S.No. |
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S.No. |
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1. |
Analysis of Different Tool Material On MRR and Surface Roughness of Mild Steel In EDM
Mr. V.D.Patel, Prof. C. P. Patel , Mr. U.J. Patel |
394-397 |

2. |
Design of Ackerberg-Mossberg High Pass Filter with Opamp Using 0.18 μm Technology
Ajay Kumar Kushwaha, Dilip Singar, D.S Ajnar, Pramod Kumar |
398-402 |
3. |
Procedure for Automatic Drive Test
V.S.Pavan Kumar, Dr.B.Anuradha, Vivek, Naresh |
403-410 |
4. |
Improvement of Key Performance Indicators and QoS Evaluation in Operational GSM Network
V.S.Pavan Kumar, Dr.B.Anuradha, Vivek, Naresh |
411-417 |
5. |
Comparative study of PMSM and IM Based on Direct Torque Control
K.Sudheer, K.Sakthidhasan, P.Musthafa |
418-426 |
6. |
Collaborative Spam Filtering
Sindhura Parvathaneni |
427-431 |
7. |
Audio-Visual Fusion and Tracking with Multi camera of Articulated human motion using shape and motion cues
Meghalatha C.K, I.Kullayamma |
432-437 |
8. |
A Study of DDOS Attacks, Tools and DDOS Defense Mechanisms
Nitin Gupta, Meenu Dhiman |
438-440 |
9. |
A Comparative Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithms
Pallavi , Sunila Godara |
441-445 |
10. |
Elements of Dynamic Programming in Sorting
Deepak Abhyankar, Maya Ingle |
446-448 |
11. |
Removal of Baseline Fluctuation From Emg Recordings
Sadhana Pal, Gyan Prakash Pal |
449-455 |
12. |
Effect of dye on distillation of a single slope active solar still coupled
with evacuated glass tube solar collector
Mitesh I. Patel, P. M. Meena, Sunil Inkia |
456-460 |
13. |
Optimizing Identity and Access Management (IAM) Frameworks
Ali M. Al-Khouri |
461-477 |
15. |
An experimental investigation to optimize the process parameters of AISI 52100 steel in hot machining
Nikunj R Modh, G. D. Mistry, K. B. Rathod |
483-489 |
16. |
Secure Authentication & Key Exchange Technique for IEEE 802.16e by using Cryptographic Properties
A.K.M. NAZMUS SAKIB, Tanvir Mahmud, Mountain Munim, Samiur Rahman, Muhammad
Mushfiqur Rahman |
490-496 |
18. |
Implementation of Secure Master Using Modified Twofish Algorithm in FPGA Devices
Ms.K.Durgadevi, Ms. Selvanathiya, Mr.M.Sivasubramanian |
507-512 |
19. |
Intelligent and Effective Decision Support System Using Multilayer Perceptron
Sunila Godara, Nirmal |
513-518 |
20. |
Modeling of Land Mobile Satellite Systems Using LCR and AFD
Sonika Singh, R.C.Ramola |
519-523 |
21. |
Assessment of Concrete Strength Using Flyash and Rice Husk ASH
Satish D. Kene, Pravin V. Domke, Sandesh D. Deshmukh, R.S.Deotale |
524-534 |
22. |
A New Approach to Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm
Thanuja R, Dilip Kumar S |
535-536 |
23. |
Image Denoising using Multiscale Ridgelet for application on Mammographic image
Tajinder Kaur, Manjit Sandhu, Preeti Goel, Harpreet Singh |
537-541 |
24. |
Introduction to The Development and Design of A Mechatronic System
Ebinezaru Babu Gollamudi, Venkata Ramesh Mamilla, Tippa Bhima Sankara Rao |
542-545 |
25. |
Optimization of process parameters of cryogenic treated D-3 in WEDM
by Taguchi Approach
Neeraj Sharma, Rajesh khanna |
546-553 |
26. |
Study of Various Characteristic of Concrete with Rice Husk Ash As A
Partial Replacement Of Cement With Natural Fibers (Coir)
Pravin V Domke, Sandesh D Deshmukh,Satish D kene, R.S.Deotale |
554-562 |
27. |
Comparative Analysis of Fiber Optic Voice Link Using Intensity
Modulation in Commercially Available Optical Fibers
Rahul Malhotra, Jyoti Kumari |
563-570 |
28. |
Experimental Study on Strength of Concrete by Using Artificial Fibers with Rice Husk Ash
Sandesh D. Deshmukh, Pravin V.Domke , Satish D. Kene , R.S.Deotale |
571-581 |
29. |
Analytical Study of Solute Transport in Porous Media with a Periodic Flow
R. R. Yadav, Dilip Kