assessment criteria that need to be considered during comparison. Finally based on comparative study an attempt is made to recommend one unique rating system which will cover each and every aspect required for assessment and certification for any green building. This system would be comparatively less complex and able to provide the necessary perception about the project with ease.Key words: Green building, LEED, BREEAM, GREEN STAR, GREEN MARK, HK-BEAM Reference [1] AherPritesh D. (2012-13), A Dissertation report in Partial fulfilment of M.E. (Construction & Management) to University of Pune, Pune. [2] GuptaAbhinandan R. (March 2013), Green Building Material and Technology Green Accreditation Tools Analysis, Indian Journal of Research, Volume 2, Issue 3. [3] PimplikarS.S.&MoakherParisaEsmaeili(2012), Green and Intelligent construction. [4] VijayadasS.J.(January 2011), Sustainablebuilding construction practices – A study of Indian green building rating systems,National Technological Congress, Kerala. [5] Web-Sites:- www.breeam.org, www.usgbc.org, www.bca.gov.sg, www.gbca.org.au,www.hkgbc.org.hk/eng/beamplus Mr.RishabhG. Saigaonkar, Dr. S. S. Pimplikar, Mr.Pritesh D. Aher |
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27. | Automated Image Segmentation And Characterization Technique For Effective Isolation And Representation Of Human Face
Automated Image Segmentation And Characterization Technique For Effective Isolation And Representation Of Human FaceAbstract: In areas such as defense and forensics, it is necessary to identify the face of the criminals from the already available database. Automated face recognition system involves face isolation, feature extraction and classification technique. Challenges in face recognition system are isolating the face effectively as it may be affected by illumination, posture and variation in skin color. Hence it is necessary to develop an effective algorithm that isolates face from the image. In this paper, advanced face isolation technique and feature extraction technique has been proposed.Key words: Face, Erosion, YCbCr, DCT, Eigen Values and Eigen vectors. Reference [1] Mahesh Prasanna K, Nagaratna Hegde, A Fast Recognition Method for Pose and Illumination Variant Faces on Video Sequences, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), Volume 10, Issue 1, 2013. [2] Pallavi D.Wadkar, Megha Wankhade, Face Recognition Using Discrete Wavelet Transform, IJAET, Vol. III, Issue I, January-March, 2012. [3] Mohammed Madiafi, A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Automatic Face Recognition, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, 2012. [4] M.Meenakshi, Real-Time Facial Recognition System—Design, Implementation and Validation, Journal of Signal Processing Theory and Applications 2013 1: 1-18. [5] Yogesh Tayal, Ruchika Lamba, Subhransu Padhee, Automatic Face Detection Using Color Based Segmentation, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2012. Rajesh Reddy N, Mohana Vamshi Komandla, Ganesh NVSL, Nandhitha N.M, Logashanmugam E |
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28. | Modified Shuffled Iterative Encoding For Binary Ldpc Codes
Modified Shuffled Iterative Encoding For Binary Ldpc CodesAbstract: Flexible and reconfigurable architectures have gained wide popularity in the field of communication. Particularly, reconfigurable architectures help in achieving switching among various coding modes and also inoperability. This work concentrates on the design of a reconfigurable architecture for both turbo and LDPC codes decoding. The major contributions of this work are: i) tackling the reconfiguration issue introducing a formal and systematic treatment that, to the best of our knowledge, was not previously addressed and ii) proposing a reconfigurable LDPC decoder architecture and showing that wide flexibility can be achieved with a small complexity overhead. Obtained results show that dynamic switching between most of considered communication standards is possible without pausing the decoding activity.Key words: FACTS system stability, three phase fault. Reference [1] Jun Lin and Zhiyuan Yan," Efficient Shuffled Decoder Architecture for Nonbinary Quasi- Cyclic LDPC Codes" IEEE Trans. Very Large ScaleIntegr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 565–578, Sep. 2013. [2] Y. Dai, Z. Yan, and N. Chen, "Optimal overlapped message passing decoding ofquasi-cyclic LDPC codes," IEEE Trans. Very Large ScaleIntegr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 565–578, May 2008. [3] Z. Zhang, L. Dolecek, B. Nikolic, V. Anantharam, and M.Wainwright, "Investigation of error floors of structured low-density parity-check codes by hardware emulation," in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommun.Conf., Dec. 2006, pp. 1–6. [4] Z. Li, L. Chen, L. Zeng, S. Lin, and W. Fong, "Efficient encoding of quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 53, no. 11, p. 1973, Nov. 2005. [5] L. Chen, J. Xu, I. Djurdjevic, and S. Lin, "Near-Shannon-limit quasicyclic low-density parity-check codes," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1038–1042, Jul. 2004. S. Renugavathi, R. Kalpana, R.P.Rubajini, R.Rajalakshmi |
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29. | Study of Drive Mechanisms of Bicycle, Tricycle or Like Vehicles to Optimize Operating Performance - A Review
Study of Drive Mechanisms of Bicycle, Tricycle or Like Vehicles to Optimize Operating Performance - A ReviewAbstract: A cycle or cycle rickshaw is a small-scale local means of transport. Cycle rickshaws are human-powered, a type of tricycle designed to carry passengers in addition to the driver. Tricycles are used primarily for commercial transportation. Various locally made configurations of bicycle or tricycle are available. The present form of cycle has many shortcomings. One of the major problems faced by available bicycle or tricycle is its less efficiency or mechanical advantage. This paper reviews patent (which are now open for public access) and experimental work brought by researchers on drive mechanism of cycle in order to optimize its operating performance. An individual idea or any possible combination of different ideas can be used for optimizing performance of driving mechanism for cycle.Key words: Cycle, Mechanical advantage, Drive mechanism, Sprocket, Chain. Reference [1] 4,129,044 12/1978 Erickson et al…....74/244 [2] 4,191,062 3/1980 Gardner……74/242.11 R [3] 5,078,416 1/1992 Keyes………..…280/260 [4] James B. Spicer, Christopher J. K. Richardson, Michael J. Ehrlich, Johanna R. Bernstein, Masahiko Fukuda, Masao Terada, Effects of Frictional Loss on Bicycle Chain Drive Efficiency, ASME, 123,2001, 598-605. [5] J.C. Martin, W.W. Spirduso, Determinants of maximal cycling power: crank length, pedaling rate and pedal speed, Springer-Verlag, 84, 2001, 413-418. [6] Paola Zamparo, Alberto E. Minetti, Pietro E. di Prampero, Mechanical efficiency of cycling with a new developed pedal–crank, ELSEVIER-Journal of Biomechanics, 35, 2002, 1387–1398. [7] Jeffery W. Rankin, Richard R. Neptune, A theoretical analysis of an optimal chainring shape to maximize crank power during isokinetic pedaling, ELSEVIER-Journal of Biomechanics, 41, 2008, 1494–1502 Rahul U. Urunkar, Prof. P. P. Deshpande |
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30. | Muffler Design for Automotive Exhaust Noise Attenuation - A Review
Muffler Design for Automotive Exhaust Noise Attenuation - A ReviewAbstract: In these review paper different types of mufflers and design of exhaust system belonging engine has been studied. The object of this study is decide muffler design which one reduces a large amount of noise level and back pressure of engine. In designing, there is different parameter which has to taken in to the consideration. These parameters affect the muffler efficiency.Reference [1] 2005, A.K.M. Mohumuddin, Mohd Rashidin Ideres and Shukari Mohad Hashim, "‟Experimental study of noise and back pressure for silencer design characteristics‟‟, Journal of Applied Science5(7):1292-1298,2005 ISSN 1812-5654. [2] 2010, Chandrashekhar Bhat, S S Sharma, Jagannath K, N S Mohan, Sathisha S G, "" Design and Analysis of a Expansion Chamber Mufflers‟‟. World Journal Of Engineering, volume 7, supplement 3, 2010, ISSN: 1708-5284. [3] 2010, Wang jie and Dong-peng Vue. The Modal Analysis of Automotive Exhaust Muffler Based on PROlE and ANSYS. 20IO 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE). 2010 IEEE [4] 2010, Mehmet Avcu, Şadi Kopuz and Mehmet Teke." DIESEL ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEM DESIGN ‟‟ Journal of Naval Science and Engineering 2010, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 39-58. [5] 2011, Ying Li Shao. A Study on Exhaust Muffler Using a Mixture of Counter phase Counteract and Split-gas Rushing. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of [CEIS 2011] Mr. Jigar H. Chaudhri, Prof. Bharat S. Patel, Prof. Satis A. Shah |
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31. | Short Term Air Quality Forecast Using Data Driven Approaches
Short Term Air Quality Forecast Using Data Driven ApproachesAbstract: Predicting air quality is a challenge, when there are uncertainties involved in the availability as well as accuracy of the desired data. Most of the developing countries including India often have no formalized forecasting approach. Little data (which may be of suspect quality) and inadequate institutional structure to support data collection are the main concerns. Present study suggests a forecasting tool that is seldom used in the field of air quality forecasting; but is a proven robust technique. Thirty six models have been developed with Genetic Programming (GP) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) considering daily average concentrations of meteorological parameters as well as pollutant concentrations spanning from 2005-2008 for one of the most polluted metropolitan city of India. The models are specific to cases when all the significant input parameters ( data) are not available because of various reasons. ANN is used as a benchmarking tool for estimation and prediction of air quality and the results are compared with GP .Performance of all the models has been assessed using r (correlation coefficient), RMSE (root mean square error) & d (d statistics).Compared to ANN, GP models seem to work well in all cases considered because of unavailability of data and have an advantage of pollution forecasting equation generated by the model. These equations can be of help for real time forecasting.Key words: Air quality, ANN, GP, Western Maharashtra Reference [1] Padmanabha Murthy B., Environmental Meteorology, I. K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,2009. [2] Pires, J. C. M., Alvim- Ferraz, M. C. M., Pariera, M. C. and Martins, F. G., ―Prediction of troposphere ozone concentration: Application of a methodology based on Darwin's Theory of Evolution‖, Expert Systems with Applications, vol.38,issue 3, pp.1903-1908, Mar. 2011. [3] Bonzar, M., Lesjak, M. and Mlakar, P., ―A neural nwtwork-based method for the short- term predictions of ambient SO2 concentrations in highly polluted industrial areas of complex terrain‖, Atmospheric Environment. Part B. Urban Atmosphere, vol.27, issue 2, pp.221-230, June 1993. [4] Yi, J. And Prybutok, R., ―A neural network model forecasting for prediction of daily maximum ozone concentration in an industrialised urban area‖, Environmental Pollution, vol. 92, issue 3, pp.349-357, 1996. [5] Comrie, A. C., ―Comparing neural networks and regression models for ozone forecasting‖, Journal of Air and Waste Management. Vol. 47, issue 6, pp.653-663, 1997. Shruti S. Tikhe , Dr. Mrs.K.C. Khare, Dr. S. N. Londhe |
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32. | Neural Philosophy in Medical Applications
Neural Philosophy in Medical ApplicationsAbstract: Neural Network provides significant benefits in medical research. Neural network in medicine is subject to increase, as the number of experts is limited while interpretation work at clinical laboratories is subject to mounting. Neural Network (NN) in medicine has attracted many researchers. A simple search by Machado (1996) in Medline for articles about computer-based NN between 1982 and 1994 resulted with more than 600 citations. Another search by Dybowski (2000) in the same database yields 473 publications in 1998.Key words: ANN, BP, LOS, MLP Reference [1] An introduction to neural computing. Alexander, I. and Morton, H. 2nd edition [2] Neural Networks at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory [3] http://www.emsl.pnl.gov:2080/docs/cie/neural/neural.homepage.html [4] Industrial Applications of Neural Networks (research reports Esprit, I.F.Croall, J.P.Mason) A Novel Approach to Modeling and Diagnosing the Cardiovascular System [5] http://www.emsl.pnl.gov:2080/docs/cie/neural/papers2/keller.wcnn95.abs.html A. Rethinavel Subramanian |
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33. | Designing, Constructing, And Testing A Low – Speed Open – Jet Wind Tunnel
Designing, Constructing, And Testing A Low – Speed Open – Jet Wind TunnelAbstract: A low-speed wind tunnel has been built and tested in the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics at the Hochiminh City University of Technology for teaching and doing research. The wind tunnel is an open-jet type with the nozzle area of 1m x 1m and the maximum wind speed of 14 m/s. To evaluate quality of the wind flow created by the tunnel, velocity distribution and turbulence intensity of airflow were measured at the nozzle by a thermal-couple anemometer. The measurements indicated that the turbulence intensity was less than two percent while the uniformity of wind speed across the nozzle is more than ninety five percent.Key words: Open – jet, turbulence intensity, velocity distribution, wind tunnel Reference [1] Aurelius L.J. and Rofail A.W., Performance of Windtech's slatted roof blockage tolerant boundary layer wind tunnel in 3D flow, 9th AWES Workshop, Townsville, 12-13 July, 2001. [2] Bell J. H. and Mehta R. D., Contraction design for small low-speed wind tunnels, Report, Stanford University, 1998. [3] Boudreau III H.S., Design, construction, and testing of an open atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel, Bachelor Thesis, University of Florida, 2009. [4] Mehta R.D. and Bradshaw P., Design rules for small low speed wind tunnels, The aeronautical journal of the aeronautical society, 1979, 443-449. [5] Pope S.B., Turbulent flows (Cambridge University Press 2002). Nguyen Quoc Y |
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34. | Simulation Application for Optimization of Solar Collector Array
Simulation Application for Optimization of Solar Collector ArrayAbstract: Solar systems offer a comparatively low output density , so increasing the output always means a corresponding increase in the size of the collector area. Thus collector arrays are occasionally constructed (i.e. with different azimuth angles and/or slopes, which be imposed by the location and structure available to mount the collector. In this paper is developed simulation application for optimization for the solar collector array position and number of collectors in regard of maximum annual energy gain and thermal efficiency. It is analyzed solar collector array which has parallel and serial connected solar collectors with different tilt, orientation and thermal characteristics. Measurements are performed for determine the thermal performance of the system. Using the programming language INSEL it is developed simulation program for the analyzed system where optimization is done through parametric runs in the simulation program. Accent is given on the SE orientated collectors regarding their tilt and number, comparing two solutions-scenarios and the current system set situation of the in means of efficiency and total annual energy gain. The first scenario envisages a change of angle from 35 to 25 solar panels on the SE orientation, while the second scenario envisages retaining the existing angle of 35 and adding additional solar collector. Scenario 1 accounts for more than 13% energy gain on annual basis while Scenario 2 has 2% bigger thermal efficiency.Key words: solar collector, array, tilt angle, efficiency, energy Reference [1] International Energy Agency (2012): Key World Energy Statistics, IEA [2] ViessmannWerke , Technical guide for solar thermal systems, 2009 [3] Hottel, H. C, B. B. Woertz, Performance of Flat-Plate Solar Heat Collectors [4] Kok-Keong Chong, Chee-WoonWong ,Solar Collectors and Panels, Theory and Applications, 2010 [5] Soteris A. Kalogirou, Solar Energy Engineering processes and systems,2009 Igor Shesho, Done Tashevski |
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35. | Growth and Characterization of ADP Single Crystals Added With CdS
Growth and Characterization of ADP Single Crystals Added With CdSAbstract: Pure and CdS added (in five concentrations) ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate (ADP) single crystals have been grown at room temperature by the free evaporation method. The six grown crystals have been characterized structurally, chemically, thermally, mechanically, optically and electrically using the available standard methods. The powder X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectral measurements confirm the crystal and molecular structures. The atomic absorption spectroscopic measurement confirms the presence of impurity in the CdS added crystals. Thermogravimetric, UU-Vis-NIR spectral and microhardness measurements indicate respectively the thermal stability, optical transparency and mechanical stability of the grown crystals. Results of the non-linear optical measurements indicate the enhancement of second harmonic generation efficiency due to CdS addition. The DC and AC electrical measurements made in the temperature range 40-1500C indicate an increase of the electrical parameters, viz. dielectric constant, dielectric loss factor and AC and DC electrical conductivities with the increase in temperature for all the six crystals studied.Key words: ADP crystal, Crystal growth, Doped crystals, Physical properties, X-ray diffraction. Reference [1]. S.R.Marder, B.G.Tiemann, J.W.Perry, et.al., Materials for Non-linear optical chemical perspectives (American Chemical Society, Washington, 1991). [2]. H.M.Muncheryan, Lasers and opto-Electronics Devices (Hemisphere Pub. Co, New York, 1991). [3]. Y.R.Shen, The Principles of Non linear optics (Wiley, New York, 1984). [4]. P.Meystrey and M.Sargent, Elements of Quantum optics (Springe – Verlag, Berlin, 1991). [5]. J.I.Sakai, Phase conjucate optics (Mc Graw Hill, Inc., New York, 1992). J. Anitha Hudson, C.K. Mahadevan and C.M. Padma |
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36. | Leachate Characterization and Assessment of Ground Water Pollution near MSW Dumpsite of Mavallipura, Bangalore
Leachate Characterization and Assessment of Ground Water Pollution near MSW Dumpsite of Mavallipura, BangaloreAbstract: Leachate and groundwater samples were collected from municipal solid waste dumpsite of Mavallipura which comes under Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike Bangalore. An attempt has been made to characterize contaminated dumpsite and its adjacent area to study the possible impact of leachate percolation on groundwater quality. Characterization of various physico chemical parameters was carried out on selected ground water samples as well as leachate obtained from the dump site. It has been observed that, in the ground water the concentrations of various parameters such as Ca2+, Mg2+, NO3-, TDS, TA are on the higher side than the prescribed limits. The result shows that the leachate analyzed for various parameters are also on the higher side. This study reveals that the most of the parameters are exceeding their acceptable limit and hence significant impact on the surrounding soil and ground water quality.Key words: Municipal Solid Waste, Ground water, Leachate, physico chemical parameters Reference [1]. APHA. (1998), "Standard methods for examination of water and wastewater", 19th edition American Public Health Association, Water Environment Federation Publication, Washington, DC. [2]. Mor, S., Ravindra K., Dahiya R.P., Chandra A. (2006), "Leachate characteristics and assessment of groundwater pollution near Municipal Solid Waste landfill site", Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 118, pp 435-456. [3]. Ikem A., Osibanjo O., Sridhar, MKC. and Sobande, A. (2002), "Evaluation of groundwater quality characteristics near two waste sites in Ibadan and Logas , Nigeria", Journal of Water, Air and Soil Pollution 140, pp 307-333. [4]. Dhere, A.M.et.al., (2008), "Municipal solid waste disposal in Pune city- An analysis of air and groundwater pollution". Current Science, 95(6), 774 - 777. [5]. El-Fadel et.al., (1971), "Environmental impact of solid waste-land filling", Journal of Environmental and Management, 50,pp 1-25. G Venkata Ramaiah, S. Krishnaiah, Maya Naik, Shankara |
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37. | The Use of HYSPLIT Model to Determine the Affected Areas of Dispersed Sea-Salt Particles of Dried Urmia Lake
The Use of HYSPLIT Model to Determine the Affected Areas of Dispersed Sea-Salt Particles of Dried Urmia LakeAbstract: Urmia Lake is one of the largest permanent hypersaline lakes in the world. In order to study the effects of aridity of Urmia Lake in northwestern Iran on local air quality, the Hybrid Single- Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model is used to model the dispersion of remained sea-salt particles on the basin. Due to determine the possible affected areas at periphery of Urmia Lake and estimate the aerosol concentration in these areas, 24 hour dispersion has been modeled under various wind directions. Wind directions have been chosen regarded to prevailing wind in the area which is northeast-southwest. The maximum number of affected areas of sea-salt particles dispersion will be under 240 degree wind while the highest concentration of 6400 µg/m3 will occur under 90 degree wind.Key words: Urmia Lake, Sea-salt aerosols, HYSPLIT Reference [1] M. Zarghami, Effective watershed management; Case study of Urmia Lake, Iran. Lake and Reservoir Management, 27(1),2011. 87-94. [2] E. Hassanzadeh, M. Zarghami, Y. Hassanzadeh, Determining the Main Factors in Declining the Urmia Lake Level by Using System Dynamics Modeling. Water Resources Management, 26(1),2011, 129-145. [3] . Karbassi, G. Bidhendi, A. Pejman, M. Bidhendi, Environmental impacts of desalination on the ecology of Lake Urmia. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 36(3), 2010, 419-424. [4] A. Eimanifar, F. Mohebbi, Urmia Lake (Northwest Iran): a brief review. Saline Systems, 2007 3-5. [5] H. Golabian, Urumia Lake: Hydro-Ecological Stabilization and Permanence Macro-engineering Seawater in Unique Environments, 2010, 365-397. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Mahshid Nasiri, Khosro Ashrafi,Fereydoun Ghazban |
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38. | Structural and Dielectric Properties of Pb2+ Doped ZnO Nanocrystalline Thin Films
Structural and Dielectric Properties of Pb2+ Doped ZnO Nanocrystalline Thin FilmsAbstract: Various concentration of lead (Pb2+) doped ZnO nanocrystalline thin films were prepared by chemical bath deposition and dielectric constant, dielectric loss and AC conductivity properties were studied as a function of frequency at different temperatures. The XRD results revealed that prepared nanocrystalline films have wrutzite structure and the crystallite sizes of doped ZnO increased with increasing Pb2+ concentration. The variation of AC conductivity (ζac) as function of temperature indicates that the conduction is due to thermally activated charge carriers. The DC conductivity (ζdc) value of doped ZnO at room temperature has been found to increase by more than two orders of magnitude from pure ZnO nanocrystalline thin film. The AC electrical conductivity of doped films is higher than that of pure ZnO film. The observed ζac values are found to be more than ζdc values.Key words: Nanocrystalline thin film, CBD, XRD, TEM, dielectric constant, dielectric loss, AC conductivity, DC conductivity Reference [1] F. Paraguay, W. Estrada, D.R. Acosta, E. Andrade, M. Miki-Yoshida, Thin Solid Films, 350 (1999) 192 - 202. [2] D. J. Goyal, C. Agashe, M. G. Takwale, B. R. Marathe, V. G. Bhide, J. Mater. Sci., 27 (1992) 4705. [3] D. C. Look, Mater. Sci. Eng. B: Solid-State Mater. Adv. Technol., 80 (2001) 383. [4] S. O. Kucheyev, J. S. Williams, C. Jagadish, J. Zou, C. Evans, A. J. Nelson, A. V. Hamza, Phys. Rev. B, 67(2003) 094115. [5] A. Ashour, M. A. Kaid, N. Z. El-Sayed, A. A. Ibrahim, Appl. Surf. Sci., 252 (2006) 7844 - 7848. N. Nithyaa, and S. Rugmini Radhakrishnan |
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39. | Gas Hold-Up, Mixing Time and Circulation Time in Internal Loop Airlift Bubble Column Gas Hold-Up, Mixing Time and Circulation Time in Internal Loop Airlift Bubble ColumnAbstract: The effects of superficial gas in the riser (Vgr) and liquid phase properties on the gas hold-up(ɛg) , mixing time (Tm) and circulation time (TC) were studied in 8 liter internal air lift loop reactor (down comer-to-riser crosssectional area ratio = 0.249). Air was used as a gas phase. Water and four aqueous solutions of 10% concentration methanol, ethanol, (were used to simulate the behavior of non-coalescing organic liquids) 50% glycerol and 2% Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) were used to simulate the behavior of coalescing viscous liquids. Polyethylene-non-porous-solid particles with a concentration of (50) Kg/m3 were used as solid phase. Superficial gas velocity varied from 0.01 m/s to 0.1 m/s and air dispersed into the center of the draught tube by using a porous gas distributor. The results showed that (εg) increased with increasing gas velocity and coalescence inhibition of liquid, while Tm and Tc decrease with increasing gas velocity. It was found that increasing liquid viscosity and coalescence reduces (εg) but increases (Tm) and (Tc). The gas holdup was correlated with dimensionless groups and independent parameter with correlation coefficient is 0.967, the following correlation is obtained.![]() Key words: Airlift reactor; mixing time; Circulation time; Liquid-phase properties Reference [1] Sánchez Mirón, A., Cerón García, M.C., García Camacho, F., Molina Grima, E.and Sarkar, S., Kaustubha, M. and Meikap, B.C, Hydrodynamic modeling of a novel multistage gas–liquid external loop airlift reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal., 2008, 145: 69–77. [2] Acién Fernández, F. G., Fernández Sevilla, J. M., Sánchez Pérez, J. A., Molina Grima, E. and Chisti, Y, Airlift-driven external-loop tubular photo bioreactors for outdoor production of microalgae: assessment of design and performance. Chemical Engineering Science.,2001,56:2721–2732. [3] Frijters, C.T.M.J., Eikelboom, D.H., Mulder, A. and Mulder, R, Treatment of municipal wastewater in a CIRCOX® airlift reactor with integrated denitrification. Water Science and Technology.,1997,36 (1): 173–181. [4] Heijnen, J.J., Hols, J., Van der Lans, R.G.J.M., Van Leeuwen, H.L.J.M., Mulder, A. and Weltevrede, R, A simple hydrodynamic model for the liquid circulation velocity in a full-scale two-and three-phase internal airlift reactor operatingin the gas recirculation regime. Chemical Engineering Science.,1997,52 (15):2527–2540. [5] Van Benthum, W.A.J., Van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. and Heijnen, J.J, Process design for nitrogen removal using nitrifying biofilm and denitrifying suspended growth in a biofilm airlift suspension reactor.Water Science and Technology.,1997, 36 (1):119–128. titleAbstract: ed in this study.Key words: FACTS system stability, three phase fault. Reference [1] Atef Aly Ali Abdul Rahman–Al Ezzi a,b Ghazi Faisal Najmuldeen |
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40. | Simulation Model of Hydro Power Plant Using Matlab/Simulink
Simulation Model of Hydro Power Plant Using Matlab/SimulinkAbstract: Hydropower has now become the best source of electricity on earth. It is produced due to the energy provided by moving or falling water. History proves that the cost of this electricity remains constant over the year. Because of the many advantages, most of the countries now have hydropower as the source of major electricity producer. The most important advantage of hydropower is that t is green energy, which mean that no air or water pollutants are produced, also no greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are produced which makes this source of energy environment-friendly. It prevents us from the danger of global warming. This paper describes a generalized model which can be used to simulate a hydro power plant using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The plant consists of hydro turbine connected to synchronous generator, which is connected to public grid. Simulation of hydro turbine and synchronous generator can be done using various simulation tools, In this work, SIMULINK/MATLAB is favored over other tools in modeling the dynamics of a hydro turbine and synchronous machine. The SIMULINK program in MATLAB is used to obtain a schematic model of the hydro plant by means of basic function blocks. This approach is pedagogically better than using a compilation of program code as in other software programs .The library of SIMULINK software programs includes function blocks which can be linked and edited to model. The main objectives of this model are aimed to achieve some operating modes of the hydro plant and some operating tests.Key words: Hydro power plant, Synchronous machine, Hydro Turbine, Excitation. Reference [1] C.M. Ong, Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machinery Using Matlab/Simulink (A Simon & Schuster Company, NJ: Prentic-Hall, 1998) [2] A.A. ANSARI, D.M. DESHPANDE, Mathematical Model of Asynchronous Machine in MATLAB Simulink, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2(5), 2010, 1260-1267. [3] T. Kano, T. Ara, and T. Matsumura, A method for calculating equivalent circuit constants of a synchronous generator with damper using a dc decay test with open and shorted field windings, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conf. on Electrical Machines, IEEE, 2008, 978-1-4244-1736-0. [4] Y. C. choo, K. M. Muttaqi, and M. Negnevitsky, Modeling of hydraulic povernor-turbine for control stabilization, Anzima Journal, 49(EMAC2007), 2008, 681-698. [5] W.li, L. Vanfretti, and Y. Chompoobutrgool, Development and implementation of hydro turbine and governor models in a free and open source software package, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 24, 2012, 84-102. Mousa Sattouf |
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41. | Cost Optimization for Series-Parallel Petroleum Transportation Pape-Lines under Reliability Constraints
Cost Optimization for Series-Parallel Petroleum Transportation Pape-Lines under Reliability ConstraintsAbstract: This paper uses an ant colony meta-heuristic optimization method to solve the cost-optimization problem in petrolum industry. This problem is known as total investment-cost minimization of series-parallel transportation pape lines. Redundant Electro-Pumpe coupled to the papes lines are included to achieve a desired level of availability. System availability is represented by a multi-state availability function. The Electro-pumpe (pape-lines) are characterized by their capacity, availability and cost. These electro-pumpes are chosen among a list of products available on the market. The proposed meta-heuristic seeks to find the best minimal cost of petrol transportation system configuration with desired availability. To estimate the series-parallel pape lines availability, a fast method based on universal moment generating function (UMGF) is suggested. The ant colony approach is used as an optimization technique. An example of petrol transportation system is presented.Index Terms: Ant colony; Electro-pumpe; Redundancy optimization; Multi-state systems; Universal generating function (UMGF), petrol transportation Reference [1] Ushakov, Levitin and Lisnianski, Multi-state system reliability: from theory to practice. Proc. of 3 Int. Conf. on mathematical methods in reliability, MMR 2002, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 635-638. [2] Levitin and Lisnianski, A new approach to solving problems of multi-state system reliability optimization. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, vol. 47, No. 2, 2001, pp. 93-104. [3] Tillman, Hwang and Kuo, Tillman, F. A., C. L. Hwang, and W. Kuo, ―Optimization Techniques for System Reliability with Redundancy – A review,‖ IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. R-26, no. 3, 1997, 148-155. [4] Kuo and Prasad, An Annotated Overview of System-reliability Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 49, no. 2, 2000, 176-187. [5] Ushakov, Optimal standby problems and a universal generating function. Sov. J. Computing System Science, Vol. 25, N 4, 1987, pp 79-82. M. Amara, R. Meziane, A. Zeblah |
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42. | Linear and Nonlinear Behavior Analysis of a Flexible Shaft Supported By Hydrostatic Squeeze Film Dampers
Linear and Nonlinear Behavior Analysis of a Flexible Shaft Supported By Hydrostatic Squeeze Film DampersAbstract: Linear and non linear models of a hydrostatic squeeze film damper are presented and numerically simulated by a step by step method on a modal basis, in order to study the non-linear dynamic behaviour of a flexible shaft. The Reynolds equation is solved at each step in order to evaluate the film forces. The equations of motion are then integrated by using the Newmark method with a variable step in order to obtain speeds and the position for the next step. The non-linear hydrostatic forces are determined by the application of the boundary conditions, and the integration of the pressure field is determined by resolution of Reynolds equation, by applying the central finite difference method. The aim of this research is to study the effect of pressure ratio, viscosity, and rotational speeds on the vibratory responses and the transmitted bearing forces. The results are discussed, analysed and compared to a linear approach which is restricted to only small vibrations around the equilibrium position. The results show good agreements between linear and non-linear methods when the unbalance force is small, and then the linear model may be used for small vibrations in order to reduce compilation time during the iterative process.Key words: Journal Hydrostatic Bearing, Linear and Non-Linear Dynamic Behaviour, Squeeze Film Dampers, Rotor Dynamic. Reference [1] O.Bonneau, and J. Frene, ''Non-linear Behavior of a Flexible Shaft Partly Supported by a Squeeze Film Damper'', Wear, 206, pp. 244-250, 1997. [2] L. Seungchul, M. P Sang, I. K. Kab, ''AI Vibration Control of High-Speed Rotor Systems using Electro-Rheological Fluid'', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 284(3-5), pp. 685-703, 2005. [3] B. Pecheux, O. Bonneau, and J. Frêne, '' Investigation about Electro-Rheological Squeeze Film Damper Applied to Active Control of Rotor Dynamic'', Int. Journal of Rotating Machinery, 3(1), pp.53-60, 1997. [4] W. Qin, , J. Zhang, and X. Ren, '' Response and Bifurcation of Rotor with Squeeze Film Damper on Elastic Support'', Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 39,pp.188-195, 2009. [5] C.W. Chang-Jian, H. Terng Yau, and J. Lin Chen,''Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of a Hybrid Squeeze-Film Damper-Mounted Rigid Rotor Lubricated with Couple Stress Fluid and Active Control'', Applied Math. Modeling, 34, 9, pp. 2493-2507, 2010. A. Bouzidane and M. Thomas |
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43. | Environmental Pollution and Contamination of Water Resources within Awka and Environs
Environmental Pollution and Contamination of Water Resources within Awka and EnvironsAbstract: In Awka the State capital of Anambra state in Nigeria West Africa, numerous cases of groundwater and surface water pollution and contaminations have been reported. Shallow groundwater's that have been contaminated by leachates from landfills include those that occur below four large landfills in the outskirts of students' hostel both at temporary and permanent sites hostel. The town is endowed with numerous and accessible surface water and groundwater regions. These water bodies are continuously exploited by inhabitants of the city, for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. The aim of an investigation of possible pollution/contamination of these water regions in this work is to give greeter insight into the degree of suitability of the available surface water and groundwater within the study area for various water demands. The ever increasing use of organic pesticides and herbicides has constituted both surface water region and groundwater contamination in the region.Key words: Groundwater, Surface Water, Pollution, Contamination, Landfills Reference [1] Awosika, L., Dublin-Green, C.O. and Folorunsho, R. (2002) Bar Beach Victoria Island Erosion Problem: A Critical Assessment as at October 30th 2002 and Need for Urgent Mitigating Measures. Lagos: Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine [2] Bapulu, G.V. and Sinha, R. (2005) GIS in Flood Hazard Mapping: a case study of Kosi River Basin, India. Noida: GIS [3] Development. Available from: http://home.iitk.ac.in/~rsinha/PDF's/2006_FloodGISdevelopment.pdf [Accessed: 21/07/10]. [4] Egboka, B.C.E., 1994. The Ranging War: Floods erosion, Gullies, and Landslides Ravage Anambra State. God's Time Printing and Publishing Coy., Awka. [5] Otti V I ,2011 Economic Advantage of Rainwater Harvesting over water borehole:A sustainable development at the extension site Federal Polytechnic:International Journal of Water Resources & Environmental Engineerring(Academic Journal) Nwabineli, E. O. otti, V. I., Nwafor, A. U., Nwolum, F. C. |
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44. | Sleep Methods-An Efficient Way to Reduce the Leakage Power
Sleep Methods-An Efficient Way to Reduce the Leakage PowerAbstract: Now a days low power circuits are most popular, in the circuit as the scaling increase the leakage powers increases. So for removing these kind of leakages we are using many types of power gating techniques and to provide a better power efficiency. In this paper by using low power VLSI design techniques we are going to analyze the different types of power gated circuits. We are going to display the comparison results between different nano-meter technologies. Micro-wind Layout Editor & DSCH software tools are used for simulations & circuit design. The results were tabulated.Key words: Sleep Method, Power gating,Sleepy stack, Sleep, Stack, Zigzag, Dual sleep,Dual stack , MTCMOS, Fine-grain power gating, coarse-grain power gating. Reference [1] M. Powell, S.-H. Yang, B. Falsafi, K. Roy and T. N. Vijaykumar, "Gated-Vdd: A Circuit Technique to Reduce Leakage in Deep submicron Cache Memories," Proc. of International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, pp. 90-95, July 2000. [2] J.C. Park, V. J. Mooney III and P. Pfeiffenberger, "Sleepy Stack Reduction of Leakage Power," Proc. of the International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation, pp. 148-158, September 2004. [3] J. Park, "Sleepy Stack: a New Approach to Low Power VLSI and Memory," Ph.D. Dissertation, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005. [Online].Available http://etd.gatech.edu/theses. [4] N. Kim, T. Austin, D. Baauw, T. Mudge, K. Flautner, J. Hu, M. Irwin, M. Kandemir and V. Narayanan, "Leakage Current: Moore's Law Meets Static Power," IEEE Computer, vol. 36, pp. 68–75, December 2003. [5] J. Shin and T. Kim, "Technique for transition energy-aware dynamicvoltage assignment," IEEE Trans. Integr. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs,vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 956–960, Sep. 2006. Rohith Nama, Shoban Mude |
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45. | Spatial Patterns of Residential Water Supply Accessibility Levels in Anambra State, Nigeria
Spatial Patterns of Residential Water Supply Accessibility Levels in Anambra State, NigeriaAbstract: The aim of this study was to determine the extent of regional imbalances in residential water supply in Anambra State. To achieve this aim, primary data were collected between June and July 2012 from interviews on respondents and field observation, while secondary data were obtained from published materials from the State Ministry of Public Utilities, Water Resources and Community Development. Data generated were analysed to produce clusters using Cluster Analytical Technique which was calculated with the aid of MINITAB version 16 statistical package. Result shows that residential water supply accessibility pattern in Anambra State is structured into 4 zones (clusters). From the findings it was suggested that to improve the residential water supply access in various parts of the State, urgent water resources planning is needed to address the water poverty areas identified in the study.Key words: Analysed, clusters, regional, resources, utilities. Reference [1] Adenwumi, A. (2007). "Water Supply and Regional Disparity in Ondo State Nigeria". Journal of African Development, Vol. 18, pp 26-41. [2] Agili, D. And Umeze, E. (2011). "Residential Water Demand in Anambra State, Nigeria". Journal of Water and Environment, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 200-214. [3] Anambra State Government (2000). Directory of communities in Anambra State. Mimeographed. [4] Anene, D.O. (1999). "Problems of Water Scarcity in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria". The Nigerian Middle Belt, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 40 – 49. [5] Banji, A.O. (2000). Problems of Water Supply in Some Hilly Communities of Northern Cameroun. Journal of African Development, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 628-636. Ezenwaji, E. E., Awopeju, A. K., Otti, V. I., Eduputa, B. M. |
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46. | Solving the Accuracy Metrics and Diversity Measures For Personalised Recommendation
Solving the Accuracy Metrics and Diversity Measures For Personalised RecommendationAbstract: In the vast amount of information in the internet, to give individual attention for each users, the personalised recommendation system is used, which uses the collaborative filtering method. By the result of the survey did with some papers, the main problems like the cold start and the sparsity which were found previously have been overcome. Filtering the users when the number is large is done by the nearest neighbour approach or by the filtration approach. Due to some popular objects the accuracy of the data's are lost. To remove this influence, the method which is proposed here is a network based collaborative filtering which will create a user similarity network, where the users having similar interests of item or movies will be grouped together forming a network. Then we calculate discriminant scores for candidate objects. Validate the proposed approach by performing random sub-sampling experiments for about 20 times to get the accurate results and evaluate the method using two accuracy criteria and two diversity measures. Results show that the approach outperforms the ordinary user-based collaborative filtering method by not only enhancing the accuracy but also improving the diversity.Key words: Recommender system, Collaborative filtering, Personalised recommendation, User similarity network, Nearest neighbour Reference [1] Jeong, B., Lee, J., & Cho, H. (2010). "Improving memory-based collaborative filtering via similarity updating and prediction modulation". [2] Pazzani, M., &Billsus, D. (2007). "Content-based recommendation systems".In The adaptive web, lecture notes in computer science. [3] Sarwar, B., Karypis, G., J. (2001). "Itembased collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms". [4] Slobodan Vucetic., (2004). Collaborative Filtering Using a Regression-Based Approach [5] Rennie, J. D. M., &Srebro, N. (2005). "Fast maximum margin matrix factorization for collaborative prediction".Machinelearning .Germany I. Jenitta Magdalene, Mrs.Rebecca Sandra |
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47. | Implementing Total Quality Management to Improve Facilities and Resources of Departments in Engineering Institute
Implementing Total Quality Management to Improve Facilities and Resources of Departments in Engineering InstituteAbstract: This research work aims to understand Total Quality Management concepts and evaluating the extent of TQM implementation in Mechanical Engineering Department through student feedback survey. In keeping with the newer demands that have been placed on the self financed educational system by the various stakeholders, the technical educational system in particular, has been pressured to shift its focus from one in quantitative expansion to one with emphasis on quality. Growth and survival of these institutes is fully depending on their competitive working style, opinions of their customers/students about their performance, and contribution to economic growth. It is being increasingly recognized that high quality of products and services are associated with customer satisfaction and they are the key points for survival for any organization whether educational or otherwise. Not oblivious to the need for adaptation to serve the interests of its stakeholders, in terms of greater responsiveness, the educational system has begun to realize the significance of total quality management (TQM) in education.Key words: TQM, Stakeholder, educational institute Reference [1] Thakkar J, Deshmukh S G, Shastree A" Total quality management (TQM) in self- financed technical institutions: A analysis of quality function deployment (QFD) and force field approach"Quality Assurance in Education , 2006, Volume: 14 Issue: 1 pp.54-74. [2] Juan josetari, "Components of successful total quality management", A journal of management history, vol-17, no.2, 2005, pg.182-194. [3] G. Dennis Beecroft, "Cost of quality, quality planning and bottom line", A journal of MCB University Press · ISSN 0043-8022 vol.9 no.11, 1999, pg. 1-5. [4] Anoop Patel, "The long view of total quality management pays off", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol.12 no.7, 1995, pg 75-87. [5] John M. Ryan, 2002, "The Quality Team Concept in Total Quality Control", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 20, pages 89-103. Sumit P. Raut, Laukik P. Raut |
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48. | A Secure and Lossless Adaptive Image Steganography with Mod-4 LSB Replacement Methods Using Image Contrast
A Secure and Lossless Adaptive Image Steganography with Mod-4 LSB Replacement Methods Using Image ContrastAbstract: An adaptive Steganography scheme is proposed in this paper. The adaptive quantization embedded is introduced and employed by block-wised fashion. We also constructed contrast-correlation distortion metric to optimally choose quantization steps for image blocks to guarantee more data being embedded in busy areas. Deferent form existing methods, our scheme embeds the AQE parameters together with message bits into the cover image by deference expanding algorithm. Simulation experiments show the proposed scheme can provide a good trade-o® between the perceptibility and the capacity.Key words: Steganography, Adaptive quantization embedded, Construct-correlation distortion, Deference expanding Reference [1] E. Franz, and A. Schneidewind, "Adaptive steganography based ondithering," in Proceedings of the 2004 workshop on Multimedia and security, Magdeburg, Germany, 2004, pp. 56-62. [2] R. H. M. Dulce, R. C. Raul, and F. U. Claudia, "Adaptive Steganography based on textures," in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronics, Communications andComputers, 2007, pp. 34-39. [3] C. H. Yang, C. Y. Weng, S. J. Wang et al., "Adaptive Data Hiding in Edge Areas of Images With Spatial LSB Domain Systems," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 3, no. 3, pp.488-497, 2008. [4] D. C. Wu, and W. H. Tsai, "A steganographic method for images bypixel-value differencing," Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 23, pp.1613–1626, 2003. [5] H. C. Wu, N. I. Wu, C. S. Tsai et al., "Image steganographic schemebased on pixel-value ifferencing and LSB replacement methods," in Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., Vis. Images Signal Process, 2005, pp. 611–615. K. Devi Lavanya, Nittala. Raviteja, Katta. Mangarao |
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49. | Design of FFT Algorithm in OFDM Communication System
Design of FFT Algorithm in OFDM Communication SystemAbstract: The present communication system is limited by three major factors. Those are System capacity, higher data rates and interference. To meet these requirements, 802.11-based wireless LANs has fascinated interest in providing higher data rates and greater system capacities. Among them, the 802.11a standard based on OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) modulation scheme is defined to meet high-speed and large-system-capacity challenges. To implement OFDM System, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) and IFFT (Inverse Fast Fourier Transform) are the major hardware requirements. The System capacity is increased by increasing the FFT processor size. Higher data rates are achieved by proper architecture of FFT. This paper presents the design of a 256 point modified 𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑥 22 pipelined FFT/IFFT processor to achieve the higher data rates. And data constellation, symbol detection at transmitter and receiver is done by using QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) Modulation for easy of designing in OFDM communication system. The design has been coded in Verilog and the simulations and synthesis are carried out by using Xilinx 9.2i.Key words: OFDM, Radix 22 Algorithm, FFT, QPSK Reference [1] Chi-Hong Su and Jen-Ming Wu, ―Reconfigurable FFT Design for Low Power OFDM Communication Systems", Proc. of the 2006 IEEE 10th Intern. Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE'06), 28 June - 1 July 2006, Russia, pp.1-4, 2006. [2] J.-Y. Oh and M.-S. Lim, ―New radix-2 to the 4th power pipeline FFT processor,‖ IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol. E88-C, no. 8, pp. 1740–1746, 2005. [3] K. Harikrishna, T. Rama Rao and Vladimir A. Labay, ―A RADIX-2 Pipeline FFT for Ultra Wide Band Technology‖,International Conference on Computer & Network Technology (ICCNT), conference proceedings published by World Scientific Press, Singapore. Chennai, India, Jul 24-28, 2009. [4] S. He and M. Torkelson, ―A new approach to pipeline FFT processor", 10th Int. Parallel Processing Symp. (IPPS'96), p.766–770, 1996. [5] M.S Minallah and G. Raja, ―Real Time FFT Processor Implementation", 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies, IEEE—ICET 2006. Peshawar, Pakistan 13-14 November, Pages: 192-195, 2006. Baddi.Yedukondalu, Valluri.Jaganmohanrao, T. Chandra Sekhar |
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50. | Effect of Potassium Chloride on Fly Ash Based Blended Cement Concrete
Effect of Potassium Chloride on Fly Ash Based Blended Cement ConcreteAbstract: This paper presents the effect of potassium chloride (KCl) on blended cement concrete (BCC). The BCC was prepared with KCl concentrations of 0.5, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 g/l by adding in deionised water. In addition to this, control specimen was prepared with deionised water (without KCl) for the purpose of comparison. The setting times and compressive strength were evaluated for 28 and 90 days apart from studying rapid chloride ion permeability. The results show that, as KCl concentration increases, there is retarding in initial and final setting of blended cement (BC). The compressive strength of BCC increases as the concentration of KCl goes up at both 28 and 90 days. Compressive strengths of BCC show a significant increase at 10 g/l when compared with the control specimens. It was also observed that chloride ion permeability has decreased with an increase in the concentration of the KCl. X-ray diffraction analysis has been carried out for BCC specimens at KCl concentration of 10 g/l in deionised water.Key words: KCl, Setting time, Compressive strength, Chloride ion permeability, X-ray diffraction Reference [1] Kejin W, Daniel EN and Wilfrid AN (2006). Damaging effects of deicing chemicals on concrete materials, Cement and Concrete Composites 28(2) 173-178. [2] Gorninsi JP, Dal MDC and Kazmierczak CS (2007). Strength degradation of polymer concrete in acidic environments, Cement and Concrete Composites 29(8) 637-645. [3] Adnan C, Turgay C and Ahmet EB (2009). Effects of environmental factors on the adhesion and durability characteristics of expoxy bonded concrete prisms, Construction and Building materials 23(2) 758-767. [4] Fikret T, Fevziye A, Sema K and Nabi Y (1997). Effects of magnesium sulfate concentration on the sulfate resistance of mortars with and without silica fume, Cement and Concrete Research 27(2) 205-214(1997) [5] Venkateswara Reddy V, Sudarshan Rao H and Jayaveer KN (2006). Influence of strong alkaline substances (sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate) in mixing water on strength and setting properties of concrete, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences 13(2) 123- 128. Dr. B. Madhusudhana Reddy, D. Pavan Kumar and Prof.C.Sashidhar |
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51. | Hand Gesture Spotting Using Sign Language through Computer Interfacing
Hand Gesture Spotting Using Sign Language through Computer InterfacingAbstract: Sign Language is the most natural and expressive way for the hearing impaired. A hybrid feature descriptor, which combines the advantages of SURF & Hu Moment Invariant methods, is used as a combined feature set to achieve a good recognition rate along with a low time complexity. To further increase the recognition rate and make the recognition system resilient to view-point variations, the concept of derived features from the available feature set is introduced. K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used for hybrid classification of single signed letter. This paper presents a methodology which recognizes the Indian Sign Language (ISL) and translates into a normal text. The methodology consists of three stages, namely a training phase, a testing phase and a recognition phase. Combinational parameters of Hu invariant moment and structural shape descriptors are created to form a new feature vector to recognize sign. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system can successfully recognize hand gesture with 96% recognition rate.Key words: Finger Spelled Word Recognition, Hu Moment Invariant, Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Sign Language, Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF), Support Vector Machine (SVM). Reference [1] Pallavi Gurjal, Kiran Kunnur, "Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition using SIFT", International Journal for Electronics and Engineering, 2012, pp 19-33. [2] Ghotkar, Archana S, "Hand Gesture Recognition for ISL", International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2012, pp 1-4. [3] Rajam, P. Subha and Dr G Bala krishnan," Real Time ISL Recognition System to aid Deaf and Dumb people", 13th International Conference Vol. 2 Issue 4, April – 2013 ISSN: 2278-0181386 on Communication Technology (ICCT), 2011, pp 737742. [4] Shanableh Tamer, T. Khaled, "Arabic sign language recognition in user independent mode", IEEE International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, 2007, pp 597-600. [5] Aleem Khalid Alvi, M. Yousuf Bin Azhar, "Pakistan Sign Language Recognition Using Statistical Template Matching", International Journal of Information Technology, 2004, pp 1-12. Neha S. Chourasia, Sampa Barman |
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52. | FCM for Malignant Detection in Mammogram
FCM for Malignant Detection in MammogramAbstract: X-ray Mammography is the current widespread method for screening breast cancer and one of the reliable techniques for diagnosis. Radiologists need information from multiple views of Mammogram in order to analyze and detect abnormalities. Computer Aided Detection (CAD) tool are used as second reader to aid the radiologist in early and efficient diagnosis. In this Paper, CAD is designed using the Proposed Algorithm is used for the detection of Cancerous tissue site in the mammogram. Hence, a modified fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm is presented for Mammogram image segmentation. Principally during the clinical analysis of mammogram images in CAD Process, segmentation is considered as one of the preliminary and requisite stage of image process. During segmentation, Interpretation of the noise effect has been reduced by incorporating the median filter into the proposed standard FCM Algorithm. KNN classifier does the cluster algorithm using for segmentation and classification. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by extensive segmentation experiments using simulation in CAD.Key words: Mammogram, Mammography, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Segmentation, Classification. Reference [1] L. Vibha, G.M. Harshavardhan, K. Pranaw, P. Deepa Shenoy, K.R. Venugopal, L.M. Patnaik, "Classification of mammograms using decision trees", in: Pro- ceedings of the 10th IEEE International Database Engineering and Applica- tions Symposium (IDEAS‟06), 2006, pp. 263–266. [2] Liu S, Babbs CF, Delp EJ. "Multiresolution detection of spiculated lesions in digital mammograms". IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2001;10(6):874–84. [3] Rashed EA, Ismail IA, Zaki SI. "Multiresolution mammogram analysis in multilevel decomposition". Pattern Recognition Letters 2007; 28:286–92. [4] Ferreira CBR, Borges DL. "Analyses of mammogram classification using a wavelet transform decomposition" Pattern Recognition Letters 2003; 24:973–82. [5] Jawad Nagi, Sameen Abdul Kareem, Farrukh Nagiand Syed Khaleel Ahmed."Automated Breast Profile Segmentation for ROI Detection Using Digital Mammograms",IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering & Sciences 2010;87-92. E. Vidhya Jyothi, R. Gayathri |
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53. | Introducing Pico Hydro From Daily Used Water And Rain Water
Introducing Pico Hydro From Daily Used Water And Rain WaterAbstract: Demand for energy is increasing day by day because of increasing the population and industrialization. But, the over usage of electrical energy may cause power crisis. So, there is a need to develop the methods of optimal utilization which decreases the over usage of energy and try to work as positive catalyst in stable environment. This paper shows the possibility of tapping the wasted energy from daily used water and rain water. The wasted energy of daily used water and rain water can be converted into the electrical energy by hydro electric mechanism through several energy conversion processes. There is also obtained the electrical energy is in KW range, which is sufficient to lighten a garage of multi storeyed building or small needs of home. The generated electricity is stored in a battery for any future uses. As the increasing of daily used water and rain water on roof, the designed system will be effective to decrease the power crisis of Bangladesh to some extent.Key words: Potential energy, Daily used water and rain water, Hydroelectric mechanism, Energy conversion, Home uses. Reference [1] Generation Plan, Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of the Republic of Bangladesh. Available at: http://www.powerdivision.gov.bd/user/brec/41/58 [2] Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_sector_in_Bangladesh [3] Bangladesh Power Development Board: Available at: http://www.bpdb.gov.bd/bpdb/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5&Iemid=6 [4] Pico-hydro, Renewable Energy Information Network, Bangladesh. Available at: http://www.lged-rein.org/knowhow.php?pageid=55 [5] S. J. Chapman, Electric machinery fundamentals, McGraw-Hill: International Edition, page-596,4th edition, 2006-2007. Rashed Al Amin, Samioul Hasan Talukder |
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54. | An Analysis of Harmonic Mitigation to Reduce Transmission Losses in Power System
An Analysis of Harmonic Mitigation to Reduce Transmission Losses in Power SystemAbstract: The application of power electronics devices such as arc furnaces, adjustable speed drives, computer power supplies etc. are some typical non-linear characteristic loads used in most of the industrial applications are increasing rapidly due to improved technical devices , digital controller and flexibility in controlling the power usage. The use of the above power electronic devices in power distribution system gives rise to harmonics and reactive power disturbances. The harmonics and reactive power cause a number of undesirable effects like heating, equipment damage and electromagnetic interference effects in the power system. There are many conventional method to mitigate the harmonics but they are giving not satisfactory result To achieve a satisfactory harmonic content, the number of pulses being increased up to 48-pulses, in the present work the voltage source inverter (VSI) based on 48-pulses is used; this is constituted by four three-level converters linked by four phase-shifting transformers. This device exhibits a low harmonic rate on the AC side. The 48-pulses StatCom can be utilized in high power applications without AC filters. The StatCom is used in voltage regulation mode and it can be used as compensator (Var mode). Simulation results are plotted to show the appropriateness of the proposition. A comparative study on the performances of voltage and harmonic control strategies is being used in the present work and it has been observed from simulation result that these VSI have some disadvantages such as high cost, slow response, and large size etc., during real-time implementation But by using VSI one can avail the advantages like reconfigurable hardware designs, low cost developments, selection of bit width according to applications etc. A techno-economic analysis have also being carried, that shows approximately Rs.2 lack yearly saving with pay back of 6 years approx.Key words: Harmonic reduction in Power System, Power Factor Correction and Improve MVA Rating of transformer Reference [1] [2] D.A.Paice, Power Electronic Converter Harmonics-Multi-pulse Methods for Clean Power. New York,IEEE Press, 1996. [2] J. C. J. Hatziadoniu and F. E.Chalkiadakis, "A 12-Pulse StaticSynchronous Compensator for the distribution system employing the3-level GTO-Inverter", IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, vol.12,no.4,October 1997,pp .1830-1835. [3] M. S. EI-Moursi and A. M. Sharaf, "Novel Controllers for the 48 Pulse VSC STATCOM and SSSC for Voltage Regulation and Reactive Power Compensation," IEEE Trans. On Power System, vol. 20, no.4,nov. 2005, pp. 1985 – 1997. [4] CIGRE, "Static Synchronous Compensator", working group 14-19,September1998 [5] N.Mohan, T.M.Undeland, W.P.Robbins, ―PowerElectronics: Converters, Applications, and Design‖, 3rd Edition, 2002 Apurva Ganguli, Abhay Kumar Sharma, V.K. Bajpai |
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55. | Design and Analysis of Multi Level D-STATCOM to Improve the Power Quality
Design and Analysis of Multi Level D-STATCOM to Improve the Power QualityAbstract: In the last decade, the electrical power quality issue has been the main concern of the power companies. Power quality is defined as the index which both the delivery and consumption of electric power affect on the performance of electrical apparatus. From a customer point of view, a power quality problem can be defined as any problem is manifested on voltage, current, or frequency deviation that results in power failure. The power electronics progressive, especially in flexible alternating-current transmission system (FACTS) and custom power devices, affects power quality improvement. This paper presents an investigation of seven-Level Cascaded H - bridge (CHB) Inverter as Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) in Power System (PS) for compensation of reactive power and harmonics. The advantages of CHB inverter are low harmonic distortion, reduced number of switches and suppression of switching losses. The DSTATCOM helps to improve the power factor and eliminate the Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) drawn from a Non-Liner Diode Rectifier Load (NLDRL). The D-Q reference frame theory is used to generate the reference compensating currents for DSTATCOM while Proportional and Integral (PI) control is used for capacitor dc voltage regulation. A CHB Inverter is considered for shunt compensation of a 11 Kv distribution system. Finally a level shifted PWM (LSPWM) and phase shifted PWM (PSPWM) techniques are adopted to investigate the performance of CHB Inverter. The results are obtained through Matlab/Simulink software package.Key words: FACTS, DSTATCOM, Cascaded H - bridge (CHB) Inverter, Total Harmonics Distortion (THD). Reference [1] K.A Corzine. and Y.L Familiant, "A New Cascaded Multi-level HBridge Drive:' IEEE Trans. Power.Electron .• vol. I 7. no. I. pp. I 25-I 3 I Jan 2002. [2] J.S.Lai. and F.Z.Peng "Multilevel converters - A new bread of converters, "IEEE Trans. Ind.Appli .• vo1.32. no.3. pp.S09-S17. May/ Jun. 1996. [3] T.A.Maynard. M.Fadel and N.Aouda. "Modelling of multilevel converter:' IEEE Trans. Ind.Electron .• vo1.44. pp.3S6-364. Jun. I 997. [4] P.Bhagwat. and V.R.Stefanovic. "Generalized structure of a multilevel PWM Inverter:' IEEE Trans. Ind. Appln, VoI.IA-19. no.6, pp. I OS7-1069, Nov.!Dec .. 1983. [5] J.Rodriguez. Jih-sheng Lai, and F Zheng peng, "Multilevel Inverters; A Survey of Topologies, Controls, and Applications," IEEE Trans Ind. Electron., vol.49 , n04., pp.724-738. Aug.2002. Dinesh. Badavath, Mr. T. Subramanya Sastry |
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56. | The Material Behavior Of Plastered-Bamboo Wall Towards Lateral Loads
The Material Behavior Of Plastered-Bamboo Wall Towards Lateral LoadsAbstract: This study determined the lateral resistance capacity of the plastered-bamboo wall. The test was carried out on three pieces of plastered-bamboo wall. The first was plastered-bamboo wall without bracing (DP-TB), second was plastered-bamboo wall using bamboo bracing (DP-BB), and the last is a plastered-bamboo wall which uses wiremesh bracing (DP-BK). The static load (monotonic) test method was used to determine the correlation between the lateral resistance and the deflection of plastered-bamboo wall. The monotonic testing was only conducted until the load has experience 20% decrease from peak load. The test results showed that the plastered-bamboo wall using wiremesh bracing had the peak load capacity, energy dissipation, and higher ductility than the plastered-bamboo wall using bamboo bracing. Elastic stiffness of the plastered-bamboo wall using bamboo bracing was 1.27 greater than plastered-bamboo wall using wiremesh bracing. The ultimate load resulted from the experiment of the plastered-bamboo wall with either bamboo or additional wiremeshbracingwas 25.52 kN and 26.37 kN or two times greater than the results of an analysis of the flexural failure based on Subedi method (1991) which was 14.39 kN.Key words: plastered-bamboo, bracing, lateral load Reference [1] Ash, C., 2004,Reversed Cyclic In-Plane of Load-Bearing Plastered Straw Bale Walls. World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Agustus 2004 [2] Awaludin, A., 2011, PrediksiKekuatan Lateral Panel Kayu. JurusanTeknikSipildanLingkunganFakultasTeknik. UniversitasGadjahMada. Yogyakarta. [3] Dewi, Srimurni, 2005, PerilakuPelat Lapis KompositBambu-SpesiPadaBebanBeban In-Plane danBebanLentur, Disertasi S3 ITS, Surabaya [4] Madan, A., Reinhorn, A.M., Mander, J.B., Valles, R.E. (1997). "Modeling of Masonry Infill Panels for Structural Analysis.",J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 123(10), 1295-1302 [5] Minjuan, He.Zheng Li., 2012,Evaluation of Lateral Performance of Timber-Stell Hybrid Lateral Resistant System Through Experimental Approac.Journal of Timber Engineering. Auckland. V. R. R. Hutubessy, Hrc. Priyosulistyo, A. Awaludin |
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57. | Design and Implementation of Flexible D-Statcom for Mitigating Power Quality Problems and Improve the Distribution System Performance
Design and Implementation of Flexible D-Statcom for Mitigating Power Quality Problems and Improve the Distribution System PerformanceAbstract: This paper gives a detailed information about flexible D-STATCOM, which is used to mitigate and reduces all types of faults and operate as a Distributed Generation. When the main source is disconnected it supplies power to sensitive loads and doesn‟t interrupt the supply power to the loads. Thus D-STATCOM operates same as a flexible D-STATCOM and hence is known as Flexible D-STATCOM. The performance of Flexible D-STATCOM system is to mitigate power quality problems and improve distribution system performance under all types of system related disturbances and system unbalanced faults, such as Line-to-Line and DLG faults under islanding condition. 12-pulse D-STATCOM configuration is utilized with IGBT which is designed and is used in determining the graphical representation of the D-STATCOM using the software PSCAD/EMTDC electromagnetic transient simulation program. The reliability and robustness of the control schemes in the system is determined by the voltage disturbances occurred by Line to line and double line to ground faults and islanded operating condition are thus verified in the results obtained in simulation.Index Terms: D-STATCOM Voltage Sags, Distribution System, Faults, Energy Storage Systems, Islanding Condition. Reference [1] H. Hatami, F. Shahnia, A. Pashaei, and S.H. Hosseini, "Investigation on D-STATCOM and DVR operation for voltage [2] Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems Narain G. Hingorani , Laszlo Gyugyi. [3] M. I. Marei, E. F. El-Saadany, and M. M. A. Salama, "Flexible distributed generation: (FDG)," in Proc. IEEE Power Engineering Soc. Summer Meeting, 2002, vol. 1, pp. 49- 53. [4] H. H. Zeineldin, E. F. El-Saadany, and M. M. A. Salama, "Impact of DG interface control on islanding detection and no detection zones," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1515-1523, July 2006 [5] High voltage direct current transmission by J. Arrillaga Ramesh Lakavath, K.Kumaraswamy, S.Sahithi and G.Naresh |
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58. | Efficient VLSI Architecture For CSD Basedsub-Band Tree Structure Using 4-Tap Filter
Efficient VLSI Architecture For CSD Basedsub-Band Tree Structure Using 4-Tap FilterAbstract: A sub-band tree structure hardware design based on canonic signed digit (CSD) architecture is presented in this paper. We have proposed based on canonic signed digit (CSD) arithmetic for low complexity and efficient implementation of sub-band tree structure. The canonic signed digit (CSD) technique has been applied to reduce the number of full adders required by 2's complement based deigns. This architecture is suitable for high speed on-line applications. With this architecture the speed of the sub-band tree structure is increased with a factor two but the occupied area of the circuit is less than double. It has 100% hardware utilization efficiency.Key words: Sub-band tree structure (SBTS), One, Two, Three Level, Canonic signed digit (CSD) scheme, Xilinx simulation. Reference [1] S.G. Mallat, "A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis on Machine Intelligence, 110. July1989, pp. 674-693. [2] X. Wu, Y. Li, and H. Chen, "programmable wavelet packet transform process," IEEE Electronics Letters, vol. 35. no. 6, pp.449-450. 1999. [3] K.K.Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal Processing. New York: Wiley, 1998. [4] O. Farooq and S. Datta, "Mel filter-like admissible wavelet packet structure for speech recognition," IEEE Signal Process. Lett. vol. 8, no.7, pp. 196-198, jul.2001. [5] M. A. Trenas, J. Lopez and E. L. Zapata, "Architecture for wavelet packet transform", J. VLSI Signal Process. Vol. 32. pp. 255-273, 2002. Radhe Kant Mishra, Dr. Subbaratnam Kumar |
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59. | A Simple Experimental Analysis on Transportation Problem: A
New Approach to Allocate Zero Supply or Demand for All
Transportation Algorithm
A Simple Experimental Analysis on Transportation Problem: A New Approach to Allocate Zero Supply or Demand for All Transportation AlgorithmAbstract: Basic feasible solution is the initial solution of transportation problem. There are several transportation algorithms to determine feasible solution. These algorithms are only way to get optimal solution because optimal solution obtains from the initial basic feasible solution using some optimality test methods such as MODIModified Distribution Method and Stepping Stone Method where MODI is the most efficient method to determine optimal solution. Before applying MODI on feasible solution we have to resolve degeneracy if it occurs and also make sure that allocations (non-negative basic variable) are should not form a closed loop when we draw horizontal and vertical paths from allocated cells to allocated cells. Degeneracy occurs when supply and demand are satisfied simultaneously it can be resolved if one row or column of them is crossed out and another remains with zero supply or demand. Difficulty arise when if all uncrossed out rows or column have (remaining) zero supply or demand. In that case, Vogel‟s Approximation Method (VAM) and some other methods solve that by allocating these zero supply or demand using Least Cost Method (LCM). But in some problem when we make allocation by LCM in that particular case then closed loop is formed and not possible to apply any optimality test method. So that optimal solution is not possible to determine in that case. In this paper we resolve this particular problem and find a new approach to allocate zero supply or demand so that closed loop will not be formed.Key words: Transportation Problem (TP), LCM, VAM, MODI, Degeneracy, Closed Loop. Reference [1] Hamdy A. Taha. Operation Research: An Introduction, Eighth Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0132555937, [2] P. Rama Murthy. Operation Research, Second Edition, ISBN (13): 978-81-224-2944-2 [3] Hamdy A Taha. TORA Optimizing System Software. [4] Hillier, F. S. and G. J. Lieberman. Introduction to Operations Research, 6th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1995) [5] Md. Amirul Islam, Aminur Rahman Khan, M. Sharif Uddin and M. Abdul Malek "Determination of Basic Feasible Solution of Transportation Problem: A New Approach‟ Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 101 – 108, ISSN 1022-8594 (2012). [6] Aminur Rahman Khan "A Re-solution of the Transportation Problem: An Algorithmic Approach‟ Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 49-62 ISSN 1022-8594 (2011). Md. Ashraful Babu, Utpal Kanti Das, Aminur Rahman Khan, Md. Sharif Uddin |
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60. | A Review on Current Research and Development in Abrasive Waterjet Machining
A Review on Current Research and Development in Abrasive Waterjet MachiningAbstract: Abrasive waterjet machining (AWJM) is an emerging machining technology option for hard material parts that are extremely difficult-to-machine by conventional machining processes. A narrow stream of high velocity water mixed with abrasive particles gives relatively inexpensive and environment friendly production with reasonably high material removal rate. Because of that abrasive waterjet machining has become one of the leading manufacturing technologies in a relatively short period of time. This paper reviews the research work carried out from the inception to the development of AWJM within the past decade. It reports on the AWJM research relating to improving performance measures, monitoring and control of process, optimizing the process variables. A wide range of AWJM industrial applications for different category of material are reported with variations. The paper also discusses the future trend of research work in the same area.Index Terms: Abrasive waterjet machining, Process parameter, Process optimization, Monitoring, Control. Reference [1]. Kovacevic, R.; Hashish, M.; Mohan, R.; Ramulu, M.; Kim, T.J.; Geskin, E.S. (1997) State of the art of research and development in abrasive waterjet machining. Transactions of ASME. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 119: 765-785. [2]. Selvan, M.C.; Raju, N.M.; Sachidananda, H.K. (2012) Effects of process parameters on surface roughness in abrasive waterjet cutting of aluminum. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 7(4): 439–444. [3]. Akkurt, A.; Mustafa, K. K.; Ulvi, S.C.; Fevzi, E. (2004) Effect of feed rate on surface roughness in abrasive water jet cutting applications. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 147: 389–396. [4]. Metin, K.; Erdogan, K.; Omer, E. (2011) Prediction of surface roughness in abrasive waterjet machining of particle reinforced MMCs using genetic expression programming. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 55: 955–968. [5]. Caydas, U.; Hascalik, A. (2008) A study on surface roughness in abrasive waterjet machining process using artificial neural networks and regression analysis method. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 202: 574–582. M. M. Korat, Dr. G. D. Acharya |
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61. | A Review of Research on Improvement and Optimization of Performance Measures for Electrical Discharge Machining
A Review of Research on Improvement and Optimization of Performance Measures for Electrical Discharge MachiningAbstract: Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non conventional machining method which can be used to machine electrically conductive work pieces irrespective of their shape, hardness and toughness. High cost of non conventional machine tools, compared to conventional machining, has forced us to operate these machines as efficiently as possible in order to reduce production cost and to obtain the required reimbursement. To achieve this task, machining parameters such as pulse on time, pulse off time, discharge current, gap voltage, flushing pressure, electrode material, etc. of this process should be selected such that optimal value of their performance measures like Material Removal Rate (MRR), Surface Roughness (SR), Electrode/Tool Wear Rate (EWR/TWR), dimensional accuracy, etc. can be obtained or improved. In past decades, intensive research work had been carried out by different researchers for improvement and optimization of EDM performance measures using various optimization techniques like Taguchi, Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Genetic Algorithm (GA), etc. This paper reviews research on improvement and optimization of various performance measures of spark erosion EDM and finally lists down certain areas that can be taken up for further research in the field of improvement and optimization for EDM process.Key words: Electrical discharge machining, Optimization, MRR, Surface roughness, TWR, Dimensional accuracy Reference [1] Abdulkareem, S.; Khan, A.A.; Konneh, M. (2010) Cooling Effect on Electrode and Process Parameters in EDM. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25(6): 462–466. [2] Andromeda, T.; Yahya, A.; Hisham, N.; Khalil, K.; Erawan, A. (2011) Predicting Material Removal Rate of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) using Artificial Neural Network for High Igap current. International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering, IEEE, 21-22 June, Pahang, Malaysia. [3] Assarzadeh, S.; Ghoreishi, M. (2013) Statistical modeling and optimization of process parameters in electro-discharge machining of cobalt-bonded tungsten carbide composite (WC/6%Co). The Seventeenth CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining, Procedia CIRP, 6: 464–469. [4] Atefi, R.; Razmavar, A.; Teimoori, F.; Teimoori, F. (2012) The Investigation of EDM Parameters in Finishing Stage on Surface Quality Using Hybrid Model. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2(3): 3061-3065. [5] Ayesta, I.; Izquierdo, B.; Sánchez, J.A. (2013) Influence of EDM parameters on slot machining in C1023 aeronautical alloy. The Seventeenth CIRP Conference on Electro Physical and Chemical Machining, Procedia CIRP, 6: 129-134. C. R. Sanghani, Dr. G. D. Acharya |
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62. | A Computational Model Of Episodic Memory Encoding In Dentate Gyrus Hippocampus Sub Region As Pattern Separator Using ART Neural Network
A Computational Model Of Episodic Memory Encoding In Dentate Gyrus Hippocampus Sub Region As Pattern Separator Using ART Neural NetworkAbstract: This paper presents a computational model of encoding and separation of episodic events via Dentate Gyrus sub region of hippocampus. The proposed model is implemented using adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network. The model incorporates the proposed method encoding of episodes in binary patterns. The proposed model is capable of achieving high level of pattern encoding and separation. The separation achieved for different episodes and events shown by the results are very good depending upon the vigilance parameter of the model. Vigilance parameter is assumed to be correlated to attention attribute while perceiving an episode of an event.Key words: Dentate Gyrus Computation, Episodic memory encoding, episode separation, ART network, hippocampus computational model. Reference [1] G. Ariav, A. Polsky, and J. Schiller, Submillisecond precision of the input-output transformation function mediated by fast sodium dendritic spikes in basal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons. J Neurosci, 23(21):7750-8, 2003. [2] J. V. Arthur and K. Boahen. Recurrently connected silicon neurons with active dendritesfor one-shot learning. In Neural Networks, 2004, Proceedings, 2004 IEEE International Joint Conference on, volume 3, 2004. [3] J. V. Arthur and K. Boahen. Learning in silicon: timing is everything. In Y. Weiss, B. Scholkopf, and J. Platt, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 18, Vancouver, 2005. MIT Press. [4] C. Barnes, Effects of aging on the dynamics of information processing and synaptic weight changes in the mammalian hippocampus. Prog Brain Res, 8:89-104, 1990. [5] P. E. Patton and B. McNaughton, Connection matrix of the hippocampal formation: I. The dentate gyrus. Hippocampus, 5(4):245-86, 1995. Sudhakar Tripathi, R.B.Mishra |
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1. | Analysis of Turbine Blade under the Effect of Damping with Different Materials
Analysis of Turbine Blade under the Effect of Damping with Different MaterialsAbstract: Critical operating conditions of turbine blades for its effective life is the present need of the industry. In this aspect a typical analysis is performed on a turbine blade in this research work. In the first stage an analysis is performed taking into account of thermal loading and with combination of mechanical loads for the evaluation of displacements and stresses to locate the critical area in the model. Later in the second stage under the effect of damping factor 0.001 and natural frequencies of blade is investigated using commercial Ansys software with different materials. A solid 185 brick element is chosen for the analysis and the simulated results were analyzed for comparison with materials like Nickel base Alloy and Ti-6 Al-4V.Key words: Coupled field analysis, Solid 185 brick element, Natural frequencies and Damping factor. Reference [1] Binesh Philip and N. C. Mahendra Babu, "Numerical Estimation of Fatigue Life of Aero Engine Fan Blades", SAS Tech Journal, Volume 9, Issue 2, September 2010. [2] D. P. Shepherd, T J Ward, A Wisbey, B Vermeulen and A D Boyd Lee, "Life Extension Methods in Aero Engines", OMMI, Vol.3, Iissue 1, 2004. [3] Yaşar Kahraman and Imdat Taymaz, " Lifetime Assessment and Shock Behavior of TBC in Gas Turbine Blades: Experimental and Numerical Investigations", 13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Germany, 2012. [4] www.Ansys.com [5] Rybnikov A.I., Getsov L.B. and Leontiev S.A., "Failure Analysis of Gas Turbine Blades", Microscopy Society of America, Microsc Microanal 11(Suppl 2), 2005. N. Sreenivasa Babu, Dr. K. Jayathirtha Rao |
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2. | Effect of Annealing On Thin Film Fabrication of Cadmium Zinc Telluride by Single-R.F. Magnetron Sputtering Unit
Effect of Annealing On Thin Film Fabrication of Cadmium Zinc Telluride by Single-R.F. Magnetron Sputtering UnitAbstract: In this work, formation of Cd1-xZnxTe thin films under various annealing-environments, created by layer by layer deposition of individual CdTe and ZnTe targets from a Single-R.F. Magnetron Sputtering unit is investigated. Structural and optical characterization results show that Vacuum Annealing is the best suitable for the formation of better Cd1-xZnxTe XRD peaks of higher intensities in comparison to Argon or Nitrogen-Annealing, for a bi-layered deposited CdTe and ZnTe film on glass substrate. The crystallography of the Cd1-xZnxTe films formed appeared to be either Cubic or Rhombohedral type. Also, it has been noticed, that the more inert the annealing-environment is, the lesser is the heat loss by the film-substrate and this results in better fusing of the deposited particles to move more from the poly-crystalline to the mono-crystalline structure. Also higher inert environment causes more Cadmium evaporation and this consequently drives the lattice-constant and the band-gap energy of the formed Cd1-xZnxTe thin film to move from the CdTe side to the ZnTe side. The method developed here with proper annealing ambiance for Cd1-xZnxTe fabrication can be implemented in laboratories lacking in Co-Sputtering machine.Key words: Cd1-xZnxTe, CdTe, ZnTe, Single-R.F. Magnetron Sputtering, Vacuum-Anneal, Argon-Anneal, Nitrogen-Anneal Reference [1] M. Chakaborty, Fabrication of Nano-structured Cadmium Zinc Telluride thin films, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 2, Issue 1( 2012) 1126-1134 [2] D. Zeng, W. Jie, T. Wang, W. Li, J. Zhang, The relationship between stress and photoluminescence of Cd0.96Zn0.04Te single crystal, Materials Science and Engineering B 142 (2007) 144–147. [3] J. P. Faurie, J. Reno, M. Boukerche, J. Crystal Growth, 72 (1985), 111. 4] T. E. Schlesinger, R. B. James, Semiconductors and Semimetals, edited 43, Academic, San Diego (1995). [5] R. Dornhaus, G. Nimitz, G Höhler, E. A. Nickisch, Springer (1983), 119. Dr. Monisha Chakraborty and Sugata Bhattacharyya |
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3. | Analysis and Design of Finfet Based Variable Gain Amplifier
Analysis and Design of Finfet Based Variable Gain AmplifierAbstract: Comparison of analog figures-of-merit of FinFETs and MOSFETs reveals an interesting tradeoff in the analog/RF design space. It is found that FinFETs possess the following key advantages over MOSFETs: reduced power dissipation, and better voltage gain without degradation of noise or linearity. This makes them attractive for low-frequency RF applications around 5 GHz, where the performance-power tradeoff is important. On the other hand, in high-frequency applications, planar bulk MOSFETs is seen to hold the advantage over FinFETs due to their higher peak transconductance. However, this comes at a cost of a reduced voltage gain of bulk MOSFETs.Key words: Analog, FinFET, MOSFET, radio-frequency (RF), silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology Reference [1] Vaidy Subramanian, Bertrand Parvais, Jonathan Borremans, Abdelkarim Mercha, Dimitri Linten, Piet Wambacq, Josine Loo, Morin Dehan, Cedric Gustin, Nadine Collaert, Stefan Kubicek, Robert Lander, Jacob Hooker, Florence Cubaynes, Stephane Donnay, Malgorzata Jurczak, Guido Groeseneken, Willy Sansen, and Stefaan Decoutere,``Planar Bulk MOSFETS Versus FinFETs:An Analog/RF Perspective", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 53, no. 12, pp.- 3071-3079,Dec. 2006. [2] D. Hisamoto, W.-C. Lee, J. Kedzierski, H. Takeuchi, K. Asano, C. Kuo,E. Anderson, T.-J. King, J. Bokor, and C. Hu, "FinFET: A self-aligned double gate MOSFET scalable to 20 nm," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 47, no. 12, pp. 2320–2325, Dec. 2000. [3] E. Nowak, T. Ludwig, I. Aller, J. Kedzierski, M. Ieong, B. Rainey,M. Breitwisch, V. Gernhoefer, J. Keinert, and D. Fried, "Scaling beyond the 65 nm node with FinFET-DGCMOS," in Proc. IEEE Custom Integr. Circuits Conf., 2003, pp. 339–342. [4] F.-L. Yang, H.-Y. Chen, F.-C. Chen, C.-C. Huang, C.-Y. Chang, H.-K. Chiu, C.-C. Lee, C.-C. Chen, H.-T. Huang, C.-J. Chen, H.-J.Tao, Y.-C. Yeo, M.-S. Liang, and C. Hu, "25 nm CMOS Omega FETs," in IEDM Tech. Dig., 2002, pp. 255–258. [5] V. Subramanian, B. Parvais, J. Borremans, A. Mercha, D. Linten, P. Wambacq, J. Loo, M. Dehan, N. Collaert, S. Kubicek, R. Lander, J. Hooker, F. Cubaynes, S. Donnay, M. Jurczak, G. Groeseneken, W. Sansen, and S. Decoutere, "Device and circuit-level analog performance trade-offs: A comparative study of planar bulk FETs versus FinFETs," in IEDM Tech. Dig., 2005, pp. 919–922. Snehal Lopes, S. S. Rathod |
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4. | Role Of Biopreservation In Improving Food Safety And Storage
Role Of Biopreservation In Improving Food Safety And StorageAbstract: Biopreservation refers to the use of antagonistic microorganisms or their metabolic products to inhibit or destroy undesired microorganisms in foods to enhance food safety and extend shelf life. In order to achieve improved food safety and to harmonize consumer demands with the necessary safety standards, traditional means of controlling microbial spoilage and safety hazards in foods are being replaced by combinations of innovative technologies that include biological antimicrobial systems such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and/or their metabolites. Bacillus spp. have an antimicrobial action against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, as well as fungi, can therefore be used as a potential biopreservative in food processing due to its wide antimicrobial spectra. Bacteriocins are peptides or complex proteins biologically active with antimicrobial action against other bacteria, principally closely related species. Bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have received particular attention in recent years due to their potential application in food industry as natural preservatives. Bacteriocin production in Bacillus spp. has been studied over the past few decades which include Subtilin from B. subtilis, Megacin from B. megaterium and Thermacin from B. stearothermophilus. Bio-preservation may be effectively used in combination with other preservative factors (called hurdles) to inhibit microbial growth and achieve food safety. Using an adequate mix of hurdles is not only economically attractive; it also serves to improve microbial stability and safety, as well as the sensory and nutritional qualities of a food.Key words: biopreservative, bacteriocin, bacillus, lactic acid bacteria Reference [1] S. Nath, S. Chowdhury, S. Sarkar, and K.C. Dora, Lactic Acid Bacteria – A Potential Biopreservative In Sea Food Industry, International Journal of Advanced Research, 1(6), 2013, 471-475 [2] P. S. Mead, L. Slutsker, V. Dietz, L. F. McCaig, J. S. Bresee, C. Shapiro, P. M. Griffin, and R.V. Tauxe, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5, 1999, 607-625. [3] De Martinis, C. P. Elaine. and D. G. M. Bernadette, B.D.G.M. Franco, Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes in a pork product by a Lactobacillus sake strain, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 42(1-2), 2001, 119-126. [4] E. Caplice, and G.F. Fitzgerald, Food fermentations: role of microorganisms in food production and preservation, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 50 (1-2),1999, 131-149. [5] M. E. Stiles, Biopreservation by lactic acid bacteria. Antonie van Leuwenhoek,70,1996, 331. Swarnadyuti Nath, S. Chowdhury, Prof. K.C. Dora and S. Sarkar |
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5. | Rotation Estimation Of Gujarati Script Document Using Hough Transform
Rotation Estimation Of Gujarati Script Document Using Hough TransformAbstract: This paper includes a proposed technique for the Estimation of Skew present in the image of Gujarati Script Document using the Hough Transform technique. It includes simple pre-processing tasks like the Dilation, Erosion, and Thinning. Once these processes are applied the Final image is gone through Hough Transform and a quietly close angle is achieved. It provides promising results when applied on a wide range of images and also at different Skew Angles. This method provides less complexity in the Optical Character Recognition for the Gujarati Script. We obtain 44 % accuracy in this method.Key words: Gujarati Script, Hough Transform, Optical Character Recognition Reference [1] M Ozaki, Y. Adachi, Y. Iwahori, and N. Ishii, Application of fuzzy theory to writer recognition of Chinese characters, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 18(2), 1998, 112-116. [2] http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/plc/gujarati/ [3] Nandini N., Srikanta Murthy K., G. Hemantha Kumar , 2008, Estimation of Skew Angle in Binary Document Images Using Hough Transform, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index, vol:18 2008-06-23. [4] Sei Nagashima, Koichi Ito, Takafumi Aoki, Hideaki Ishii, Koji Kobayashi, 2007, A High-Accuracy Rotation Estimation Algorithm Based on 1D Phase-Only Correlation, M. Kamel and A. Campilho (Eds.): ICIAR 2007, LNCS 4633, pp. 201-221, 2007. [5] George Kapogiannopoulos, Nicholas Kalouptsidis, A Fast High Precision Algorithm for the Estimation of Skew Angle Using Moments. Jay Maniar, Shreyal Patel, Lipi Shah, Ripal Patel |
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6. | Metal Casting- A Review Work
Metal Casting- A Review WorkAbstract: This paper deals about the trends of Al/Al alloys based metal casting . It reviews the historical events of metal matrix composites (MMCs), produced in casting industries. After a brief introduction on properties of metal matrix composites. Processing and the developments of the metal matrix composites have been discussed at length. On the basis of above said subject, the future research needs in metal matrix composites on the basis of applications of the casting in industry was discussed.Key words: Metal Casting, Composites, Metal matrix Composites Reference [1] Gloag J., Bridgwater D., Allen G. and Unwin, A history of cast iron in architecture, 1948. [2] Kerner E., Proceedings of the physical society. Section B,1956, 69,808. [3] Simpson B., American Foundrymen's Society (Des Plaines, Ill.), 1969. [4] Sylvia J., Addison-Wesley, 1972. [5] Keppel G., Wickens T., Design and analysis: A researcher's handbook, Prentice-Hall Englewood Cls, NJ: 1973. Haider Hussain |
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7. | Developing Cost Effective Automation In Soap Manufacturing
Developing Cost Effective Automation In Soap ManufacturingAbstract: A low cost automation system for soap manufacturing is to be designed and developed. The setup consists of mixer in which the raw material is mixed for the process of soap making. The mixture is then carried into a tray to a stamping machine. The plunger embosses on raw material of soap to give desired shape and size to the soap in a low cost manner.Key words: Soap mixture, low cost automation, stamping machine, cottage industry Reference [1.] Ajao,K.R.,Ogunniyi,O.J.and Ahmed,K.L., "Design and Developmant of a Pedal-Power Soap Mixer"Journal of Agricultural Technology 2011 Vol.7(3):567-574 [2.] Warra, A. A.," A report on soap making in Nigeria using indigenous technology and raw materials", African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry. [3.] E.E.Mak-Mensah and C.K.Firempong,"Chemical characteristics of toilrt soap prepared from neem",Asian Journal of Plant Science and Researrch, 2011,1(4):1-7 Rajesh B. Salwe, Prof.S.V.Dahake,Prof.M.S.Jibhakate |
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8. | Hash Based Least Significant Bit Technique For Video Steganography
Hash Based Least Significant Bit Technique For Video SteganographyAbstract: The Hash Based Least Significant Bit Technique For Video Steganography deals with hiding secret message or information within a video.Steganography is nothing but the covered writing it includes process that conceals information within other data and also conceals the fact that a secret message is being sent.Steganography is the art of secret communication or the science of invisible communication. In this paper a Hash based least significant bit technique for video steganography has been proposed whose main goal is to embed a secret information in a particular video file and then extract it using a stego key or password. In this Least Significant Bit insertion method is used for steganography so as to embed data in cover video with change in the lower bit.This LSB insertion is not visible.Data hidding is the process of embedding information in a video without changing its perceptual quality. The proposed method involve with two terms that are Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and the Mean Square Error (MSE) .This two terms measured between the original video files and steganographic video files from all video frames where a distortion is measured using PSNR. A hash function is used to select the particular position for insertion of bits of secret message in LSB bits.Key words: Cover Video,Hash Function,LSB Insertion,Secret Message,Stego Video,Video Steganography. Reference [1] Kefa Rabah, Steganography The Art Of Hiding ,Information Technology Journal: 3(3),245-269,2004. [2] Gil-Choel Park,,A Study on Steganography and Steganalysis, Journal of Security Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4,pp 35, November 2006. [3] A.K. Bhaumik, M. Choi, R.J. Robles and M.O. Balitanas, Data Hiding in Video, in International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 9-16, June 2009. [4] Mritha Ramalingam, Stego Machine Video Steganography using Modified LSB Algorithm, in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 50 2011, pp. 497-500, 2011. [5] H.S. Majunatha Reddy and K.B. Raja,High capacity and security steganography using discrete wavelet transform, International Journal of Computer Science and Security, 3(6), pp. 462-472, June, 2011. Prof. Dr. P. R. Deshmukh , Bhagyashri Rahangdale |
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9. | Analysis of Numerical Aperture Dependence in L-Band 16-Channel WDM Optical Communication System
Analysis of Numerical Aperture Dependence in L-Band 16-Channel WDM Optical Communication SystemAbstract: In this paper, the erbium doped fiber amplifier gain has been investigated in terms of varying numerical aperture, erbium doped fiber radius and pump power in sixteen channel wavelength divison multiplexing system and the performance has been evaluated in terms of amplifier gain, noise figure and bit error rate. The simulation results show that erbium doped fiber amplifier gain is more at lower numerical aperture (i.e. up to 0.3) and at erbium doped fiber radius (3 μm) the maximum gain (i.e. 31 dB) is obtained for pump power 200 mW.Key words: Wavelength division mixing, erbium doped fiber amplifier, gain, numerical aperture, bit error rate. Reference [1] Govind P. Agarwal, "Fiber Optic Communication Systems", John Wiley & sons, Inc. Publication, 2003. [2] P. M. Aljaff, B. O. Rasheed," Design optimization for efficient erbium doped fiber amplifiers ", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 22, pp. 40-43,2008. [3] Y. Jin, Q. Dou, Y. Liu," Gain-clamped dual-stage L-band EDFA by using backward C- band ASE", International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, optik (Elsevier), vol. 266, pp. 390-392,2006. [4] M. Pal, M. C. Paul , A. Dhar, A. Pal, S. K. Bhadra, " Investigation of the optical gain and noise figure for multi-channel amplification in EDFA under optimized pump condition", International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, optik (Elsevier), vol. 273, pp. 407-412,2007. [5] M. M. Ismail, M. A. Othman," EDFA-WDM optical network design system", International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, optik (Elsevier), vol. 53,pp. 294-302,2012. Kamalbir Kaur, Kulwinder Singh |
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10. | Implementation of a Load Balancer for Instant Messaging over SIP Server Clusters with Improved Response time
Implementation of a Load Balancer for Instant Messaging over SIP Server Clusters with Improved Response timeAbstract: This paper introduces an implementation of a Load balancer in a cluster of SIP servers which supports instant messages. The implementation uses TLWL algorithm which provides significantly better response time by distributing requests across the cluster more evenly, thus minimizing occupancy and the corresponding amount of time a particular request waits behind others for service. Resulting in this algorithm improves throughput and response-time of servers. Load balancer maintains sessions in which requests corresponding to the same session are sent by the load balancer to the same server. Load balancer improves both throughput and response time versus a single node while exposing a single interface to external clients.Index Terms: SIP servers, Load balancer, Least-Work-Left algorithm Reference [1] Hongbo Jiang, Erich Nahum, Wolfgang Segmuller, Asser N. Tantawi, and Charles P.Wright, ―Design, Implementation, and Performance of a Load Balancer for SIP Server Clusters,‖ in Proc. IEEE/ACM transactions on networking, Oct. 2009. [2] R.Fielding ,JGettvs, J.Mogul,H.frvstyk and t.Berners-Lee, ‖Hypertext Trasfer Protocol-HTTP/1.1,‖ Internet Engineering Task Force, RFC 2068, Jan 1997. [3] M. Aron, P. Druschel, and W. Zwaenepoel, ―Efficient support for P-HTTP in cluster- based Web servers,‖ in Proc. USENIX Annu. Tech. Conf., Monterey, CA, Jun. 1999, pp. 185–198. [4] Hongbo Jiang, Erich Nahum, Wolfgang Segmuller, Asser N. Tantawi, and Charles P.Wright, ―Design, Implementation, and Performance of a Load Balancer for SIP Server Clusters,‖ in Proc. IEEE/ACM transactions on networking, Oct. 2009. [5] V.Hilt and I.Widjaja, ―Controlling overload n networks of SIP servers,‖ in Proc.IEEEICNP.Orlandp.FL. Oct 2008,pp.83-93. P. Lekha Chandra, A.Rama Satish |
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11. | Impacts of Tanneries on Quality of Groundwater in Pallavaram, Chennai Metropolitan City
Impacts of Tanneries on Quality of Groundwater in Pallavaram, Chennai Metropolitan CityAbstract: The present study was carried out with the objective of determining the extent of groundwater pollution caused by tanning industries and solid waster dumpsite in Pallavaram area located south of Chennai (Madras), which is a town of number of small and large scale leather industries. About 22 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for the concentration of physio-chemical parameters and trace ions during September 2011 and January 2012. Ca-Mg-Cl and Na-Cl are the major water types in this area. It is inferred that, total hardness falls in hard to very hard category. The water quality index rated as poor to very poor quality except few samples. The study reveals that the concentration of major ions and chromium are exceeding the permissible limit. Groundwater is unsuitable for human consumption as it contains higher concentration of major ions and chromium. Tannery uses a large number of chemicals during the process of discharging toxic wastes into open drains and municipality solid waste dumpsite to the nearby land is the major reasons deterioration of water quality in this area. Contamination of groundwater causes water scarcity for domestic purpose of this study is to highlight the impact of tannery effluent on groundwater.Key words: Groundwater Quality, Domestic, Tanneries, Solid Waste, Pallavaram. Reference [1] CLRI, Central Leather Research Institute report on capacity utilization and scope for modernization in Indian tanning industry (Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, 1990). [2] APHA, Standard methods for Examination of water and wastewater analysis, 17th Edition (American Public Health Association Washington DC, 2002). [3] Koul Nishtha, R.S. Lokhande and Dhar J.K, Physico-Chemical, Bacteriological and Pesticide analysis of Tap water in Millennium city, Gurgoan, Haryana, India, International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 1(2), 2012, 1-7. [4] R.K.Trivedi and P.K.Goel, Chemical and Biological methods for water pollution studies, Environmental Publications, Karad, 1986. [5] CGWB, Groundwater year book of Andhra Pradesh (Central Groundwater board, Ministry of Water Resources, Govt of India, 2005). K.Ramesh, V.Thirumangai |
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12. | Impact of Drip Irrigation Scheduling on Vegetative Parameters in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Under Unheated Greenhouse
Impact of Drip Irrigation Scheduling on Vegetative Parameters in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Under Unheated GreenhouseAbstract: Grafted Tomatoes were grown on a fine sandy soil using drip irrigation and plastic mulch to evaluate the effects of irrigation scheduling on water requirements and vegetative parameters under typical Massa greenhouses growing conditions. Capacitive sensors were used to automatically schedule irrigations. The result of this study shows that irrigation dose and frequency does not affect stem diameter in grafted tomato plant, no significant effect on leaves number has been observed. But irrigation scheduling have a large effect on root's development, The root containers results indicated that a water stress equivalent to 50%ETc and 20% frequency can lead to deep root system; that makes possible to sustain a suitable vegetative canopy if doses and frequencies are well managed in a daily scale; It was possible save 50% of irrigation water.Key words: Tomato, greenhouse, irrigation scheduling, dose, frequency, roots. Reference [1] Yang, H., Reichert, P., Abbaspour, K. C., and Zehnder, A. J. B., Environ. Sci. Technol., 37, 3048–3054. 2003 [2] Atherton, J.G. and Rudich, J. (eds). The Tomato Crop. A Scientific Basis for Improvement. Chapman & Hall, London, 661 pp, 1986. [3] Yaffa, S, Sainju,U. M and Singh, B. P. Fresh market tomato yield and soil nitrogen as affected by tillage, cover cropping and nitrogen fertilization. HortScience 35 (7),1258-1262, 2000. [4] Wright, J. (Ed.) Irrigation scheduling checkbook method. Communication and Educational Technology Services, University of Minnesota, USA, 2002. [5] Ozawa, K. Regulation of plant and fertilizer absorption due to roots grown in sub-soil. Bulletin No. 93 of the Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station,Tohoku, Japan, 1998. S.M. Alaoui, R. Salghi, A. Abouatallah, N. Jaouhari, B. Hammouti |
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13. | Fertility Effects of Retained Trees with Vegetation Development on Landslide Area
Fertility Effects of Retained Trees with Vegetation Development on Landslide AreaAbstract: Typhoon Aere, of Taiwan in 2004, caused landslides of Shihmen reservoir watershed of Sule creek, and this damaged area was recovered with hydro-seeding vegetation engineering forming three retained trees island on the slopeland in 2006. This study investigated the fertility effect of retained trees for vegetation development on landslide area. The relevant results that the Rhodes grass is the dominant plant and near the three retained trees area, 192 trees for 18 species, which sources of seeds are carried and spread by wind and wildlife, increases in this landslide area from 2006 to 2013, meanwhile, the tree island is getting formed. The three trees islands change micro-climate, and they gather nutrients and moisture as much as possible so that the vegetation community could develop from tree island area to external side gradually.Key words: retained trees, landslide area, vegetation community, trees islan. Reference [1] Resler, L. M. and M. B. Stine (2009). Patterns and Processes of Tree Islands in Two Transitional Environments: Alpine Treeline and Bog Forest-Meadow Ecotones.Geography Compass 3:1-26. [2] LAN Guo-yu, LEI Rui-de(2003) Brief Introduction of Spatial Methods to Distribution Patterns of Population. Journal of Northwest Forestry University18(2):17-21. [3] Van Miegroet, H., M.T. Hysell and A.D. Johnson (2000). Soil microclimate and chemistry of spruce–fir tree islands in northern Utah. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64(4):1515-1525. [4] WANG Lin, OUYANG Hu, ZHOU Caiping, ZHANG Feng, BAI Junhong, PENG Kui. Distribution Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter and Nitrogen on the Eastern Slope of Mt. Gongga[J].Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004, 59(6):1012-1019. [5] Arno, S. F. and R. P. Hammerly (1984). Timber line: mountain and arctic forest frontiers. Seattle (USA): The Mountaineers. Yi-Chang Chen, Yu-Ting Su, Edward Ching-Ruey Luo |
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14. | Outer-Sphere Mechanism in the Oxidation of Pyrrole-2-Carboxaldehyde by Hexacyanoferrate (III) Complex.
Outer-Sphere Mechanism in the Oxidation of Pyrrole-2-Carboxaldehyde by Hexacyanoferrate (III) Complex.Abstract: The kinetics and mechanism of base-catalyzed oxidation of pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde with hexacyanoferrate (III) is reported. The reaction showed first order with respect to aldahyde , alkali and hexaeyanoferrate(III). The kinetic data suggest that the oxidation involves the formation of an anion of the substrate undergoes oxidation with hexaeyanoferrate(III) via outer sphere mechanism process. The free radical thus produced is further oxidized to form the final products. A suitable mechanism was proposed and rate law was derived as![]() Key words: pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde, hexaeyanoferrate(III), outer sphere mechanism Reference [1] Z. Lu, L. Yang, J. Inorg. Biochem., 2003, 95, 31. [2] J.Z. Wu, H.Li, J.G. Zhang, H. Xu Ju, Inorg. Chem. Commun, 2002, 5, 71. [3] N. Chitrapriya, V. Mahalingam, L.C. Channels, M. Zeller, F.R. Fronczek, K. Natarajan, Inorg. Chim. Acta. 2008, 361, 2841. [4] S. Kannan, K. Naresh Kumar, R. Ramesh, Polyhedron,2008, 27, 701. [5] M. M. Al-subu, W. J. Jondi, A. A. Amer, M. Hannoun and M. J. Musmar, Chem. Heterocyclic Compounds, 2003, 39(4), 478. Abd-Alhakeem H. Abu-Nawwas; Reda S. Abdel Hameed, Fayez M. Eissa |
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15. | Partial Rootzone Drying: Changing Alternation Frequency at Different Phenological Stages and Impact on Tomato Crop
Partial Rootzone Drying: Changing Alternation Frequency at Different Phenological Stages and Impact on Tomato CropAbstract: The goal of the current work was to assess the effect of different alternation frequency applied at different phenological stages on physiological parameters of a Partial rootzone drying (PRD) irrigated tomato crop. Three treatments were applied. Besides the control irrigated at 100% of its water requirements, T3 and T4 are both treatments that received 50% of water requirements and that were irrigated by PRD strategy. Crop cycle was divided into three stages: S1 lasted from transplanting to 6th truss flowering, S2: the period separating the 6th truss flowering and the 2nd truss harvest, S3: lasted for the remaining crop cycle period beginning at 2nd truss harvest. While T4 was alternated every 10 days similarly, T3 was alternated every 14 days, 12 days and 10 days during S1, S2 and S3, respectively. T3 maximum daily shrinkage (MDS) was 70% higher than T4 showing that the later is more efficient than the former. As far as stomatal conductance (Cs) and leaf water potential (Ψl), results show that both PRD treatments were affected by stress without noticing any statistical differences in terms of those parameters. The control presented the highest Cs and Ψl levels during the whole crop cycle and the lowest water use efficiency (WUE).Key words: alternation, Cs, leaf water potential, MDS, PRD Reference [1] J. Van Schilfgaarde, Irrigation–a blessing or a curse, Agricultural Water Management, 25, 1994, 203–219. [2] D.M. Mingo, J.C. Theobald and M.A. Bacon, Biomass allocation in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants grown under partial root- zone drying: enhancement of root growth, Funct. Plant Biol, 31, 2004, 971–978. [3] J.A Zegbe, M.H. Behboudian and B.E. Clothier, Partial rootzone drying is a feasible option for irrigating processing tomatoes, Agric Water Manag, 2004, 195-206. [4] C. Kirda, M. Cetin, Y. Dasgan, S. Topcu, H. Kaman, B. Ekici, M.R. Derici, and A.I. Ozguven, Yield response of greenhouse grown tomato to partial root drying and conventional deficit irrigation, Agricultural water management, 69, 2004, 191–201. [5] O. De Villèle. Besoins en eau des cultures sous serre. Essai de conduite des arrosages en fonction de l‟ensoleillement, Acta Horti. 35, 1974, 123–129 N. Affi, A. El Fadl, M. El Otmani, M.C. Ben Ismail, L.M. Idrissi, R. Salghi |
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16. | Design, Analysis and Optimization of Three Aluminium Piston Alloys Using FEA
Design, Analysis and Optimization of Three Aluminium Piston Alloys Using FEAAbstract: This paper describes the stress distribution and thermal stresses of three different aluminum alloys piston by using finite element method (FEM). The parameters used for the simulation are operating gas pressure, temperature and material properties of piston. The specifications used for the study of these pistons belong to four stroke single cylinder engine of Bajaj Kawasaki motorcycle. This paper illustrates the procedure for analytical design of three aluminum alloy pistons using specifications of four stroke single cylinder engine of Bajaj Kawasaki motorcycle. The results predict the maximum stress and critical region on the different aluminum alloy pistons using FEA. It is important to locate the critical area of concentrated stress for appropriate modifications. Static and thermal stress analysis is performed by using ANSYS 12.1. The best aluminum alloy material is selected based on stress analysis results. The analysis results are used to optimize piston geometry of best aluminum alloy.Key words: A2618, A4032, Al-GHS 1300, ANSYS 12.1, Deformation, Piston, Strain, stress. Reference [1] E. Ramjee and K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy, "Performance analysis of a 4-stroke SI engine using CNG as an alternative fuel", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 7, July 2011. [2] Wilfried Wunderlich and Morihito Hayashi, "Thermal cyclic fatigue analysis of three aluminium piston alloys", International Journal of Material and Mechanical Engineering, June 2012. [3] Dallwoo Kim, Akemi Ito et.al., "Friction characteristics of steel pistons for diesel engines", Journal of Materials Research and Technology, June 2012. [4] Piotr Szurgott and Tadeusz Niezgoda, "Thermo mechanical FE analysis of the engine piston made of composite material with low hysteresis" Journal of KONES Powertrain and Transport, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2011. [5] V. B. Bhandari, "Design of Machine Elements", 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill. Ajay Raj Singh, Dr. Pushpendra Kumar Sharma |
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17. | Prediction of River Stage in an Ungauged Stream
Prediction of River Stage in an Ungauged StreamAbstract: Hydrologic decisions are made to evaluate values of key variables and parameters needed for the design of any water resources system to make it perform adequately – in terms of safety and provision of the expected benefits. However, the degree of reliability of the hydrologic data used in the decision making process is of great significance. Unreliable data will seriously affect results. In Nigeria, as well as many parts of the less developed world, there are problems of data inadequacy, frequent gaps in the data available and non-existent data at development sites. This is the dilemma that confronts any designer of water resources systems in the less developed world. There is no doubt that sufficient and accurate hydrological data will lead to a sound engineering design of the water resources system. This study presents a solution for prediction of river stage in ungauged stream using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The research was illustrated by using the Imo River with a station at OBIGBO as a case study, upon which data was collected for analysis and possible development of a model. Twelve input variables were considered in the analysis; the most important contribution of PCA in this study was the identification of the key factors responsible for the changes in river stage. The amount of precipitation and the run-off discharge into the stream were the factors identified by the PCA, which can reasonably reflect the status of river stage in many streams. The developed model did not only predict the river stage of OBIGBO but also show great level of accuracy in predicting that of NEKEDE with an average correlation coefficient of 0.95. It can be concluded that the model has a great ability to predict river stage.Key words: Design, Hydrologic data, Prediction, River stage Water resources. Reference [1] Ahsan, M. & K.M. O'Connor (1994). A simple non-linear rainfall-runoff model with a variable gain factor. J. Hydrol., 155. pp. 151 – 183. [2] Ayub, S., et al (2005). "Flood and drought forecasting and early warning program (for the Nile Basin)". Nile Basin Capacity Building Network for River Engineering (NBCBN - RE). [3] Bengraine, K and Marhaba, T.F. 2003. Using principal component analysis to monitor spatial and temporal changes in water quality. Journal of Hazardous Material, 3: 179 – 195 [4] Betson, R.P., (1964) "What is watershed runoff?" JGR, 69: 1541 – 1551. [5] Chang, F.J. & Chen, Y.C. (2001) A counterpropagation fuzzy-neural network modeling approach to real time streamflow prediction. J.Hydrol., 245, 153 – 164. Onosakponome O. R, Mbachu V. C and Odenigbo C |
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18. | GENSET Diesel Engine Design Optimization for CPCB- II Emission Norms Using Cost Effective Techniques
GENSET Diesel Engine Design Optimization for CPCB- II Emission Norms Using Cost Effective TechniquesAbstract: The major challenge that is faced by most of the engine manufacturers nowadays is to meet the stringent emission norms with least modification in the engine design. In achieving the emission norms simplicity of the design has to be maintained as far as possible by optimizing the available emission control techniques. This paper deals with such optimal technique with reduced cost and up gradation of the engine from CPCB I (Current Emission Norms for Genset/Stationery Engines in India) to CPCB II (Future Emission Norms applicable w.e.f Jan'14 for Genset/Stationery Engines in India) in minimum time with minimum design changes. This difficult task is achieved by adopting direct continuous EGR and intercooler with appropriate injection timing and optimizing the fuel injection pump in a cost effective manner. The experiment is carried out on 3.62 litre turbocharged engine giving power output 52.5 kW @1500 rpm. In order to achieve the NOx emission norms LLR FIP is used, to retard the injection timing at part loads to reduce the in-cylinder temperature. Direct continuous EGR (Exhaust Gas Re-circulation) is used to further reduce the NOx Emission and Intercooler is used to reduce the BSFC.Reference [1] Ganeshan.V "I. C. Engine ," Mc Graw Hill Book Co. NY [2] Pulrabek williams. "Fundamental of I.C Engine," Mc Graw Hill Book Co. NY [3] Pundir B.P "I. C. Engine Emission and their control," NPTEL Education. [4] Heywood J. B. "I. C. Engine Fundamentals," Mc Graw Hill Book Co. NY [5] MuraliManmohan,Kiran M Karanjikar, Vikas V Patil and Ravindra M Koli, "Development of Common Rail Engine for LCV BSIII and a Step Towards BS IV Emission Compliance", SAE Paper No. 2011-26-0032, 2011 doi:10.4271/2011-26-0032. Shivpoojan Kathait |
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19. | Study of Utilization of Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes in Production of Concrete
Study of Utilization of Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes in Production of ConcreteAbstract: Nowadays, the increasing amount of wastes is a concerning reality and the environmental aspects has become a major priority. Following this worry, the purpose of this study was to investigate the using of pulp and paper industry wastes in various concrete mixes containing various contents of the waste to reduce environmental effects of these wastes disposal. The discussion includes pulp and paper industry waste management which have recently received considerable attention and considers grit, dregs, ash, and fiber. The concrete mixes prepared with adequate amount of these wastes, cement, aggregate and water compared in terms of some tests especially strength with the conventional concrete. At the end, the advantages and disadvantages of the use of pulp and paper industry wastes in concrete formulations as an alternative to landfill disposal were discussed. The research on use of pulp and paper industry wastes can be further carried out in concrete manufacturing as a new recycled material.Key words: Pulp and Paper Industry, Waste Management, Concrete, Recycle. Reference [1] Carmen Martinez, Teresa Cotes, and Francisco A. Corpas, Recovering wastes from the paper industry: Development of ceramic materials, J. of Fuel Processing Technology, No. 103, 2012, pp. 117-124. [2] I. Demir, M.S. Baspinar, and M. Orhan, Utilization of kraft pulp production residues in clay brick production, J. of Building and Environmental, Vol. 40, 2005, pp. 1533–1537. [3] A. Hassani, H. Ganjidoust and A.A. Maghanaki, Use of plastic waste (polyethylene terephthalate) in asphalt concrete mixture as aggregate replacement., J. of Waste Management and Research, vol. 23, 2005, pp. 322-327. [4] Rocha J.C., John M.W., Utilizaçao de residuos na construçao habitacional., J.of Coletânea Habitare, vol. 2, 2003. [5] Davis M.L., Cornweel D.A., Introduction to Environmental Engineering, third ed. McGraw-Hill, WCB1998. Seyyedeh Fatemeh Seyyedalipour, Daryosh Yousefi Kebria, Nima Ranjbar Malidarreh, Ghasem Norouznejad |
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20. | Temporal Variation of Carbon Monoxide Concentration at Congested Urban Roadways Intersection
Temporal Variation of Carbon Monoxide Concentration at Congested Urban Roadways IntersectionAbstract: The carbon monoxide (CO) is dominant among major traffic emitted pollutants such as respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), volatile organic carbons(VOCs) and ozone (O3) etc. It is generated by automobiles due to incomplete combustion of the fuel. The vehicles that queue up at an intersection spend more time in idle driving mode generating more pollutant leading to higher pollutant concentrations. Therefore, the trends of average hourly CO concentrations at various locations of congested roadways intersection have been investigated. The four approach roads making intersection have been selected for the present study. CO monitoring has been carried out at 2 selected locations of each approach road. The CO concentration has been monitored from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM at each location using portable online CO monitor. The average hourly CO concentrations data have been analyzed using MS excel spread sheet for each approach road. The average hourly concentration of monitored CO concentration at all receptors locations shows two peak CO concentration values (i.e., the morning peak and evening peak) throughout the monitoring programme (March to May, 2011). The comparison of monitored values of average 1 hourly CO concentration levels as well as 8 hourly average concentration levels of CO showed non compliance with the prescribed standards (4000 μg/m3 average hourly and 2000 μg/m3 average 8 hourly CO concentration). The temporal CO concentration at various approach roads making roadway intersection shows non-uniform. The highest CO concentration has been observed to be towards high rise building and vice-versa. The least CO concentration has been observed towards either low rise building or open area.Key words: Carbon monoxide, Monitoring, Road intersection, Temporal variation. Reference [1]. Fawcett, T.A., Moon, R.E., Fracica, P.J., Mebane, G.Y., Theil, D.R., Piantadosi, C.A. (1992), Warehouse workers' headache - Carbon monoxide poisoning from propane-fueled forklifts, Journal of Occupational Medicine, Vol. 34, pp. 12–15. [2]. Lewis, G., Neal, F., Neal, L., Mary, A.H., Robert, H., Lewis, N. (2002), Carbon Monoxide, Goldfrank's toxicologic emergencies (7th ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1689–1704 [3]. Davutoglu, V. (2009), Chronic carbon monoxide exposure is associated with the increases in carotid intima-media thickness and C-reactive protein level, Tohoku Journal Exp. Med., Vol. 219, pp. 201–6. [4] Shephard, Roy (1983), Carbon Monoxide The Silent Killer, Springfield Illinois: Charles C Thomas, pp. 93–96. [5] Allred, E.N., Bleecker, E.R., Chaitman, B.R., Dahms, T.E., Gottlieb, S.O., Hackney, J.D., Pagano, M., Selvester, R.H., Walden, S.M., Warren, J. (1989), Short-term effects of carbon monoxide exposure on the exercise performance of subjects with coronary artery disease, The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 321 (21), pp. 1426–1432 Ghanshyam and Kafeel Ahmad |
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21. | Experimental Study of Coir Fiber as Concrete Reinforcement Material incement Based Composites
Experimental Study of Coir Fiber as Concrete Reinforcement Material incement Based CompositesAbstract: The overall goal of this research is to investigate the behavioural study of natural fibre in concrete structure. The coir fibre recently attracted an interest as a sustainable fibre composite material, due to some specific mechanical property which can be compared to artificial fibre. The Coir fibre is treated using natural latex before using in concrete, so that it is not be affected by moisture content presented in concrete. In this experimental study of 28 days the compressive strength and split tensile strength are carried out using different coir fibre length of 20mm, 25mm and 30mm respectively of different percentage as0.5%, 0.75% and 1%. Encouragement should be given for the use of natural fibres which are locally available materials, in the field of civil engineering.Key words: Coir Fibre, Composite Materials, Mechanical Properties, Natural Fibres. Reference [1] H. S. Ramaswamy, S. Krishnamoorthy and B .M. Ahuja.,(1983) "Behaviour of Concrete reinforced with jute, coir and bamboo fibres", The International Journal of cement composites and Lightweight Concrete, 5, pp. 3-13. [2] G.Ramakrishna,T.Sundararajan.,(2005) "Studies on the durability of natural fibres and the effect of corroded fibres on the strength of mortar", Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites,27, pp. 575-582. [3] Huang Gu, . "Tensile behaviours of the coir fibre and related composites after NaOH treatment", Materials and Design, Vol. 30, 2009, pp 3931-3934. [4] V. G. Geethamma, K. Thomas Mathew, R. Lakshminarayanan and Sabu Thomas.,(1998) "Composite of short coir fibres and natural rubber effect of chemical modification, loading and orientation of fibre",Polymer, .39, pp.6-7. [5] V.G. Geethamma, G. Kalaprasad, Gabriel Groeninckx, Sabu Thomas,(2005) "Dynamic mechanical behavior of short coir fiber reinforced natural rubber composites" Polymer ,36, pp. 1499-1506 J.Sahaya Ruben, Dr.G.Baskar |
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22. | Paper on Proposed System for Placing Free Call over Wi-Fi Network Using Voip and SIP
Paper on Proposed System for Placing Free Call over Wi-Fi Network Using Voip and SIPAbstract: The Wi-Fi, also known as 802.11b, has become the preferred technology for wireless local area networking in both business and home environments. Even though it was designed primarily for private applications, Wi-Fi is also being deployed in public places to create so-called hotspots, where Wi-Fi-capable users can obtain internet access. This new domain of application could be the major future market opportunity for Wi-Fi, but in order to take advantage of it, several key challenges, both technical and business-related, must be overcome. Today the most cost effective use of Wi-Fi is calling over network. We have various facilities today such as Skype, T-Mobile, T-pad, Jaxtr for communicating over network but some restriction are placed on such system like Skype support only pc to pc calling for cellular and landline call this free service become paid. T mobile also follows the same problem. Hence to overcome such issue we are developing a system which allows free calling over Wi-Fi network using VoIP service. Our system allows peer to peer calling and an additional feature of group calling. For supporting group calling feature we are using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). This technology will help us to find a way for free calling and thus ultimately helps to private organization for reducing bills over communication. In this paper, the system will be implemented as well as the performance will be tested by doing actual implementation of this system.Key words: Android, Free calling, SIP, VoIP, Wi-fi. Reference [1] "Voice over Internet Protocol. Definition and Overview". International Engineering Consortium. 2007. Retrieved 2009-04-27. [2] "IP Telephony Vs VoIP". Retrieved 27 April 2011. [3] Booth, C (2010). "Chapter 2: IP Phones, Software VoIP, and Integrated and Mobile VoIP". Library Technology Reports 46 (5): 11–19. [4] "Carriers look to IP for backhaul". Telecommunications Online. January 21, 2009. Retrieved 2009-01-21. [5] "Mobile's IP challenge". Total Telecom. December 8,2005. Retrieved 2009-01-21. Bhushan R. Jichkar |
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23. | Study of Dielectric Relaxation in 60B2O3 – 10TeO2 -5TiO2 - 25R2O (R= Li, Na & K) Quaternary Glass System
Study of Dielectric Relaxation in 60B2O3 – 10TeO2 -5TiO2 - 25R2O (R= Li, Na & K) Quaternary Glass SystemAbstract: Glasses with composition 60B2O3 – 10TeO2 -5TiO2 - 25R2O (R= Li, Na & K) have been prepared using normal melt-quench technique. Dielectric measurements were carried out in the frequency range from 100Hz to 1MHz and in temperature range from room temperature (RT) to 350oC by using alternating current impedance spectroscopy. The dielectric constant values increase with increase in temperature. Dielectric value lies in the range of 30-170 for lithium, 30-80 for sodium and 32-60 for potassium containing boro tellurite glasses. It is also found that dielectric constant values decrease with increasing frequency. The temperature dependence of the dielectric constant () shows that, at relatively lower temperature, the electric dipoles formed in the glasses are frozen and rotated at the softening temperature of the glass.. At elevated temperature the glassy network gets relaxed while, motion charge carrier and dipoles become easier. Each () and ()was found to be dependent on the alkali oxide. Dielectric constant values are found to be high for lithium containing glassKey words: Dielectric relaxation, Transport properties, Impedance spectroscopy, Dielectric constant, Tellurite glsses. Reference [1] Suresh S, Prasad M , Chandra mouli V Ac conductivity and impedance measurements in alkali boro tellurite glasses, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 356(31-32) , 2010, 1599-1603. [2] Prashant Kumar M, Sankarappa T, Vijaya Kumar B, Nagaraja N , Dielectric relaxation studies in transition metal ion doped tellurite glasses , Solid. Stat. Ionics 11, 2009, 214-218. [3] Elkholy M M, Sharaf EI-Deen L M , The dielectric properties of TeO2-P2O5 Glasses, Mat. Chem & Phys 65, 2000, 192-196. [4] Harish Bhat M, M. Kandavel, Munia Ganguli , RaO K J, Li+1 ion conductivities in boro tellurite glasses, Bull, Mater. Sci. 27(2) ,2004,189-198. [5] Lefterova E D , Angelov P V , Dimitriev Y B, Glasses from the system AgI-Ag2O- TeO2.B2O3 , Phy. Chem. Glsses ,41(6),2000, 362. Suresh Sripada |
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24. | Remote Control of Android Phones Using VNC
Remote Control of Android Phones Using VNCAbstract: Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is a graphical desktop sharing system to remotely control another computer. It makes use of Remote Frame Buffer protocol which is a simple protocol for remote access to Graphical User Interface. VNC allows users to access graphical displays quickly and easily. This paper proposes a new architecture for remote control of android mobile devices which allows sharing of displays between android mobile phone and PCs. This process must be carried out within Wi-Fi range irrespective of various platforms like Windows, Mac or Linux. The image of the desktop should be compressed before transmission. A modified region algorithm is used to reduce the encoding time of screen image and increase the screen update rate. A number of video encoders are integrated into a prototype system.Key words: Android, Mobile Device, Remote Control, Virtual Network Computing, Wi-Fi. Reference [1] T. Richardson, Q. Stafford-Fraser, K. Wood, and A. Hopper, "Virtual network computing", IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 33-38, Jan./Feb.1998. [2] P. M. Corocoran, F. Papal, and A. Zoldi, "User interface technologies for home appliances and networks", IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 679-685, Aug 1998. [3] K. Tsunashima, T. Shida, H. Kawano, T. Sato, and H. Kosaka, "Compact programmable network display system for portable projectors" IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron, vol. 55, no. 2,pp. 312-315, May 2009. [4] D. Thommes, Q. Wang, A. Gerlicher, and C. Grecos, "Remote UI: A high performance remote user interface system for mobile consumer electronics devices" Proc. Of IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2012), pp. 670-671, Jan 2012. [5] Adam, Skurski, Bartlomiej Swiercz, "VNC-based Remote Control for Symbian OS smartphones", MIXDES (Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems) 2009, June 25-27, 2009. Sejal Patel, Priyadarshani Raskar, Pragati Badhe, Prof. Archana Lomte |
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25. | A Smart Wireless Electronic Energy Meter Reading Using Embedded Technology
A Smart Wireless Electronic Energy Meter Reading Using Embedded TechnologyAbstract: The AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) system is a system used for reading energy consumption remotely. This wireless AMR system is based on wireless network and embedded technology to solve the problems in existing AMR system. This paper presents the simple low cost wireless GSM energy meter and it has remote access of existing meter. It saves huge human labour. A GSM based wireless module for communication is integrated with electronic energy meter and it has remote access over the usage of electricity. Authentication is provided to users for accessing the developed web pages details from anywhere in the world. So GSM based wireless AMR system is more effective approach for convention of billing system. This system also provide authority to electricity companies to take actions against lenient customers who have outstanding dues, otherwise company has right to disconnect the power supply and also it can reconnect power supply after deposition of dues. The complete monthly usage of electricity and due bill is messaged back to the customer after processing these data. We finally thought of building such a system that will do the above process automatically.Key words: Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), Maharashtra State of Electricity Board (MSEB), Short Messaging System (SMS) Reference [1] Yujun Bao and Xiaoyan Jiang, "Design of electric Energy Meter for long-distance data information transfers which based upon GPRS", ISA 2009. [2] Vivek Kumar Sehgal,Nitesh Panda, Nipun Rai Handa, "Electronic Energy Meter with instant billing",UKSim Fourth European Modelling Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation. [3] Subhashis Maitra, "Embedded Energy Meter- A new concept to measure the energy consumed by a consumer and to pay the bill", Power System Technology and IEEE Power India Conference, 2008. [4] T El-Djazairy, B J Beggs and I F Stewart, " Investigation of the use of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network for metering and load management telemetry", Electricity Distribution. Part 1: Contributions. CIRED. 14th International Conference and Exhibition on (IEE Conf. Publ. No. 438). [5] Liting Cao Jingwen Tian Yanxia Liu "Remote Real Time Automatic Meter Reading System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks", Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, 2008 (ICICIC-08), pp: 591 - 591. Shraddha Male, Pallavi Vethekar, Kavita More, Prof. V. K. Bhusari |
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26. | Synthesis of New Polyurethane Coating Based On Rosin for Corrosion Protection of Petroleum Industries Equipment
Synthesis of New Polyurethane Coating Based On Rosin for Corrosion Protection of Petroleum Industries EquipmentAbstract: The coating polyurethane( PU) rosin are prepared by the reaction of maleopimaric acid with diethanol amine to give maleopimarate amide MPAD which cured with different ratio of toluene diisocyanate( TDI) 30,40, 50 ,60 and 70% to obtained the best optimum condation of polyurethane film which applied on steel specimen. The curing behaviors of cured PU resin with TDI were evaluated by DSC-TGA meaurements. The coated film are evaluated by measuring their mechanical properties , chemical resistance and salt spray resistance.Key words: polyurethane coating, polyurethane rosin , polyurethane abietic acid , polyurethane, rosin paint. Reference [1] K.H. Bulai, I.YA. Slonim, YA.G. Urman, O.S. Tsvetkova and Z.V.Mikhailova, Polym Sci. USSR vol. 27(2), 1985, 2173. [2] N.H .Sahu, P.M Mandaogade, A.M. Deshmukh, V.S. Meghre, .K. Dorle, "Biodegradation studies of rosin-glycerol ester derivative ,J Bioact Compat Polymer, 14,1999, 344-360. [3] L.T.N. Hoa, J.P. Pascault, L.T. My, C.P.N. Son, Unsaturated polyester prepolymer from ] rosin, Euro Polym Jnl , 29 (4),1993, 491-495. [4] I. Bicu, F. Mustata, Polymers from a. levopimaric acid–acrylonitrile Diels– Alder adduct: synthesis and characterization, J Polym Sci Part A; Polym Chem, 43,2005, 6308-6322. [5] S.V. Fulzele, P.M.Satturwar, A.K.Dorle, Study of novel rosin-based biomaterials for pharmaceutical coating , AAPS Pharm Sci Tech, ,3(31)2202, 4 Ossama M.Abo-Elenien, Ashraf M. Elsaeed, Maher A. El-Sockary |
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27. | Load Frequency Control of Two Area Interconnected Power System Using Conventional and Intelligent Controllers
Load Frequency Control of Two Area Interconnected Power System Using Conventional and Intelligent ControllersAbstract: The load on the power system is always varying with respect to time which results in the variation of frequency, thus leading to load frequency control problem (LFC). The variation in the frequency is highly undesirable and maximum acceptable variation in the frequency is ± 0.5hz. In this paper load frequency control is done by PI controller, which is a conventional controller. This type of controller is slow and does not allow the controller designer to take into account possible changes in operating conditions and non-linearity's in the generator unit. In order to overcome these drawbacks a new intelligent controller such as fuzzy controller is presented to quench the deviations in the frequency and the tie line power due to different load disturbances. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is confirmed using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The results shows that fuzzy controller provides fast response, very less undershoot and negligible peak overshoots with having small state transfer time to reach the final steady state.Key words: PI controller, Fuzzy controller, Two area power system, load frequency control, MATLAB SIMULINK Reference [1] P.V.R.Prasad, Dr.M.SaiVeeraju "Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Analysis of Load Frequency Control of Two Area Interconnected Power System" IJETAE, Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2012. [2] EI-Metwally K.A, "An adaptive fuzzy logic controller for a two area load frequency control problem " IEEE power systems Conference, 12-15 March 2008, pp.300- 306. [3] G.Karthikeyan, S.Ramya, Dr .Chandrasekar" Load frequency control for three area system with time delays using fuzzy logic controller" IJESAT,2012, Volume-2, Issue-3, 612 – 618. [4] Surya Prakash, S.K. Sinha, "Load frequency control of three area interconnected hydro-thermal reheat power system using artificial intelligence and PI controllers " [5] Chaturvedi .D.K, Satsangi .P.S., Kalra .P.K, Load frequency control: a generalized neural network approach. Int J Electric Power Syst., vol. 21, pp.6-415,1999. Sateesh Kumar Vavilala, R S Srinivas, Machavarapu Suman |
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28. | Interference Cancellation Anddetection for More Than Two Users
Interference Cancellation Anddetection for More Than Two UsersAbstract: We consider interference cancellation for a system with more than two users when users know each other channels. The goal is to utilize multiple antennas to cancel the interference without sacrificing the diversity or the complexity of the system. in the literature, it was shown how a receiver with two receive antennas can completely cancel the interference of two users and provide a diversity of 2 for users with two transmit antennas. Unfortunately, the scheme only works for two users. Recently it was shown that a system to achieve interference cancellation and full diversity with low complexity for any number of users and with any number of transmit and receive antennas In this paper our main idea is to design precoders, using the channel information, to make it possible for different users to transmit over orthogonal directions. Then, using the orthogonality of the transmitted signals, the receiver can separate them and decode the signals independently. Next, we extend the result for limited feedback systems to improve the diversity in the applied conditions. Simulation results show that the proposed precoder outperforms the previous work and improved diversity results using limited feedback.Key words: Multi-user detection, multiple antennas, interference cancellation, precoder, orthogonal designs. Reference [1] V. Tarokh, H. Jafarkhani, and A. R. Calderbank, "Space-time block codes from orthogonal designs." [2] H. Jafarkhani, "A quasi-orthogonal spacetime block code." [3] V. Tarokh, A. Naguib, N. Seshadri, and A. R. Calderbank, "Combined array processing and space-time coding." [4] A. F. Naguib, N. Seshadri, and A. R. Calderbank, "Applications of space-time block codes and interference suppression for high capacity and high data rate wireless systems." [5] A. Stamoulis, N. Al-Dhahir and A. R. Calderbank, "Further results on interference cancellation and space-time block codes." Syed Shaffi, V.Vamsi Mohana Krishna |
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29. | An Application of Assignment Problem in Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
An Application of Assignment Problem in Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)Abstract: Assignment problem (AP) is completely degenerate form of a transportation problem. It appears in some decision-making situations, this paper focused on TSP for finding the shortest closed route. By using "ROA Method‟ and "Ghadle and Muley Rule‟ will get optimal solution for TSP within few steps.Key words: Assignment problem, TSP, linear integer programming, Revised Ones Assignment Method (ROA). Reference [1] Hadi Basirzadeh, (2012). Ones Assignment Method for solving Assignment Problems, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, 2012, No. 47, 2345-2355. [2] Shweta singh, G.C.Dubey, Rajesh Shrivastava, (August 2012). A Comparative Analysis of Assignment Problem, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), ISSN: 2250-3021, Volume 2, Issue 8, 01-15. [3] Ghadle Kirtiwant P, Muley Yogesh M (2013), Revised Ones Assignment Method for Solving Assignment Problem, Journal of Statistics and Mathematics, ISSN: 0976-8807 & E-ISSN: 0976-8815, Volume 4, Issue 1, 147-150. Ghadle Kirtiwant P, Muley Yogesh M |
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30. | Glitch Reduction in Low- Power Low- Frequency Multiplier
Glitch Reduction in Low- Power Low- Frequency MultiplierAbstract: Multiplication is an essential arithmetic operation for common DSP applications, such as filtering and fast Fourier transform (FFT). To achieve high execution speed, parallel array multipliers are widely used. These multipliers tend to consume most of the power in DSP computations, and thus power-efficient multipliers are very important for the design of low-power DSP systems. A straightforward approach is to design a full adder (FA) that consumes less power. Power reduction can also be achieved through structural modification. For example, rows of partial products can be ignored. In this project a 10 transistor full adder is designed for low power which is used in the implementation of different types of multipliers. All these multipliers are compared for different technologies. A power gating technique is used by placing an MTCMOS cell is used at fine grain level so as to minimize the leakage power.Key words: Multiplier, Glitch, Power gates, Half adder and Transmission gates Reference [1]. flavio carbognani, felix buergin, norbert felber, hubert kaeslin,member,ieee,and wolfgang fichtner,fellow,ieee"transmission gates combined with level-restoring cmos gates reduce glitches in low-power low-frequency multipliers"IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (vlsi) systems,vol.16,no.7,july2008. [2] .john p.uyemura"cmos logic circuit design"springer international edition-2005 34 [3]. john p.uyemura"chip design for submicron vlsi"thomson india edition-2007. [4]. neil h.e.weste, david harris, ayan banerjee"cmos vlsi design"third edition pearson education india edition-2006. [5]. douglas a.pucknell, kamran eshragian"basic vlsi design"prentice hall of india pvt ltd third edition-2005. Bhethala Rajasekhar, Vadite Nagaraju, Zuber Basha Shaik |
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31. | Experimental Investigation of Effect of Process Parameters on Mrr and Surface Roughness In Turning Operation on Conventional Lathe Machine For Aluminum 6082 Grade Material Using Taguchi Method
Experimental Investigation of Effect of Process Parameters on Mrr and Surface Roughness In Turning Operation on Conventional Lathe Machine For Aluminum 6082 Grade Material Using Taguchi MethodAbstract: In this study, the effect of the machining parameters like spindle speed, feed, depth of cut and nose radius on material removal rate and surface roughness are investigated, also optimum process parameters are studied. An L8 orthogonal array (mixed level design), analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the signal –to-noise (S/N) ratio are used in this study. Mixed levels of machining parameters are used and experiments are done on conventional lathe machine. Aluminum Alloy - Al 6082 grade material is used in high stress applications, Trusses, Bridges, Cranes, Transport applications, Ore skips, Beer barrels, Milk churns etc. The most significant parameters for material removal rate are speed, depth of cut and least significant factor for MRR is nose radius For surface roughness speed, nose radius are the most significant parameters and least significant factor for surface roughness is depth of cut. The mathematical model obtained as a result of regression analysis can be reliable to predict MRR and surface roughness Ra.Key words: Analysis of Variance, Mixed Level Array, Optimization, Regression Analysis, Taguchi Method. Reference [1] Upinder Kumar Yadav, Deepak Narang & Pankaj Sharma Attri, Experimental investigation and Optimization of machine parameters for surface roughness in CNC turning by Taguchi method, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application", vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp 2060-2065. [2] Narayana B. Doddapattar, Chetana S. Batakurki, Optimization Of Cutting Parameters For Turning Aluminum Alloys Using Taguchi Method, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 7, July – 2013. [3] ASM Metals Handbook Vol. 2, Properties and Selection of Nonferrous Alloys and Special Purpose Materials, ASM International. [4] M. Kaladhar, Subbaiah, V.S., Rao, Ch. S., & Rao, K.N., Optimization of process parameters in turning of AISI 202 Austenitic Stainless Steel, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 5(9) 2010, 79-87. [5] Mohan Singh, Dharmpal Deepak , Manoj Kumar Singla, Manish Goyal and Vikas Chawla, An Experimental Estimate Mathematical Model Of Surface Roughness For Turning Parameters On CNC Lathe Machine, National Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, February 19-20, 2010. Mihir T. Patel, Vivek A. Deshpande |
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32. | Analysis of ECG Using Filter Bank Approach
Analysis of ECG Using Filter Bank ApproachAbstract: In recent years scientists and engineers are facing several problems in the biomedical field. However Digital Signal Processing is solving many of those problems easily and effectively. The signal processing of ECG is very useful in detecting selected arrhythmia conditions from a patient's electrocardiograph (ECG) signals. In this paper we performed analysis of noisy ECG by filtering of 50 Hz power line interference using an adaptive LMS notch filter. This is very meaningful in the measurement of biomedical events, particularly when the recorded ECG signal is very weak. The basic ECG has the frequency range from 5 Hz to 100 Hz. It becomes difficult for the Specialist to diagnose the diseases if the artifacts are present in the ECG signal. Methods of noise reduction have decisive influence on performance of all electro-cardio-graphic (ECG) signal processing systems. After removing 50/60 Hz powerline interference, the ECG is lowpass filtered in a digital FIR filter. We designed a Filter Bank to separate frequency ranges of ECG signal to enhance the occurrences QRS complexes. Later the positions of R-peaks are identified and shown plotted. The result shows the ECG signal before filtering and after filtering with their frequency spectrums which clearly indicates the reduction of the power line interference in the ECG signal and a filtered ECG with identified R-peaks.Key words: ECG, Arrhythmia, QRS, Filter Bank, Adaptive LMS filter, Downsampling, spectrum, MATLAB. Reference [1] M. Jannett T.C. Jadallah M.A., Yates S.L. Quint S.R. Troynagle H. A comparison of the noise sensitivity of nine QRS detection algorithms, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 1990;37:85–98. [2] T.B. Garcia and N.E. Holtz, 12-lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation, (Jones & Bartlett Publ. Sudbury, MA.236 pp. ISBN 0-7637-1284-1). [3] P. S. Hamilton, W. J. Tompkins, (1986). Using MIT/BIH Arrhythmia Database, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.31, No.3, (March 2007), pp. 1157-1165, ISSN 0018-9294. [4] T.C Ruch, H.DPatton, Physiology and Biophysics (Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1982). [5] N. Goldschlager, Principles of Clinical Electrocardiography (Connecticut, USA, ISBN 978-083-8579-510) S. Thulasi Prasad, S. Varadarajan |
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33. | Impact of Vehicle Mobility on Performance of Vehicular Ad Hoc Network IEEE 1609.4
Impact of Vehicle Mobility on Performance of Vehicular Ad Hoc Network IEEE 1609.4Abstract: Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a new communications system for moving vehicles at high speed, which are equipped with wireless communication devices, together with additional wireless roadside units, enabling communications among nearby vehicles (vehicle-to-vehicle communication) as well as between vehicles and nearby fixed equipment (vehicle-to-infrastructure communication). Inter-vehicular communications aim to improve road traffic safety and provide multimedia services. VANET has become an important communication infrastructure for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). In this work we have studied the impact of vehicle mobility on the quality of service in VANET based on IEEE 1609.4. The performance of this network is evaluated through exhaustive simulations using the VanetMobiSim and Network Simulator-NS2 under different parameters like delay, packet delivery ratio, packet loss and throughput. The simulation results are obtained when vehicles are moving according to a freeway mobility model is significantly different from results based on Manhattan model. When the Manhattan model is used, there is an increase in the average end-to-end delay and packet loss.Key words: Vehicular Ad Hoc Network, Multi-Channel, Mobility Model, Network Simulator Reference [1] Y. Zhu, C. Chen and Min Gao, "An evaluation of vehicular networks with real vehicular GPS traces", in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2013, July 2013 [2] Alam. M, Sher. M, Husain S.A., "VANETs Mobility Model entities and its impact", in Proc. of 4th International Conference Emerging Technologies ICET, pp. 132-137, Oct. 2008 [3] Shukla, R.S., Tyagi, N., "Performance evaluation of mobility model and routing protocols for inter vehicular communication system", in International Conference Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications (ETNCC), pp.263-266, April 2011 [4] Boban M, Vinhoza T.T.V., Ferreira M., Barros J., Tonguz O.K., "Impact of Vehicles as Obstacles in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks", in IEEE journal Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 29, no.1, pp.15-28, Jan 2011 [5] Khairnar, V.D., Pradhan, S.N., "Mobility models for Vehicular Ad-hoc Network simulation" in Computers & Informatics (ISCI), 2011 IEEE Symposium pp.460-465, March 2011 M. Ahyar, Irfan Syamsuddin, Hafsah Nirwana, Ibrahim Abduh, Lidemar Halide, Nuraeni Umar |
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34. | Idealization of a Gas Turbine Compressor Blade to a Rectangular Plate and Analyzing the Variation of Stress Concentration Factor for U-Notches
Idealization of a Gas Turbine Compressor Blade to a Rectangular Plate and Analyzing the Variation of Stress Concentration Factor for U-NotchesAbstract: Aircraft turbine engines routinely experience the ingestion of debris resulting in "foreign object damage‟ FOD. The ingestion of foreign object into aircraft engines leads to severe structural damage of the fan or compressor blades. Foreign object damage by hard particles mostly occurs during motion of the aircraft on the airfield, during take-off and during landing. Typical objects ingested are stones and other debris; sizes in the millimeter regime form the airfield. The worst case condition is experienced during take-off maximum thrusts leads to maximum impact velocity. Typical impact velocities are in the regime of 100 – 400m/sec, depending on the types of engine and impact location on the blades. Foreign object damage does not always lead to sudden catastrophic failure, yet such damage can have a detrimental effect on the fatigue strength of fan and compressor aero foils. However complex stress fields and geometry of the aerofoil make it difficult to use of simple notch analysis. For finding the stress concentration factor on the notches grinded on the typical aerofoil FOD damaged gas turbine compressor blade closed form solutions are difficult proportion. In this paper a finite element analysis is carried out by idealization of the typical aerofoil to rectangular cantilever plate with single edge U-notches for finding the stress concentration factor and is then compared with the standard stress concentration data by R.E.Peterson. The study can then be extended to a typical aerofoil.Key words: Stress Concentration Factor, U-Notches, Foreign Object Damage, Compressor Blade. Reference [1] North Atlantic Treaty Organization- http://www.nato.int [2] FOD news- http://www.fodnews.com [3] FOD Control corporation- http://www.fodcontrol.com [4] National aerospace FOD prevention, Incorporated- http://www.nafpi.com [5] Defence technical information centre-http://stinet.dtic.mil Mohammad Rafi Nadaf, Sharan Shegedar |
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35. | Novel Technique for Fire Detection
Novel Technique for Fire DetectionAbstract: Fire is one of the major disaster which can leads to many losses, such as financial losses or loss of life. So it is becomes more important to detect occurrence of fire at early stages. Now a days, sensor based fire detection system are becomes one of the important invention in automatic fire detection technology. But there are some drawbacks in this sensor based detection system such as false alarm and large response time taken by the system. A novel approach which based on video processing is described in this paper to overcome drawbacks of traditional fire detection methods. This paper proposed the algorithm for flame detection which uses video processing technique. Current work gives attention on development of two algorithms which are used for flame detection. The study carried out to focus early detection of fire using two properties of flame that are motion and shape which can be achieved by edge detection algorithm and motion detection algorithm. Algorithm is developed by using open source software named as Open CV.Key words: Edge detection, Flame, Image, Open CV, Motion detection. Reference [1] M. Kandil, M. Salama, A New Hybrid Algorithm For Fire- Vision Recognition, IEEE Eurocon,pp.1406-1466,2009. [2] B.C. Ko, K.H.Chong, J.Y. Nam, Fire Detection Based On Vision Sensor And Support Vector Services, Fire Safety Journal vol.44, pp.322-329,2009. [3] Gaurav Yadav, Vikas Gupta and Vinod Gaur,Optimized Flame Detection Using image Processing Based Techniques, Indian journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), vol.3,No.2, Apr-May2012,pp.202-211 [4] D.Han, ByoungmooLee, Flame And Smoke Detection Method For Early Real- Time Detection Of Tunnel Fire, Fire Safety Journal vol.44, pp.951-961,2009. [5] C.B. Lui, N. Ahuja, Vision Based Fire Detection, Proceedings Of The 17th International Conference On Pattern Recognition (ICPR' 04), vol.4, pp. 134-137. S.P. Kale, S. B. Somani |
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36. | Improved Estimation of Population Mean Using Median and Coefficient of Variation of Auxiliary Variable
Improved Estimation of Population Mean Using Median and Coefficient of Variation of Auxiliary VariableAbstract: This manuscript deals with the estimation of population mean of the variable under study using an improved ratio type estimator utilizing the known values of median and coefficient of variation of auxiliary variable. The expressions for the bias and mean square error (MSE) of the proposed estimator are obtained up to the first order of approximation. The optimum estimator is also obtained for the optimum value of the constant of the estimator and its optimum properties are also studied. It is shown that the proposed estimator is better than the existing ratio estimators in the literature. For the justification of the improvement of the proposed estimator over others, an empirical study is also carried out.Key words: Ratio estimator, Median, bias, mean squared error, efficiency. Reference [1] Cochran, W. G. (1977). Sampling techniques, Third Edition, Wiley Eastern Limited] [2] Kadilar, C. and Cingi, H. (2004): Ratio estimators in simple random sampling, Applied Mathematics and Computation 151, 893-902 [3] Kadilar, C. and Cingi, H. (2006): An improvement in estimating the population mean by using the correlation co-efficient, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Volume 35 (1), 103-109 [4] Koyuncu, N. and Kadilar, C. (2009): Efficient Estimators for the Population mean, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 38(2), 217-225 [5] Murthy, M.N. (1967): Sampling theory and methods, Statistical Publishing Society, Calcutta, India Subhash Kumar Yadav, Sheela Misra, Alok Kumar Shukla, Vishwas Tiwari |
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37. | Data Acquisition System (DAS) Based On ARM Embedded Web Server
Data Acquisition System (DAS) Based On ARM Embedded Web ServerAbstract: In this paper we present Internet based Data Acquisition system. It deals with the monitoring and acquisition of physical parameters in the real time necessary in Industrial Automation. This is achieved using the main core of the system which is an embedded hardware, running a μC/OS-II a popular choice of operating system for embedded applications. The μC/OS-II was successfully ported on the ARM & the web server application is configured with the operating system (μC/OS-II). The embedded device communicates through General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), which makes it accessible from anywhere in the world through a web server built into the embedded device. In addition, GPRS provides a real-time data transfer allowing interaction. The proposed system eliminates the need for the server software and maintenance. A novel approach is introduced to minimize the operational costs while operating with a large amount of data. The system is demonstrated to work for online as well as offline .When online, queried data is directly available at the client side. Here is an inbuilt offline system with 8-bit co-processor technique so one can get the data on personal computer without any internet connection, for personal reference. It can be also used for the analysis like system failure.Key words: ARM11, Embedded Web Server, μC/OS-II, GPRS. Reference [1] An Internet-Based Interactive Embedded Data-Acquisition System for Real-Time Applications IEEE Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement, VOL. 58, NO. 3, MARCH 2009 Ali Ziya Alkar, Member, IEEE, and Mehmet Atif Karaca [2] K. Jacker and J. Mckinney, ―TkDAS—A data acquisition system using RTLinux, COMEDI, and Tcl/Tk,‖ in Proc. Third Real-Time Linux workshop 2001. [Online]. Available: The Real Time Linux Foundations: 2001/papers.html [3] Design and Implementation of an Embedded Web Server Based on ARM Mo Guan School of Information Science & Engineering ,Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang , China [4] ―Embedded Web Server on Nios II Embedded FPGA Platform‖ Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET-09, 978-0-7695-3884-6/09 $26.00 © 2009 IEEE Ms. Nivedita N. Joshi, Lecturer, Y.C.C.E., Nagpur, India, [5] Klimchynski, ―Extensible embedded Web server for internet-based data acquisition and control,‖ in Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Sensors,Vienna, Austria, Oct. 24–27, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 52–55. Ms.Vaishali Dhawale, Prof.S.M. Turkane |
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38. | An Introduction to License Plate Detection System
An Introduction to License Plate Detection SystemAbstract: License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a well known image processing technology. LPR system consists of four steps: capture the image from digital camera, pre-processing, character segmentation and character recognition. License plates are available in various styles and colors in various countries. Every country has their own license plate format. So each country develops the LPR system appropriate for the vehicle license plate format. Difficulties that the LPR systems face are the environmental and non-uniform outdoor illumination conditions. Therefore, most of the systems work under restricted environmental conditions like fixed illumination, limited vehicle speed, designated routes, and stationary backgrounds. Each LPR system use different combination of algorithms. In this paper I proposed license plate recognition using skew detection and morphological operation.Key words: Image processing, License Plate Recognition, License Plate Detection, License Plate Segmentation, Optical Character Recognition Reference [1] Y. P. Huang, C. H. Chen, Y. T. Chang, and F. E. Sandnes,"An intelligent strategy for checking the annual inspection status of motorcycles based on license plate recognition, "Expert Syst. Appl., vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 9260 9267, Jul. 2009. [2] J. B. Jiao, Q. X Ye, and Q.M. Huang,"A configurable method for multistyle license plate recognition," Pattern Recognition., vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 358 369, Mar. 2009. [3] H.caner,H.S. Gecim and A.Z. Alkar,"Efficient embedded neural network- based license plate recognition system" IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 2675 2683, Sep. 2008. [4] C. Anagnostopoulos, I. Anagnostopoulos, V. Loumos, and E Kayafas,"A license plate-recognition algorithm for intelligent tranport system applications"_´_IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 377 392, Sep 2006. [5] S. L. Chang, L. S. Chen, Y. C. Chung, and S.W. Chen, "Automatic license plate recognition"IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 42 52, Mar. 2004. Archita Patel, Mr. Krunal R. Patel |
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39. | Closed Form Solutions to Water Pollution Problems Using Auto-BäcklundTransformations
Closed Form Solutions to Water Pollution Problems Using Auto-BäcklundTransformationsAbstract: ABSTRACT Air pollution can be very harmful to human health, especially in urban areas of large cities and in the vicinity of chemical industries. In order to prevent and minimize environmental impacts from these industries, it is necessary to use mathematical models, which can simulate scenarios associated with dispersion of pollutants. This work presents a new analytical method for solving pollutant dispersion problems. The method uses two first-order differential restrictions from which are found auto-Bäcklund transformations for the two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation at steady state. The main characteristic of the formulation is the reduced time required to obtain analytical solutions.Key words: Dispersion of pollutants, Exact solutions, Mathematical modeling, Project to prevent contingencies. Reference [1] Pasquill. F. The Estimation of the Dispersion of Windborne Material, Meteorological Magazine(90), 1961, 33-49. [2] Schatzman, M. ,König, G. , Lohmeyer, O. A. Wind Tunnel Modelling of Small-Scale Meteorological, Boundary-Layer Meteorology (41), 1987, 241. [3] Zwillinger, D., Handbook of Differential Equations (San Diego: Academic Press, 1997). [4] Greenspan, D., Casuli, V.,Numercial Analysis for Applied Mathematics, Science and Engineering(CRC Press, Florida, 1988). [5] Churchill, R. V.,Variáveis complexas e suas aplicações (São Paulo: McGraw-Hill do Brasil, 1975). Vinicius G. Ribeiro, Jorge Zabadal, Fábio Teixeira, Guilherme Lacerda, Sidnei Silveira, André Da Silveira |
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40. | Studying The Factors Affecting Advanced Mechanical Maintenance Practice
Studying The Factors Affecting Advanced Mechanical Maintenance PracticeIntroduction: The term maintenance ѕtrategy iѕ generally viewed from the perѕpective of maintenance policieѕ and conceptѕ. For inѕtance, it iѕ defined in termѕ of reactive or breakdown maintenance, preventive and predictive maintenance (Cooke, 2003, pp. 239–249). Maintenance though cloѕely related to manufacturing iѕ a buѕineѕѕ function of itѕ own. Itѕ buѕineѕѕ iѕ to provide dependable ѕervice to manufacturing. Hence, maintenance ѕtrategy can be defined at a functional hierarchy level. It can be defined aѕ coherent, unifying and integrative pattern of deciѕionѕ in different maintenance ѕtrategy elementѕ in congruence with manufacturing, corporate and buѕineѕѕ level ѕtrategieѕ; determineѕ and revealѕ the organizational purpoѕe; defineѕ the nature of economic and non-economic contributionѕ it intendѕ to make to the organization aѕ a whole.Reference [1] Bamber, C.J., Sharp, J.M., Hides, M. (1999), "Factors affecting successful implementation of total productive maintenance: a UK manufacturing case study perspective", Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 5 No.3, pp.162-81. [2] Blischke, W.R., Murthy, D.N.P. (2000), Reliability, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, pp. 25-63 [3] Cooke F.L., (2003) Plant maintenance strategy: Evidence from four British manufacturing firms, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 9 (3), pp. 239–249 [4] Dossenbach, T. (2006), "Implementing total productive maintenance", Wood and Wood Products, Vol. 111 No.2, pp.29-32. [5] Eade R., The importance of predictive maintenance. Iron Age New Steel 13 9 (1997), pp. 68–72. Mohamed Hafez Barakat & Barakat Abdelgalil Zidan |
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41. | Filter Design: Analysis and Review
Filter Design: Analysis and ReviewAbstract: This paper represents the review analysis of various types of filters design. In this paper we discuss the designing of filters. For discussing the designing of filters we consider the some standard paper which is based on filter design. First we will discuss about filter then we will discuss about types of filter and give the review on different ways of designing of filter.Reference [1] Proakis, John G. and Manolakis, Dimitris G. Digital Signal Processing. s.l. : Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd, 2007. [2] A new method for effcient design of Butterworth filter based on symbolic calculus. Guo-Ping, Huo, Ling-jaun, Miao and Hui, Ding. s.l. : IEEE, 2010. [3] Design and Analysis of Improved Butterworth Low Pass Filter. Zhongshen, Li. s.l. : IEEE, 2007. [4] A design of butterworth low pass filter's layout basideal filter approximation on the ideal filter approximation. Idros, Bin Md, et al. s.l. : IEEE, 2009. [5] Direct form expansion of the transfer function for a digital Butterworth low-pass filter. Gilbert, N. and Fleming, J. s.l. : IEEE, 1982. Anirudh Singhal |
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42. | Comparison between Unknown Input Estimation of a System Using Projection Operator Approach and Generalized Matrix Inverse Method
Comparison between Unknown Input Estimation of a System Using Projection Operator Approach and Generalized Matrix Inverse MethodAbstract: In this paper a detailed comparison between the estimation results of unknown inputs of a linear time invariant system using projection operator approach and using the method of generalized matrix inverse have been discussed. The full order observer constructed using projection operator approach has been extended and implemented for this purpose.Key words: Unknown Input, Unknown Input Estimation(UIE), Linear Time Invariant(LTI) System, Projection Operator, Projection Method Observer(PMO), Unknown Input Observer(UIO), Full Order Observer, Missile Autopilot. Reference [1] Alexander Stotsky, Ilya Kolmanovsky, "Simple unknown input estimation techniques for automotive applications", Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Arlington, VA, pp. 3312-3317, June 2001. [2] Talel. Bessaoudi, Karim. Khémiri, Fayçal. Ben Hmida and Moncef. Gossa, "Recusive least-squares estimation for the joint input- state estimation of linear discrete time systems with unknown input" International Multi- Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, 2011 [3] Mohamed Benallouch, Mohamed Boutayeb, Rachid Outbib and Edouard Laroche, "Nonlinear estimation of states and unknown inputs for communication systems", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (ICSPC 2007), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pp. 696-699, 2007. [4] Kalyana C. Veluvolu, Soh Yeng Chai. "High gain observers with multiple sliding mode for state and unknown input estimations." 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), pp. 1179-1186, 2009. [5] Q. P. Ha, H. Trinh, "State and input imultaneous estimation for a class of onlinear systems", Automatica 40(2004), pp.1779-1785, May 2004. Ashis De, Gourhari Das |
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43. | Analysis on Energy Efficient Approaches for Routing In Mobile Adhoc Network
Analysis on Energy Efficient Approaches for Routing In Mobile Adhoc NetworkAbstract: A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a self-organizing and dynamically configurable wireless network without having fixed infrastructures. Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET's) consist of nodes which move arbitrarily and form dynamic topologies. MANET's exhibit characteristics like limited bandwidth, energy constraints, mobility, scalability and limited security. The main issue is energy constraint of nodes in mobile adhoc network. The primary goal of a routing protocol is efficient route establishment between a pair of nodes. Because of limited battery of nodes links failure can be possible. So here the analysis of different techniques is done in this paper.The aim of this research is to check and compare the different approach to make the routing efficient in Mobile adhoc network. And one method is proposed for energy efficient communication in mobile adhoc network which use the remaining energy and number of nodes for selection of route.Key words: Manet, Energy efficient, routing protocol. Reference [1] Jeroen Hoebeke, Ingrid Moerman, Bart Dhoedt and Piet Demeester "An Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Applications and Challenges",Department of Information Technology (INTEC). [2] Kanika Lakhani Chaudhary, Himani Bathla "A Power Efficient Technique to Avoid Packet Loss in MANET", IEEEpp. 234-238, April 2011. [3] Bhabani Sankar Gouda Chandan Kumar Behera Ranjit Kumar Behera, "A Scenario Based Simulation Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Enhancement of Routing Protocols in MANET", IEEE, 502-507,March 2013. [4] G. Varaprasad "Power Aware And Signal Strength Based Routing Algorithm For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE, 131-134,June 2011. [5] Seema Verma, Pinki Nayak, and Rekha Agarwal "Performance Analysis of Energy Aware Routing Schemes under Various Mobility Models", IEEE,International conference on Communication and Signal Processing, 475-478, April 2013. Neha. J. Mistry, Mr. Dhavalsinh. M.Gohil |
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44. | Finite Element Based Analysis of the Effect of Internal Voids on the Strength and Stress Distribution Of Component- Review
Finite Element Based Analysis of the Effect of Internal Voids on the Strength and Stress Distribution Of Component- ReviewAbstract: Voids are the casting defects and can be source of failure due to action as a stress concentration location. Void is the absence of material where it should be present in metal casting processes. All metal casting contains voids which is inherent to the material and its application. Voids occur for many reasons and in many forms, but it is often the results of gases released from molten metal, or shrinkage of the metal as it cools and solidifies. Voids may go to the heart of casting and infiltrate the entire part. The main objective of the project are to try and develop a model for detection of voids using vibration techniques. Once a void is detected, we should be able to quantify the loss in strength , and based on this data determine if the component will be usable or not. By using FEA modeling of internal void in a component is to be done and using modal analysis technique to determine natural frequency of component. By comparing results with defect free component and checking if there is a co relation between frequency shift and size of the void. By performing structural FEA to determine stress concentration zones and reduction in stress capacity due to void.Key words: Defect , Loss in strength , Modal analysis, Natural frequency, Stress concentration Reference [1] "Porosity in Castings" R. Monroe, Steel Founders‟ Society of America, Crystal Lake, Illinoi. [2] "Analyses of Void Growth and Coalescence in Cast Iron by Cell Models", M. Kuna and D.-Z. Sun, Fraunhofer- Institute of Mechanics of Materials,Wohlerstrasse11, 79108 Freiburg, Germany. [3] "On ductile fracture initiation toughness: Effects of void volume fraction, void shape and void distribution", Xiaosheng Gao, Tianhong Wang, Jinkook Kim, International Journal of Solids and Structures 42 (2005) 5097–5117. [4] "Effect of micro voids on stress triaxiality-plastic strain states of notched steels", Zhiguang Zhoua, Hitoshi Kuwamurab, Akemi Nishidaa, Procedia Engineering 10 (2011) 1433–1439. [5] "Finite element analysis of void growth behaviour in nickel-based single crystal super alloys", Q.M. Yu, N.X. Hou, Z.F. Yue, Computational Materials Science 48 (2010) 597–608. Sagar S. Awate, Sandeep S. Kore |
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45. | Reduction of FeO in EAF Steelmaking Slag by End-Of-Life Polystyrene and It's Blend with Metallurgical Coke
Reduction of FeO in EAF Steelmaking Slag by End-Of-Life Polystyrene and It's Blend with Metallurgical CokeAbstract: The reduction of FeO-containing slag by end-of-life polystyrene (PS) and its blend with metallurgical coke has been investigated through experiments conducted in a laboratory scale horizontal tube furnace. Composite pellets of EAF slag (47.1% FeO) with PS, coke and a blend of PS/coke (in the ratio PS:Coke =3:2) were heated rapidly at 1550 °C under high purity argon gas and the off gas was continuously analysed for CO and CO2 using an online infrared gas analyser (IR). The extent of reduction after fifteen minutes, level of carburisation, extent of desulphurization and the ease of metal/slag separation were determined for each carbonaceous reductant. The results show that FeO can be effectively reduced from EAF slag to produce metallic iron using end-of-life PS and its blends with coke as reductants; improvements in the extent of reduction, ease of metal/slag separation, level of carburisation and extent of desulphurisation of the reduced metal were observed when coke was blended with PS.Key words: FeO reduction, metallurgical coke, polystyrene, carburisation, desulphurisation Reference [1] PACIA 2011, National Plastics Recycling Survey for July 2010- June 2011, 2011 [2] J. Maul, B. G. Frushour, J. R. Kontoff, H. Eichenauer, K.-H.Ott and C. SchadePolystyrene and Styrene Copolymers, Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 2007, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.doi: 10.1002/14356007.a21_615.pub2 [3] J.R. Dankwah, P. Koshy, N.M. Saha-Chaudhury, P. O'Kane, C. Skidmore, D. Knights and V. Sahajwalla, Reduction of FeO in EAF Steelmaking Slag by Blends of Metallurgical Coke and Waste Plastics,ISIJ Int., 51(3), 2011, 498-507 [4] J.R. Dankwah, P. Koshy, P. O'Kane and V. Sahajwalla, Reduction of FeO in EAF Steelmaking Slag by Blends of Metallurgical Coke and End-of-Life Tyres,Steel Res. Int.,83(8),2012,766-774 [5] J.R. Dankwah, P. Koshy and V. Sahajwalla, Reduction of FeO in EAF Steelmaking Slag by Blends of Metallurgical Coke and End-of-Life Polyethylene Terephthalate,Ironmaking Steelmaking, 2013, 10.1179/1743281213Y.0000000125 James Ransford Dankwah |
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46. | Urban Development in Ariyalur District, Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (Gis)
Urban Development in Ariyalur District, Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (Gis)Abstract: The study is mainly based on visual interpretation of satellite imageries by studying the standard recognition elements such as color, tone, texture, Pattern etc., for the delineation of urban land use of the study area. After the visual interpretation of Satellite imageries direct field checks have been made. The primary data were acquired from the LANDSAT satellite imagery. The supplementary data were generated from the survey of India SOI topographical maps. A base map was prepared using survey of India toposheets having the index of numbers, 58M/4, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 58N/1 on a scale of 1:50,000 as an understanding of this study. Totally 6 toposheets have covered the study area. The geographical features like major road, railway, and drainage system, and elevation information, nature of River, tank, settlements and relevant information were incorporated in the base map. Arc GIS used to integrate the available data sources. LANDSAT MSS (1976), IRS P6-LISS III (2010) satellite data the urban land use classification were attempted. The classification followed here is based on unsupervised classification and interpretation; the data interpreted from the imagery were cross-checked in the field. The change detection in urban land use, between the years 1976, 2010 and for an overall period of 34 years, was made using statistical methods. The entire study area has been many changes in the urban land use. There has been a pronounced decrease in agriculture land, forest land, Fallow land, sandy area are gradually decreased. Water bodies, Residential area, industrial, mining area, road, and water bodies and barren land are increased. The town wise urban land use has been analyzed in this thesis. Finally the total Ariyalur district urban land use studies have been analyzed.Reference [1] Davis (1965): The Suburbs of Greater Bombay, Centre For Urban Research, Osmania University,Hyderabad [2] Davis (1962): Geography of Population: The Indian Experience, New Delhi, Oxford University press. [3] Golden (1962) "Sydney's metropolitan fringe: A case study in rural urban relations" Australian geographer vol 20 pp 58. R.Vasanthi , R. Baskaran and G.Vanaraju |
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47. | Intuitionistic Fuzzy Generalized Beta Closed Mappings
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Generalized Beta Closed MappingsAbstract: In this paper we introduce intuitionistic fuzzy generalized beta closed mappings and intuitionistic fuzzy generalized beta open mappings. We investigate some of their properties. We also introduce intuitionistic fuzzy M-generalized beta closed mappings as well as intuitionistic fuzzy M-generalized beta open mappings. We provide the relation between intuitionistic fuzzy M-generalized beta closed mappings and intuitionistic fuzzy generalized beta closed mappings.Key words: Intuitionistic fuzzy topology, intuitionistic fuzzy generalized beta closed mappings and intuitionistic fuzzy generalized beta open mappings. Reference [1] Atanassov, K., Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1986, 87- 96. [2] Chang, C., Fuzzy topological spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 1968, 182-190. [3] Coker, D., An introduction to intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy sets and systems, 1997, 81-89. [4] Joung Kon Jeon, Young Bae Jun, and Jin Han Park, Intuitionistic fuzzy alpha-continuity and intuitionistic fuzzy pre continuity, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2005, 3091-3101. [5] Saraf, R. K., Govindappa Navalagi and Meena Khanna, on fuzzy beta generalized closed sets, Bull. Malays. Sci. Soc., 2005, 19-30. D. Jayanthi |
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48. | Gesture & Speech Based Appliance Control
Gesture & Speech Based Appliance ControlAbstract: This document explores the use of speech & gestures to control home appliances. Aiming at the aging population of the world and relieving them from their dependencies. The two approaches used to sail through the target are the MFCC approach for speech processing and the Identification of Characteristic Point Algorithm for gesture recognition. A barrier preventing wide adoption is that this audience can find controlling assistive technology difficult, as they are less dexterous and computer literate. Our results hope to provide a more natural and intuitive interface to help bridge the gap between technology and elderly users.Reference [1] Y Bala Krishna et al, Int. J. Computer Technology & Applications, Vol 3 (1), 163-168 [2] Speaker Recognition Using MATLAB Available:http://www.scribd.com/doc/59159000/29/Matlab-Code-for-MFCC-approach [3] Jim Baumann, "Voice Recognition" Available:http://www.hitl.washington.edu/scivw/EVE/I.D.2.d.VoiceRecognition.html [4] Larryo.org/work/information/umouse [5] Boukreev, K.: Mouse Gestures Recognition. CodeGuru, www.codeguru.com (December 2001). Dr. Sayleegharge, Prof. Manisha Joshi, Bhaumikdoshi, Varun Sharma, Anikettamhankar |
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49. | Cloud Service Based On Database Management System
Cloud Service Based On Database Management SystemAbstract: Cloud database management system is a distributed database that delivers computing as a service. It is sharing of web infrastructure for resources, software and information over a network. The cloud is used as a storage location and database can be accessed and computed from anywhere. The large number of web application makes the use of distributed storage solution in order to scale up. It enables user to outsource the resource and services to the third party server. In this paper, we discuss the recent trend in cloud service based on database management system and offering it as one of the services in cloud. We also proposed an architecture of cloud based on database management systemKey words: CDBMS, Cloud computing, DBMS, Database Management System. Reference [1] Yvette E. Gelogo, Sunguk Lee, Database Management System as a Cloud Service, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Vol. 5, No. 2, June, 2012. [2] What is database management system - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary.htm. [3] Adrienne Watt, Characteristics and Benefits of database, Database design ,2012. [4] Sabrina zimara, The Five Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing, Ltd july12,2013. [5] http://databasemanagement.wikia.com/wiki/Cloud_Database. , Tom Nolle, Cloud Database as a Service Planning your DBMS strategy, jan 2011. Monica Kadam, Shubhangi Tambe, Pooja Jidge, Ekta Tayade |
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50. | Simulation of Trigonometric Signals Using Area-Time Efficient Algorithm
Simulation of Trigonometric Signals Using Area-Time Efficient AlgorithmAbstract: In this paper, a parametric Co-ordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC) algorithm is presented, simulating fixed point arithmetic (sine, cosine, and arctangent) trigonometric functions evaluation. The Important design options for hardware implementation include iterative, unrolled and unrolled pipelined architectures of the CORDIC module. The design uses the VHDL '93 backwards-compatible version of the fixed point package, as defined according to the verilog 2008 standard. Hardware performance analysis results are presented in this paper for more than 75 circuit variations implemented on a Spartan 3 Xilinx FPGA, each for different parameter values of the proposed CORDIC module. A maximum 47% increase of speed and 57% area reduction are accomplished, in comparison with other designs. In our simulation design we are using circular co-ordinate system for producing digital trigonometric functions and these are calculated in the two main modes in CORDIC algorithm which are rotation mode and vectoring mode.Key words: Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC), Cosine/Sine, Recursive Architecture, XILINX. Reference [1] J. E. Volder, "The CORDIC trigonometric computing technique," IRE Trans. Electron. Comput., vol. EC-8, pp. 330–334, Sep. 1959. [2] J. S. Walther, "A unified algorithm for elementary functions," in Proceedings of the 38th Spring Joint Computer Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, 1971, pp.379–385. [3] K. Maharatna, A. S. Dhar, and S. Banerjee, "A VLSI array architecture for realization of DFT, DHT, DCT and DST," Signal Process., vol. 81,pp. 1813–1822, 2001. [4] C.-S. Wu, A.-Y. Wu, and C.-H. Lin, "A high-performance/low-latency vector rotational CORDIC architecture based on extended elementary angle set and trellis-based searching schemes," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Analog Digit. Signal Process.,vol.50,no.9,pp.589–601, Sep.2003. [5] J. Villalba, T. Lang, and E. L. Zapata, "Parallel compensation of scale factor for the CORDIC algorithm," J. VLSI Signal Process. Syst., vol.19, no. 3, pp. 227–241, Aug. 1998. Siva Kumar K, Subramanyam M,Chaitanya Kumar G, Sai Lakshmi K, Prasanna Kumar K |
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51. | Visual Interpretation Of Hand Gestures For Human Computer Interaction
Visual Interpretation Of Hand Gestures For Human Computer InteractionAbstract: The use of hand gestures provides an attractive alternative to cumbersome interface devices for human-computer interaction (HCI). In particular, visual interpretation of hand gestures can help in achieving the ease and naturalness desired for HCI. This discussion is organized on the basis of the method used for modeling, analyzing, and recognizing gestures. We propose pointing gesture-based large display interaction using a depth camera. A user interacts with applications for large display by using pointing gestures with the barehand. The calibration between large display and depth camera can be automatically performed by using RGB-D camera.. We also discuss implemented gestural systems as well as other potential applications of vision-based gesture recognition. We discuss directions of future research in gesture recognition, including its integration with other natural modes of human computer interaction.Key words: Visual interpretation,Human computer interaction,Gesture recognition Reference [1] Bagrecha Komal S., Bramhecha Amit R., Chhajed Sneha S., Chhajed Sneha S., Khivsara B.A., "Android application using GPS navigation" 1st International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, March 2012 [2] A. Azarbayejani, C. Wren, and A. Pentland, "Real-Time 3D Tracking of the Human Body," Proc. IMAGE'COM 96, Bordeaux, France, 1996. [3] Y. Azoz, L. Devi, and R. Sharma, "Vision-Based Human Arm Tracking for Gesture Analysis Using Multimodal Constraint Fusion," Proc. 1997 Advanced Display Federated Laboratory Symp.,Adelphi, Md., Jan. 1997. [4] W. Wilkowska, M. Ziefle, "Which Factors Form Older Adults'Acceptance of Mobile Information and Communication Technologies?" In Holzinger, A., & Miesenberger, K. (Eds.), Human – Computer Interaction for eInclusion. LNCS 5889 (pp.81–101). Berlin: Springer, 2009. M.S.Sahane, H.D.Salve, N.D.Dhawade, Prof.S.A.Bajpai |
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52. | Robust Control Based On Sliding Mode of the Shunt Active Filter to Compensate For the Disturbing Currents in the Electric Power
Robust Control Based On Sliding Mode of the Shunt Active Filter to Compensate For the Disturbing Currents in the Electric PowerAbstract: The present publication articulates on the robust control strategy of the shunt active power filter (SAPF) originally based on the sliding mode. The new control strategy is tested to control the SAPF to compensate actively for the disturbing currents in the electric power under the presence of the voltage disturbances. The simulation results reveal a perfect compensation for the currents disturbances and the reactive power with a contribution to improve the robustness in stability and in speed of the SAPF. The efficiency of the proposed control strategy contribute to the improvement of the supply current spectrum and the phase displacement factor. Consequently, the control strategy proposed allows the SAPF to improve the energy quality.Key words: Shunt active power filter; Robust control; Sliding mode; Digital simulation; Energy quality Reference [1] T. Jarou, M. Cherkaoui, M. Maaroufi, Contributiontothecontrolingoftheshuntactive power filtertocompensatefortheharmonics, unbalancedcurrentsandreactive power Proc. ofthe 6th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, December 16-18, 2006. [2] T. Jarou, M. Cherkaoui, M.Maaroufi, Generalizationofthe Control StrategyoftheActive Filters toCompensatefortheDisturbingCurrentsandth eDisturbingVoltages, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on POWER SYSTEMS, Issue 10, Volume 1, P1770-1776, ISSN 1790-5060, October 2006. [3] F. Zheng Peng, ApplicationissuesofActive Power Filters, IEEE IndustryApplications, Vol. 4, N°5, Septembre / octobre, 1998. [4] T.Thomas, K.Haddad, G.Joós et A.Jaafari, Design andperformanceofactive power filters, IEEE IndustryApplications, Vol. 4, N°5, Septembre/octobre, 1998. [5] M.Machmoum, N.Bruyant, S.Saadate, M.Alali, Commandegénéralisée et analyse de performancesd'uncompensateuractifparallèle , Revue Internationale de GénieÉlectrique, VOL 4/3-4, 2001. Tarik Jarou, Nabil Elhaj And Anass Laachir |
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53. | Detection of Retinal Hemorrhage Using Splat Feature Classification Technique
Detection of Retinal Hemorrhage Using Splat Feature Classification TechniqueAbstract: In the automated fundus image screening system, reliable detection of retinal hemorrhage is required. Retinal hemorrhages are produced by diabetic retinopathy and hypertension. In our approach, a splat feature classification technique can be used to detect large irregular retinal hemorrhages with high accuracy. In this technique, the retinal images are partitioned into non overlapping segments called splat. Splat contains pixels with same color and spatial location. From each splat wide range of features are extracted based on interaction of each splat with its neighbor .The mean filter approach can be used to select desired splat feature. Performance of the hemorrhage detector can be evaluated from the receiver operating characteristic curve.Key words: splat, fundus image retinal hemorrhage, KNN classifier, Watershed segmentation. Reference [1] Michael.D. Abramoff, Niemeijer.M. and Van Ginneken.B.(2009), "Information fusion for diabetic retinopathy CAD in digital color fundus photographs‟,IEEE Trans.Med.Imag.,no.5,pp.775-785 [2] Maria.S.A.Suttorp Schulten, Michael. D. Abramoff, Niemeijer .M, Staal. J., Van Ginneken.B (2005),‟Automatic detection of red lesions in digital color fundus photographs‟, IEEE Trans.Med.Imag., vol.24, no.5, pp.584-592 [3] Akira Sawada, Hiroshi Fujita, Kazuhide Kawase, Masakatsu Kakogawa, Takeshi Hara, Toshiaki Nakagawa, Yoshinori Hayashi and Yuji Hatanaka (2008),‟Improvement of automatic hemorrhages detection methods using brightness correction on fundus images‟, in Proc.SPIE, vol.6915, pp.69-78 [4] Aimmanee.P., Jitpakdee .P. and Uyyanonvara B. (2012), "A Survey on hemorrhage detection in diabetic retinopathy retinal images‟, in Proessingc.9th international Conference Electronics Engineering.,computer science. Telecommunionl, pp.1-4 [5] M.Abramoff, M.Garvin and M.Sonka (2010) , "Retinal imaging and image analysis" ,IEEE Rev.Biomed.Eng., vol.3, pp.169-208 Athira R V, Ferlin Deva Shahila D |
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54. | Design and Simulation of DSTATCOM Using Phase Shift Control Based On Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation
Design and Simulation of DSTATCOM Using Phase Shift Control Based On Sinusoidal Pulse Width ModulationAbstract: In this paper a DSTATCOM is modeled and simulated for power quality improvement at the distribution end using Sim power system toolbox . Voltage sag and swell are the major power quality problems. Power quality issue is an undesired deviation in voltage, frequency and power factor that results in malfunctioning of end user equipments. Custom power devices are used for solving power quality problems at the distribution end. Among these devices DSTATCOM is one of the efficient and effective device which improve voltage sag and swell by injecting current into the system.Key words: DSTATCOM,PQ (power quality problems ), sinusoidal pulse width modulation(SPWM),Voltage sag and swell, voltage source converter(VSC) Reference [1] R.C. Dugan, S. Santoso, M.F. McGranaghan, and H.W. Beaty, Electric Power System Quality, McGraw-Hill, 2004. [2] N. Hingorani, "FACTS-Flexible ac transmission systems [3] P. Bapaiah , "Power Quality Improvement by using DSTATCOM" International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE), Apr. 2013. [4] G. Venkataramana, and BJohnson, "A pulse width modulated power line conditioner for sensitive load centers," IEEE Trans. Power Delivary, vol. 12, pp. 844-849, Apr. 1997. [5] L Xu, O. Anaya-Lara, V. G. Agelidis, and E. Acha, "Development of prototype custom power devices for power quality enhancement," in Proc. 9th ICHQP 2000, Orlando, FL, Oct 2000, pp. 775-783. Amrita Saraf, Arti Bhandakkar |
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55. | Some Double Integral Representations For The Exton's Triple Hypergeometric Function X9Involving Gauss Hypergeometric Function, Generalized Kampe De Feriet Function And Exton's Function
Some Double Integral Representations For The Exton's Triple Hypergeometric Function X9Involving Gauss Hypergeometric Function, Generalized Kampe De Feriet Function And Exton's FunctionAbstract: In recent years several authors have made significant contributions in the development of the work due to Exton. In the present paper double integral representations of Eulerian kind for the triple hypergeometric function X9 have been established which involve Gauss hypergeometric function 2F1, generalized, Kampe De Feriet function, Lauricella function and Exton's function X9 itself in their kernels.Key words: Exton's triple hypergeometric function, Gauss hypergeometric function, Kampe De Feriet function, Appell function, Laplace integral. Reference [1] A.K. Rathie, J. Choi and V. Nagar, A new class of integral involving hypergeometric function, Comm. Korean Math. Soc. 15, No. 1, 2000, 51-57. [2] H. Exton, Hypergeometric function of three variables, Journal of Indian Acad. Maths., Vol.4, No. 2, 1982, 113-118. [3] H.M. Srivastava and P.W. Karlsson, Multiple gaussian hypergeometric series (Ellis Horwood Limited, Newyork 1985). [4] J. Choi, A. Hasanov, and M. Turaev, Certain integral representations of Euler type for the Exton function X5, Honam Mathematical Journal, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2010, 389-397. [5] J. Choi, A. Hasanov, H.M. Srivastava and M. Turaev, Integral Representation for Srivastava's Triple Hypergeometric Functions, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 15, No. 6, 2011, 2751-2762. Radha Mathur |
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56. | A Practical Frame-Work for the Performance Evaluation of Classical Frequency Planning Schemes in OFDM Based on Markov's Model
A Practical Frame-Work for the Performance Evaluation of Classical Frequency Planning Schemes in OFDM Based on Markov's ModelAbstract: In this paper, we propose a frame-work for the performance evaluation of frequency allocation schemes in 3G LTE OFDMA systems. We first develop an analytical model for collisions in an OFDMA system for an arbitrary number of users in the different cells. We then calculate the capacity of the system using a Markov model and taking into account the inter-cell interference and its impact on the adaptive modulation. We finally apply this model to compare three frequency allocation schemes, namely reuse 1, reuse 3, and a mix of reuse 1 and 3. Our results show that a mix of reuse 1 and 3 schemes outperforms a reuse 1 scheme in terms of better cell-edge performance, and outperforms also a reuse 3 scheme by achieving an higher cell throughput.Key words: Adaptive modulation, Frequency planning, OFDMA, Performance evaluation, Throughput Reference [1] S-E. Elayoubi, O. Ben Haddada, and B. Fouresti´e,"performance evaluation of frequency planning schemes in OFDMA based networks" IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 7, NO. 5, MAY 2008. [2] Digital and analog communication systems by K.sam shanmugam. [3] Wireless communications by Theodere Rappaport. [4] 3GPP, TR 25.892 V6.0.0, Feasibility Study for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) for UTRAN enhancement, 2004. [5] 3GPP, R1-050507, Huawei, Soft Frequency Reuse Scheme for UTRAN LTE, 2005. G. Santhosh Kumar, Kvbl Deepthi, V. Rama Krishna Sharma |
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57. | Impact of Groundwater Quality from Industrial East Coastal Town, Southern India
Impact of Groundwater Quality from Industrial East Coastal Town, Southern IndiaAbstract: Contamination of drinking water by human and industrial activities is a serious concern now-a-day. Indiscriminate use of groundwater deteriorates the quality and quantity of water. The study was carried out to assess the impacts of industrial activities on the groundwater quality in and around Cuddalore coast town during September 2012 and February 2013. The quality was assessed in terms of physio-chemical parameters and compared with BIS. The groundwater samples are classified into Ca2+-HCO32- type, Ca2+-Mg2+-Cl- type based on its hydrogeochemical characteristics. . The groundwater at many locations in the study area is not suitable for drinking because of its high salinity, hardness and chloride, which is mainly caused by industries discharge, agricultural activities and seawater intrusion. The WQI reflected that most of the samples are of poor water to very poor water. The Wilcox diagram, USSL diagrams and PI shows that most of the samples are suitable for irrigation. It was found that the groundwater was contaminated at few sample locations. The consequence of industrialization and urbanization leads to degradation of water quality. Hence the local government needs to initiate remedial measures.Key words: Physiochemical characteristics, seawater intrusion, suitability drinking and irrigation, coastal town. Reference [1] K. Ganesh, Hedge, and Y.S. Kale, Quality of lenetic waters of Dharwad district in north Karnataka. Journal of Environmental Health, 37(1), 1995, 52-56. [2] H.M. Ozler, Hydrochemistry and Saltwater Intrusion in the Van aquifer, East Turkey, Environmental Geology, 43, 2003, 759-775. [3] WHO, International Standards for Drinking Water 3rd Edition, Geneva, 2003, 346-385. [4] APHA, Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water, 17th ed (Washington DC. USA, 1995). [5] WHO, International standards for drinking water, Geneva, 1984. K. Ramesh, L. Elango |
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58. | Predictions of On-Line Banks' Fraudulent: A Study on Discriminant Analysis
Predictions of On-Line Banks' Fraudulent: A Study on Discriminant AnalysisAbstract: The information and communication technology (ICT) is growing fast in the community along with some risks. The on-line banks' fraudulent are increasing dramatically resulting in the loss of money and retardate the growth on economic development. Some law enforcers like Tanzanian police yet use the traditional prevention technologies to investigate these on-line banks' fraudulent cases mainly known as cyber crimes. For the purpose of this study, 150 data were collected as cyber criminals and non criminals. 100 data were cyber criminals out of the total sample size. With the aid of the discriminant analysis tools predicted cyber criminals against non criminal that 88% were overall, sensitivity was 73.9% and specific was 100%. However, the results from cyber criminals relatively with their ages implicated that the overall was 80.7%, sensitivity was 91.7% and specific was 75.5%. As technology advances, the law enforcers like police need to use the modern tools to predict these cases.Key words: On-line banks' fraudulent, cyber criminal, discriminant analysis. Reference [1] Artis, M., Ayuso, M. & Guillen, M. (1999). "Modelling Different Types of Automobile Insurance Fraud Behaviour in the Spanish Market", Insurance: Mathematics and Economics , 24 (1-2), pp. 67-81. [2] Belhadji, E. B., Dionne, G., and Tarkhani, F. (2000). A model for the detection of insurance fraud*. Geneva Papers on Risk & Insurance, 25(4), 517-538. [3] Breiman, L., Friedman, J. H., Olshen, R. A. & Stone, C. J. (1984). Classification and regression trees. Belmont, California, U.S.A., Wadsworth Publishing Company. [4] Chan, P. K., Fan, W., Prodromidis, A. L. & Stolfo, S. J. (1999). Distributed data mining in credit card fraud detection. IEEE Intelligent Systems 14(6), 67-74 [5] Fayyad, U. M. and Irani, K. B.(1993). Multi-interval discretization of continuous-valued attributes for classification learning, artificial intelligence, 13, 1022–1027. Gabriel Joseph Mukungu, Gwangyong Gim |
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59. | An Efficient Reconfigurable Content Addressable Memory
An Efficient Reconfigurable Content Addressable MemoryAbstract: This paper introduces an efficient reconfigurable Content Addressable memory (CAMs) which is a hardware search engine that are much faster than other algorithmic approaches for search intensive applications. Content Addressable Memories are composed of conventional semiconductor memory (usually SRAM) with added comparison circuitry that enables a search operation to complete in a single clock cycle. To understand more about Content Addressable Memory, it helps to contrast it with RAM. A RAM is an integrated circuit that stores data temporarily. In CAM, the user supplies the data and gets back the address.In this paper we introduce a temporary memory called Cache. The cache-CAM (C-CAM) saves 80% power over a conventional CAM. Compared with existing software search engines proposed hardware search engine can do multiple searches at a time with more flexibility.Index Terms: Content Addressable Memory (CAM), VLSI, Introduction to VHDL, Hardware, RTL modelling. Reference [1] Kostas Pagiamtzis and Ali Sheikholeslami Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Toronto, Canada W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems (Book style). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123–135. [2] Anargyros Krikelis, Charles C. Weems (editors) (1997) Associative Processing and Processors,IEEE Computer Science Press.ISBN 0-8186-7661-2 [3] Hannum et al.. (2004). System and method for resetting and initializing a fully associative array to a known state at power on or through machine specific state. U.S. Patent Rob92] Ian N. Robinson. Pattern-addressable memory. IEEE Micro, 12(3):20 30, June 1992 [4] E. H. Miller, ―A note on reflector arrays (Periodical style—Accepted for publication),‖ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., to be published. [5] [Sch96] Kenneth James Schultz. CAM-Based Circuits for ATM Switching Networks. PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 1996.C. J. Kaufman, Rocky Mountain Research Lab., Boulder, CO, private communication, May 1995. Saswathy Sekharan |
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60. | Improved AODV Routing Protocol for MANET
Improved AODV Routing Protocol for MANETAbstract: Efficient protocols are used to forward data packets without much packet loss. Ad hoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (AODV) is one among the effective Reactive Routing Protocol in MANET. The main causes for link break are mobility between nodes such as node failure and node power off. Quality of Service (QoS) is one of the main issues for any network and due to bandwidth constraint and dynamic topology of mobile ad hoc networks, supporting Quality of Service (QoS) is extremely a challenging task. The objective of this paper is to enhance the network performance of AODV, when frequent link failure in network due to mobility of the nodes in the network. This paper proposed a new protocol Enhanced AODV (E-AODV) which is a modified version of AODV with enhanced packet delivery ratio and minimized end to end delay.Key words: Ad Hoc Network, Routing Protocol, AODV, Packet delivery ratio, end to end delay. Reference [1] C. E. Perkins, "Ad hoc Networking", Addison Wesley, 2001. [2] Gu, D; Zhang, J., "QoS Enhancement in IEEE802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, ISSN: 0163-6804, Vol. 41, Issue 6, pp. 120-124, June 2003 [3] L. Hanzo (II.) and R. Tafazolli, "Quality of Service Routing and Admission Control for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks with a Contention-based MAC Layer", Centre for Communication Systems Research (CCSR), University of Surrey, UK.-2005. [4] Ronan de Renesse, Mona Ghassemian, Vasilis Friderikos, A. Hamid Aghvami, "Adaptive Admission Control for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Providing Quality of Service" Technical Report, Center for Telecommunications Research, King.s College London, UK, May 2005. [5] H. Badis and K. Al Agha, "Quality of Service for Ad hoc Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (QOLSR)", IETF-63 Meeting, Internet Engineering Task Force, draftbadismanet- qolsr-02.txt, Vancouver, Canada, November 2005.Draft IETF. Vinay. P.Viradia |
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61. | Rotation and Scale Invariant Feature Extraction Using Complex Zernike Moments Forfarsiand Arabic Handwriting Character
Rotation and Scale Invariant Feature Extraction Using Complex Zernike Moments Forfarsiand Arabic Handwriting CharacterAbstract: Analyzing Farsi and Arabic handwritten documents is one area in image processing whose target is to transform picture documents into symbolic form. This transformation is conducted o make rapid and easy saving, improvements, retrieval, reuse, searching and transferring documents. Analyzing documents is performed in five stages: pre-processing, segmentation representation, recognition and post-processing. In this research, in first stage the required pre-processing is performed to normalize the image. In recognition stage, zernik moments–based method has been introduced to extract feature of Farsi and Arabic handwritten characters. Outputs of zernik moments are put in systematic clustering to decide about characters. The obtained results show that feature extraction using zernik moments is a suitable method that deals with few rotation-independent featuresand this leads to reduce calculations and increase speed of recognition and stability against rotation. Size–independence is obtained using difference and at least distance of image calculations, because of preprocessing stage which has been performed in this algorithm is transfer-independent. Valid rank of zenik moments to extract features during conducted test is 4 – 38. Cluster applying has led to reduce algorithm expenditure tplog(n) and this one advantage of the suggested algorithmKey words: Rotation and Scale Invariant Feature Extraction, zernik complex moments, Farsi and Arabic handwritten characters. Reference [1] C.S. Wallace, "A Suggestion for a Fast Multiplier", IEEE Transaction on Electronic Computers, (1964), Vol. EC-13 14-17. [2] L. Dadda, "Some Schemes for Parallel Multipliers", Alta Frequenza, (1965), Vol. 34 349-356. [3] Z.JMou, F. Jutand, "Overturned-Stairs Adder Trees and Multiplier Design", IEEE Transaction on Computers, (1992), Vol. 41 940-948. [4] S.Veeramachaneni, K.M. Krishna, L.Avinash, S.R.Puppala, M.B. Srinivas, "Novel Architectures for High-Speed and Low-Power 3-2, 4-2 and 5-2 Compressors", IEEE, 20th International Conference on VLSI Design, (2007), 324-329. [5] D.Baran, M.Aktan, V.G. Oklobdzija, "Energy Efficient Implementation of Parallel CMOS Multipliers with Improved Compressors", Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE international Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Design, (2010), 147 – 152. Mahvashakbari, Maryam Khademi |
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62. | Heart Rate Variability Classification and Feature Extraction Using Support Vector Machine and PCA: An Overview
Heart Rate Variability Classification and Feature Extraction Using Support Vector Machine and PCA: An OverviewAbstract: In today's era Heart Rate Variability becomes an important characteristic to determine the condition of heart. That's why the calculation of HRV and classification to generate rules is necessary. Human Heart Generates the electrical signal. ECG is used to detect the heart beat. ECG signal contains lots of noise. To classify the signals first to decompose the signals using wavelet transform. Many Mother wavelet are used to denoise the signals. Support Vector Machine is used to classify the denoise signal and recognize pattern for better classification of ECG signal. Various methods have been done using different classification tools like Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, and Wavelet transform. Among them Support Vector Machine is very successful in many research areas such as pattern recognition, bioinformatics, etc. This paper gives Brief Survey on Support Vector Machine and Combination of Wavelet Transform & PCA for better Feature Extraction of ECG signalsKey words: Classification, ECG, HRV, Kernel SVM, PCA, SVM, Wavelet Transform Reference [1] Aswini Kumar S, "ECG in 100 steps!" http://www.lifehugger.com/doc/120/ecg 100-steps, Retrieved 2013-03-05 [2] Argyro Kampouraki, George Manis, and Christophoros Nikou, Member, IEEE," Heartbeat Time Series Classification With Support Vector Machines", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE, VOL. 13, NO 4 Jule 2009 [3] Shengkai Yang, Haibin Shen Institute of VLSI Design Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China," Heartbeat Classification using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Kernel Principal Component Analysis" IEEE 2013 Tencon – Spring [4] M. Kamath and E. Fallen, "Power spectral analysis of HRV: A noninvasive signature of cardiac autonomic functions," Crit. Rev. Biomed. Eng.,vol. 21, pp. 245–311, 1993. [5] R. Silipo, G. Deco, R. Vergassola, and C. Gremigni, "A characterization of HRV's nonlinear hidden dynamics by means ofMarkovmodels," IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 978–986, Aug. 1999. Rahul Pitale, Kapil Tajane, Dr Jayant Umale |
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Version 4 | |||
1. | Performance Evaluation of DSDV and AODV Routing Protocols On The Basis Of TCP Variants in WSN and MANET
Performance Evaluation of DSDV and AODV Routing Protocols On The Basis Of TCP Variants in WSN and MANETAbstract: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides reliability to data transferring in all end-to-end data stream services on the internet. This protocol is utilized by major internet applications. TCP was originally created to handle the problem of network congestion collapse. This paper is prepared on the performance of different TCP variants to identify the best protocol variant for network expansion. In such context, a full comprehensive simulation environment is created for evaluating the comparative performance of TCP variants like TCP NewReno, SACK, FACK, RTCP and Vegas with the routing protocol AODV and DSDV in WSN and MANET. In this paper the overall performance of WSN and MANET is analyzed by comparing on the basis of Energy, End-to-End Delay, Throughput and Packet Delivery Ratio of the network.Key words: TCP, NewReno, SACK, FACK, RTCP, Vegas WSN and MANET. Reference [1] Poulomi Goswami, Dr.A.D.Jadhav "Evaluating the Performance of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks" International Journal of Computer Technology and Electronics Engineering (IJCTEE) Volume 2, Issue 3, 2012 [2] Sachin Dahiya, Manoj Duhan, and Vikram Singh "A Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Routing Protocol For Ad-Hoc Network" IJAET ISSN: 2231-1963 Vol. 2, Issue 1, 587-593 2012. [3] S.R. Biradar, Subir Kumar Sarkar, Puttamadappa "A Comparison of the TCP Variants Performance over different Routing Protocols on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 02, No. 02 340-344 2010 [4] Sarkar Narul I, Lol Wilford G., "A study of MANET Routing Protocols: Joint node density, packet length and mobility", ISCC, IEEE Symposium on, 515-520, 2010. [5] C. Perkins, E. Belding-Royer, S. Das, quet, "Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing", RFC 3561 2003. Shivangi Ranawat *, Vandana Pandya |
01.05 | ![]() |
2. | Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Leaf Extracts of Wattakaka Volubilis (L.) Stapf
Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Leaf Extracts of Wattakaka Volubilis (L.) StapfAbstract: Leaf samples of Wattakaka volubilis were used to examine their antimicrobial potential against some human pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli fungi strains Aspergillus niger, and Candida albicans growth inhibition was observed in different volumetric concentrations of this extracts and it was effective against all the bacterial and fungal species tested. Increase in extract concentration showed appreciable decline in viable count of micro-organism indication significant bioactivity.Key words: Wattakaka volubilis, Medicinal plants, Antimicrobial activity, Asclepiadaceae Reference [1] Atta, A. H. and A. Alkofahi, (1998). Anti-nociceptive and anti- inflammatory effects of some Jordanina medicinal plant extracts. J. Ethnopharmacol., 60: 117-124. [2] Glombitza, K. W., G.H. Mahran, Y. W. Mirhom, K. G. Michel and T. K. Motawi, (1994). Hypogycemic and antihyperglycemic effect of Ziziphus spinachristiin rats. Planta Medica, 60: 244-247. [3] Vats, V., J. K. Grover and S.S. Rathi, (2002). Evaluation of anti- hyperglycemic and hypo- glycemic effect of Trigonella foemum-gracecum Linn, Ocimum sanctum Linn and Pterocarpus marsupium Linn in normal and alloxanized diabetic rats. J. Ethnopharmacol., 79: 95-100. [4] Agarval, Y.S. (1996). Economic plants of India, Kailash Prakashan, Calcutta, p. 116. [5] Groove, D. C., and W. A. Randall, 1955. Assay methods of Antibiotics. Medical Encyclopedia, New York, 24-55. A. Ramachandran, M. Senthilkumar and D. Vinothkumar |
06-10 | ![]() |
3. | Measurement and Analysis of Test Suite Volume Metrics for Regression Testing
Measurement and Analysis of Test Suite Volume Metrics for Regression TestingAbstract: Regression testing intends to ensure that a software applications works as specified after changes made to it during maintenance. It is an important phase in software development lifecycle. Regression testing is the re-execution of some subset of test cases that has already been executed. It is an expensive process used to detect defects due to regressions. Regression testing has been used to support software-testing activities and assure acquiring an appropriate quality through several versions of a software product during its development and maintenance. Regression testing assures the quality of modified applications. In this proposed work, a study and analysis of metrics related to test suite volume was undertaken. It was shown that the software under test needs more test cases after changes were made to it. A comparative analysis was performed for finding the change in test suite size before and after the regression test.Key words: Regression Testing, Test Suite Volume, Defect Density, Defect Analysis, Defect Removal Efficiency Reference [1] Kan, S. H. Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley, Boston, 2004. [2] Konda, K. R. "Measuring Defect Removal Accurately, Software Test & Performance," Vol. 2, No. 6, July, 2005, pp. 35-39. [3] Gregg Rothermel, Sebastian Elbaum, Alexey G. Malishevsky, Praveen Kallakuri and Xuemei Qiu, "On test suite composition and cost-effective regression testing", ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) TOSEM Homepage archive, Volume 13 Issue 3, Pp. 277 – 331, July 2004. [4] Mrinal Kanti Debbarma, Nagendra Pratap Singh, Amit Kr. Shrivastava and Rishi Mishra, " Analysis of Software Complexity Measures for Regression Testing", ACEEE Int. J. on Information Technology, Vol. 01, No. 02, Sep 2011. [5] Ruchika Malhotra, Arvinder Kaur and Yogesh Singh, "A Regression Test Selection and Prioritization Technique," Journal of Information Processing Systems, Vol.6, No.2, pp.235-252, Jun 2010. S Raju and G V Uma |
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4. | Experimental Investigation Related To Some Predicted Results Of Reliable High Frequency Radio Communication Links Between Benghazi-Libya And Cairo-Egypt.
Experimental Investigation Related To Some Predicted Results Of Reliable High Frequency Radio Communication Links Between Benghazi-Libya And Cairo-Egypt.Abstract: In this study, the central radio propagation laboratory (CRPL) method of ionospheric prediction of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in U.S.A was used in practical calculations of the optimal working frequencies for reliable high frequency (HF) radio communication links between Benghazi-Libya and Cairo-Egypt. The results were drawn in the form of curves by using the computer. The computer was used to measure the received signal level variation of frequencies 11.980 MHz, 11.785 MHz which were transmitted with a power of 250 KW, 100 KW respectively from the Egypt Arabic Republic Broadcasting station in Cairo city, directed to the North Africa and South Europe regions. The measurements were taken during daytime's for winter (December, January& February) and summer (June, July & August) seasons.Key words: The optimal working frequency, reliable HF radio communication links, the ionospheric prediction method, the National Bureau of Standards, the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory. Reference [1] A. Picquenard, "Radio Wave Propagation", (John Wiely & Sons, Inc., New York, USA, 1997). [2] P. Shore, "International Radio Stations Guide", (Bernard Babani (Publishing) Ltd., London, England, 2000). [3] The Egypt Arabic Republic Broadcasting Announcement, 2004. [4] VLF - HF - Receiver EK070 Manual, (Rohde & Schwarz GMbh Co., Germany, 1992). [5] Sky & Telescope Magazine, VoL 81, 110. 5 , pp. 436, no. 6, pp. 561 , no. 7 , pp. 621 , Vol. 82, no. 5 , pp. 563 ,no. G, pp. 371, no. 7, pp. 456, (Sky Publishing Corporation, Massachusetts, USA, 2002). Mohamed Yousef Ahmed Abou-Hussein, Abdulsalam H. Ambarek |
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5. | Optimization of Hybrid PV/Wind Energy System Using Genetic Algorithm (GA)
Optimization of Hybrid PV/Wind Energy System Using Genetic Algorithm (GA)Abstract: In this paper, a new approach of optimum design for a Hybrid PV/Wind energy system is presented in order to assist the designers to take into consideration both the economic and ecological aspects. When the stand alone energy system having photovoltaic panels only or wind turbine only are compared with the hybrid PV/wind energy systems, the hybrid systems are more economical and reliable according to climate changes. This paper presents an optimization technique to design the hybrid PV/wind system. The hybrid system consists of photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and storage batteries. Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization technique is utilized to minimize the formulated objective function, i.e. total cost which includes initial costs, yearly replacement cost, yearly operating costs and maintenance costs and salvage value of the proposed hybrid system. A computer program is designed, using MATLAB code to formulate the optimization problem by computing the coefficients of the objective function. The method mentioned in this article is proved to be effective using an example of hybrid energy system. Finally, the optimal solution is achieved by Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization method.Key words: Battery, Genetic Algorithm, Hybrid PV/Wind energy system, Optimization, Solar and wind energy Reference [1]. Kellogg, W.D., M.H. Nehrir, G. Venkataramanan, and V. Gerez. 1998. Generation unit sizing and cost analysis for stand-alone wind, photovoltaic, and hybrid wind/PV systems. IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion 13(1): 70–75. [2]. Gupta, A., R.P. Saini, and M.P. Sharma. 2007. Design of an optimal hybrid energy system model for remote rural area power generation. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2007), Lahore, Pakistan, 1–6. [3]. Hongxing, Y., Z. Wei, and L. Chengzhi. 2009. Optimal design and techno-economic analysis of a hybrid solar–wind power generation system. Applied Energy 86: 163–169. [4]. Roman, E., R. Alonso, P. Ibanez, S. Elorduizapatarietxe, and D. Goitia. 2006. Intelligent PV module for grid-connected PV systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 53(4):1066–1073. [5]. Colle, S., S. Luna, and R. Ricardo. 2004. Economic evaluation and optimization of hybrid diesel/PV systems integrated to utility grids. Solar Energy 76: 295–299 Satish Kumar Ramoji, Bibhuti Bhusan Rath, D.Vijay Kumar |
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6. | Review Paper :Comparative Analysis Of Mother Wavelet Functions With The ECG Signals
Review Paper :Comparative Analysis Of Mother Wavelet Functions With The ECG SignalsAbstract: Electrocardiographic ECG gives the information about electrical activity of the heart captured over time by attaching an external electrode to the skin. Now a days ECG signal is used as a baseline to determine the hearts condition. It is very much essential to detect and process ECG signal accurately. ECG consists of various types of noise such as muscle noise, baseline wander and power line interference etc. To remove such types of noise wavelet transform is used. Mother wavelet is an effective tool for denoising such signals. But selection of proper mother wavelet for the ECG signal is again a challenging task. This paper gives the survey about the wavelet transforms useful for ECG denoising. The different wavelet transform are compared and from that we can decide which one is more suitable.Key words: CWT, DWT , Electrocardiogram, FFT, Heart Rate Variability, QRS, Wavelet Transform Reference [1] TAN Yun-fu,Du Lei, "Study on Wavelet Transform in the Processing for ECG Signals", World congress on Software Engineering, IEEE p515-518, 2009. [2] THE WAVELET TUTORIAL by ROBI POLIKAR [3] Nagendra H, S.Mukharji, Vinod Kumar, "Application of Wavelet Techniques in ECG Signal Processing: An Overview", International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJSET), ISSN: 0975-5462, Oct 2011. [4] S.Sumathi, Dr.M.Y. Sanavullah , "Comparative Study of QRS Complex Detection in ECG Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform",International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 5, November 2009. [5] Yamini Goyal, Anshul Jain,"Study of HRV dynamics and comparison using wavelet analysis and Pan Tompkins algorithm",International Conference on BioMedical Computing IEEE 2012 . Kapil Tajane, Rahul Pitale, Dr. Jayant Umale |
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7. | An Integrated Framework For Power And ICT System Risk-Based Security Assessment
An Integrated Framework For Power And ICT System Risk-Based Security AssessmentAbstract: Power system (PS) is exposed to natural and man-related threats which may affect the security of power supply, depending on the vulnerabilities of the system to the threats themselves as well as on the pre-fault operating conditions. Threats regard not only the power components, but also the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) systems involved in PS control and protection. The resulting picture is characterized by significant uncertainties, especially as far as high impact, low probability (HILP) events (typical causes of blackout events) are concerned. These considerations call for the adoption of novel techniques to perform more in-depth security analyses, able to identify the contributions of the different threats and vulnerabilities to the overall operational risk. The paper describes a probabilistic risk-based methodology, developed within the European Union (EU) research project AFTER (A Framework for electrical power sysTems vulnerability identification, dEfense and Restoration), aiming to perform risk assessment (by means of hazard, vulnerability, and impact analysis) of the integrated power and ICT systems. Initial results of the approach are described with reference to a test system.Key words: contingency analysis, power system security, risk assessment, power system dependences Reference [1] European Commission, "A European Strategic Energy Technology Plan - Towards a low carbon future", Nov 2007 [2] ENTSO-E, EDSO, "The European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) - Roadmap 2010-18 and Detailed Implementation Plan 2010-12", May 25, 2010 [3] European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, "European SmartGrids Technology Platform - Vision and Strategy for Europe‟s Electricity Networks of the Future", 2006 [4] ENTSO-E, European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, "Technical Background and Recommendations for Defence Plans in the Continental Europe Synchronous Area", January 31, 2011 [5] U.S.-Canada Power System Outage Task Force, "August 14, 2003 Blackout in the United States and Canada: Causes and Recommendations", Final report, April 2004 Emanuele Ciapessoni, Diego Cirio, Andrea Pitto, Marino Sforna |
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8. | Design of Mergable Flip-Flop for Low Power VLSI Circuits
Design of Mergable Flip-Flop for Low Power VLSI CircuitsAbstract: Lowering power is one of the greatest challenges facing the IC industry today. This paper reduces the clock power by using the multi-bit flip-flop. First we perform coordinate transformation to identify those flip-flops that can be merged and their legal regions. Manhattan distance is used to minimize the total wire length. Combination table is used to find the possible combination of flip-flop. Application of the multi bit flip-flop in an 8-bit adder also included in this paper.Key words: Clock power reduction, merging multi bit flip-flop, wire length, Manhattan distance, coordinates transformation Reference [1] shyu Y-T,Lin M-J,Huang C-P,Lin C-W "Effective and Efficient Approach for Power Reduction by Using Multi-Bit Flip-Flops "Vol. 21 no 4 IEEE transactions on VLSI ,April 2013 [2] P. Gronowski, W. J. Bowhill, R. P. Preston, M. K. Gowan, and R. L.Allmon, "High-performance microprocessor design," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 676–686, May 1998. [3] W. Hou, D. Liu, and P.-H. Ho, "Automatic register banking for lowpower clock trees, in Proc. Quality Electron. Design, San Jose, CA, Mar. 2009, pp. 647–652. [4] D. Duarte, V. Narayanan, and M. J. Irwin, "Impact of technology scaling in the clock power," in Proc. IEEE VLSI Comput. Soc. Annu. Symp., Pittsburgh, PA, Apr. 2002, pp. 52–57. [5] H. Kawagachi and T. Sakurai, "A reduced clock-swing flip-flop (RCSFF) for 63% clock power reduction," in VLSI Circuits Dig. Tech. Papers Symp., Jun. 1997, pp. 97–98 Nithya S, Mr. G. Pratheep |
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9. | Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis of Three Phase Nonlinear Load Using H-Bridge Vsi Topology Based_ Dstatcom
Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis of Three Phase Nonlinear Load Using H-Bridge Vsi Topology Based_ DstatcomAbstract: This paper presents the detailed model, control and simulation of H-Bridge VSI topology based DSTATCOM. It also describes the control of multilevel inverter supplied by Photovoltaic system and a battery bank which is connected to the supply system. It is well known that the Power Quality of the Multililevel Inverter signals depends upon the number of levels. Basic structure and operating principle of the Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter are explored. The phase shifted SPWM is used for reducing the lower order harmonics of the output voltage and the Park's transformation is employed to decouple the active and reactive power components for regulating the compensation power. The controller equations are such that the phase shifted SPWM pulses are generated automatically for any number of levels. The effectiveness of the proposal method is evaluated in simulation by using Matlab/Simulink. The results of the simulation are analyzed and discussed.Key words: PV Cell, DSTATCOM, Power Quality Level shifted Pulse width modulation (LSPWM), Phase shifted Pulse width modulation (PSPWM), Proportional-Integral (PI) control, Voltage source inverter (VSI). Reference [1] Tzeng-Shong Yeh, Huang-Fu Jhu and Hsiao-Wei Sung, "Modelling and Control of 3-Phase Multilevel Inverter-based STATCOM", IEEE Trans. Power Electron., 2010. [2] B.Housseini, R.Beguenane, F.A.Okou and M.A.Tankari, "Advanced Multilevel Control Strategy for Induction Motor Drive Utilization of PV-Battery Standalone System and Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis", IEEE Trans. Power Electron., 2012. [3] K.A Corzine, and Y.L Familiant, "A New Cascaded Multi-level H-Bridge Drive," IEEE Trans. Power.Electron., vol.17, no.1, pp.125-131. Jan 2002. [4] T.A.Maynard, M.Fadel and N.Aouda, "Modelling of multilevel converter," IEEE Trans. Ind.Electron., vol.44, pp.356-364. Jun.1997. [5] P.Bhagwat, and V.R.Stefanovic, "Generalized structure of a multilevel PWM Inverter," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appln, Vol.1A-19, no.6, pp.1057-1069, Nov./Dec..1983. T. Santosh Kumar, Dr. K. B. Madhu Sahu, Ch. Krishna Rao |
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10. | Deadline-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Divisible-Load in Grid Computing
Deadline-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Divisible-Load in Grid ComputingAbstract: The divisible load model is motivated by divisible load theory, where both communication and computation can be arbitrarily divisible into as many independent partitions as required and facilitates a good approximation for many real-world application systems such as those arising in large physics experiments. Scheduling an application with divisible load in data grid is significantly important because of its dynamic nature. Therefore, this paper presents DBSA scheduling model to provide deterministic QoS to arbitrarily divisible applications executing in a grid environment. In addition, the simulation uses a more realistic platform and provides an analysis of the algorithm for homogeneous platforms and presents the comparison results with multi-round algorithm known as UMR (Uniform Multi Round) based on two factors cost and makespan. The simulation result shows that the proposed DBSA minimizes the makespan, cost and balance the load more efficiently.Key words: Divisible Load Theory (DLT), Quality of Service (QoS), UMR (Uniform Multi Round). Reference [1] Jennifer M. Schopf, "Ten actions when grid scheduling - The User as a Grid Scheduler", http://www.mcs.anl.gov/uploads/cels/papers/P1076.pdf. [2] D. Thilagavathi and Dr. Antony Selvadoss Thanamani, "HEURISTICS IN GRID SCHEDULING" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET),Volume 2 Issue 8, August 2013. [3] Thomas G. Robertazzi and Dantong Yu, Multi-Source Grid Scheduling for Divisible Loads, 40th annual conference on information sciences and systems, princeton university, march 22–24, 2006. [4] D. Yu and T. G. Robertazzi, "Divisible Load Scheduling for Grid Computing", the 15th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing And Systems, November, 2003, Marian Del Rey, CA, USA. [5] K. Ranganathan, I. Foster, "Decoupling Computation and Data Scheduling in Distributed Data-Intensive Applications," 11th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, 2002. Prashant Ku. Chandan, Yashwant Singh Patel, Moumita Ghosh, Sarita Das, Manoj Ku. Mishra |
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11. | An Automated System To Classify Alloy Steel Surface Using Contourlet Transform
An Automated System To Classify Alloy Steel Surface Using Contourlet TransformAbstract: Surface defect detection of metallic surfaces is a major challenge in any manufacturing industry. In this paper, an automated system to classify alloy steel surface based on contourlet transform is presented. As the contourlet transform is a multi resolution analysis, texture present in alloy steel surface is represented in various scales and directions. The image is decomposed at various scales and directions and the energy features are extracted. By analyzing the energies from the trained images, the best set that distinguishes the surface into defect or non defect is chosen for classification. The classification results are evaluated on the given set of images of alloy steel surface and the performance of the system is evaluated.Key words: Contourlet transform, Image classification, Energy features, Alloy steel surface. Reference [1] Zheng, Hong, Ling Xue Kong, and Saeid Nahavandi. "Automatic inspection of metallic surface defects using genetic algorithms." Journal of materials processing technology 125 (2002): 427-433. [2] Du-Ming Tsai,Yuan-Ze Univ., Taoyuan ,Taiwan,Yung Chiang and Ya Hui Tsai, 2012, A shift tolerant dissimilarity measure for surface defect detection, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,vol.8, no.1, pp 128 – 137. [3] Du-Ming Tsai ,Yuan-Ze Univ, Taoyuan and Taiwan Jie-Yu Luo, 2011, Mean shift based defect detection in multicrystalline solar wafer surfaces, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol.7, no.1, pp 125 – 135. [4] Ghorai.S, Singh. R and Gangadaran. M, 2012, Wavelet versus contourlet features for automatic defect detection on hot rolled steel sheet, Third International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT), pp 149 – 152. [5] Jiwon Choi and Changick Kim, 2012, Unsupervised detec-tion of surface defects: A two-step approach, 19th IEEE International Conference Image Processing (ICIP), pp 1037 – 1040. Mr.N.Vimalraj, Dr.B.Giriraj |
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12. | Design And Implementation Of Anthropomorphic Robotic Arm
Design And Implementation Of Anthropomorphic Robotic ArmAbstract: The report focuses on the design and demonstration of an anthropomorphic robotic arm with seven degrees of freedom using readily available low-cost components to perform different real time human hand applications. The robotic arm consists of a shoulder, elbow, wrist and a five-finger gripper. It can perform different gripping actions, such as lateral, spherical, cylindrical and tip-holding gripping actions; each finger has three movable links. The actuator used for the robotic arm is a high torque dc servo motor and the five-finger gripper consists of five cables placed like tendons in the human arm. Implementation is done using a human hand glove which senses the motion from sensor technology to produce a proportional analog voltage, digitized via the microcontroller Atmel ATmega32. The microcontroller then through the processed signal controls the mechanical structure that is the robotic arm.Key words: Actuator, Anthropomorphic, Degree of Freedom, Microcontroller, Sensor Technology, Reference [1] Nicholas Thayer and Shashank Priya, "Design and implementation of a dexterous anthropomorphic robotic typing (DART) hand", IOP Science Journal on smart material structure, 20(3), 2011. [2] Haiying Hu, Jiawei Li, Zongwu Xie, Bin Wang, Hong Liu and Gerd Hirzinger "A Robot Arm/Hand Teleoperation System with Telepresence and Shared Control", Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July, 2005, 24-28. [3] Pantelis T. Katsiaris, Panagiotis K. Artemiadis and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, "Modeling Anthropomorphism in Dynamic Human Arm Movements", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Oct 2010, 3507 - 3512. [4] Zhe Xu, Vikash Kumar, Yoky Matsuoka and Emanuel Todorov, "Design of an anthropomorphic robotic finger system with biomimetic artificial joints", IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2012, 568 - 574. [5] Sebastian Klug1, Bernhard Möhl2, Oskar von Stryk1 and Oliver Barth, "Design and Application of a 3 DOF Bionic Robot Arm", Proc. AMAM, 2005, September 25-30, 2005. Ashish Sharma, Kelvin Lewis, Vaqar Ansari, Vivian Noronha |
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13. | Prediction of the Discharge Coefficient for a Cipolletti Weir with Rectangular Bottom Opening
Prediction of the Discharge Coefficient for a Cipolletti Weir with Rectangular Bottom OpeningAbstract: The hydraulic characteristics of a Cipolletti weir with rectangular bottom opening were investigated in this study. The work was carried out using an existing experimental setup of a flume with storage and re-circulating tanks, a pump, a flow meter and a piping system with valves. Thirty nine physical models were made for the Cipolletti weir with rectangular bottom opening with different geometrical dimensions called hereafter as configurations. Experimental measurements were taken for each configuration for different flow values to find the actual discharge, the head over the weir and the head of the approaching flow. For each configuration the data set were analyzed in order to find the discharge coefficient using equation, derived for the combined flow over the weir and from the bottom rectangular opening. All the flow cases tested were for free flow over the weir and sub-critical flows. Dimensional analysis was made to relate the discharge coefficient with different geometrical and flow variables using artificial neural networks modeling. The correlation coefficient found for the predicted values of the discharge coefficient is (r=0.88).Key words: Cipolletti weir, Bottom opening, Discharge Coefficient, Artificial Neural Networks, Physical modeling. Reference [1] AL-Suhaili, R.H. and,Auda, M.(2000),"Evaluation of Under Sluice Efficiency of Al- Duloyah Project", Journal of Engineering Science. Volume (7)No.( 2 ). [2] AL-Hamid, A.A., Husain, D., and Negm, A.A.M,(1996-a),"Discharge Equation for Simultaneous Flow over Rectangular Weirs and Below Inverted Triangular Weirs", Arab gulf journal of scientific research,14(3),pp. 595-607. [3] AL-Hamid, A.A., Negm A.A.M., and ALBrahim A.M. (1996-b), "Discharge Equation for Proposed Self-Cleaning Device ",J. King Saud Univ.,Vol.9, Eng. Sci.(1), pp. 13-24. [4] Negm, A.A.M.,(1998),"Characteristics of Combined Flow over Weirs and below Submerged Gates with Unequal Contractions", Poster session,ICHE,1998,Cotbus. [5] Negm, A.A.M, AL-Brahim, A.M., and ALHamid A.A.(2002),"Combined Free Flow over Weirs and below Gates", Journal of hydraulic research, Vol. (40), No. (3). Rafa H. Al-Suhili and Alan Jalal Shwana |
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14. | Review of Matrix Decomposition Techniques for Signal Processing Applications
Review of Matrix Decomposition Techniques for Signal Processing ApplicationsAbstract: Decomposition of matrix is a vital part of many scientific and engineering applications. It is a technique that breaks down a square numeric matrix into two different square matrices and is a basis for efficiently solving a system of equations, which in turn is the basis for inverting a matrix. An inverting matrix is a part of many important algorithms. Matrix factorizations have wide applications in numerical linear algebra, in solving linear systems, computing inertia, and rank estimation is an important consideration. This paper presents review of all the matrix decomposition techniques used in signal processing applications on the basis of their computational complexity, advantages and disadvantages. Various Decomposition techniques such as LU Decomposition, QR decomposition , Cholesky decomposition are discussed here.Key words: Cholesky Decomposition, LU decomposition, Matrix factorization, QR decomposition. Reference [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_processing [2] E. W. Weisstein. Matrix decomposition. MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource. [Online]. Available: a. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MatrixDecomposition.html [3] Steven Chapra and Raymond Canale, Numerical methods for Engineers, Fourth Edition,Mcgraw Hill, 2002. [4] Mathworks, "Users Guide Filter Design Toolbox", March-2007. [5] R.Barett,templates for the solution of linear systems: building blocks for iterative method, second ed.SIAM,1994. Monika Agarwal, Rajesh Mehra |
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15. | Galois Field Based Very Fast and Compact Error Correcting Technique
Galois Field Based Very Fast and Compact Error Correcting TechniqueAbstract: As the technology is improving the memory devices are becoming larger, so powerful error correction codes are needed. Error correction codes are commonly used to protect memories from soft errors, which change the logical value of memory cells without damaging the circuit. These codes can correct a large number of errors, but generally require complex decoders. In order to avoid this decoding complexity, in this project it uses Euclidean geometry LDPC codes with one step majority decoding technique. This method detects words having error in the first iteration of the majority logic decoding process and reduces the decoding time by stopping the decoding process when no errors are detected as well as reduces the memory access time. And the result obtained through this technique also proves that it is an effective and compact error correcting technique.Key words: Error correction codes, Euclidean geometry low density parity check codes, memory, majority logic decoding. Reference [1] De Hon. J "Deterministic addressing of nano scale devices assembled at sublithographic pitches" vol.4 no6 IEEE trans. nano technology,2005. [2] Kim.j and Kish.L "Error rate in current-controlled logic processors with shot noise" vol.4 no.1 IEEE trans, 2004. [3] Kou.Y and Lin.S "Low density parity check codes based on finite geometries" vol.47 no.7 IEEE trans,2001. [4] Lin.S and Costello.D.J "Error control coding" vol.40 no.2 IEEE trans,2004. [5] Liu.S,Reviriego.P and Maestro.J "Efficient majority logic fault detection with difference-set codes for memory applications" vol.20 no.1 IEEE trans ,2012. Alin Sindhu.A, Pratheep.G |
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16. | Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor for Floating Point Arithmetic
Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor for Floating Point ArithmeticAbstract: Recently, development of embedded processors is toward miniaturization and energy saving for ecology. On the other hand, high performance arithmetic circuits are required in a lot of application in science and technology. Dynamically reconfigurable processors have been developed to meet these requests. They can change circuit configuration according to instructions in program instantly during operations.This paper describes, a dynamically reconfigurable circuit for floating-point arithmetic is proposed. The arithmetic circuit consists of two single precision floating-point arithmetic circuits. It performs double precision floating-point arithmetic by reconfiguration. Dynamic reconfiguration changes circuit construction at one clock cycle during operation without stopping circuits. It enables reconfiguration of circuits in a few nano seconds. The proposed circuit is reconfigured in two modes. In first mode it performs one double precision floating-point arithmetic or else the circuit will perform two parallel operations of single precision floating-point arithmetic. The new system design reduces implementation area by reconfiguring common parts of each operation. It also increases the processing speed with a very little number of clocks.Reference [1] Yukinari Minagi , Akinori Kanasugi , "A Processor With Dynamically Reconfigurable Circuit For Floating-Point Arithmetic". World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 68, 2010. [2] H. Shimada, Y. Hayakawa and A. Kanasugi, "An Architecture of Dynamically Reconfigurable Arithmetic Circuit", Proc. of 2009 Int. Conf. on Electronics Packaging, pp.963-966, 2009. [3] M J. Myjak, J. G. Delgado-Frias, "A Medium-Grain Reconfigurable Architecture for DSP: VLSI Design, Benchmark Mapping, and Performance", IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems, vol.16, no.1, pp.14-23, Jan 2008. [4] T. J. Todman, et al, "Reconfigurable computing: architectures and design methods", IEEE Proc.-Computers & Digital Techniques, vol. 152, no. 2, pp. 193 - 207, 2005. [5] Xilinx, San Jose, CA, "Virtex-4 family overview," Literature NumberDS112, Feb. 2007, vol. 1.5 [Online] S. Anbumani, R. Kavin, D. Sudharsan |
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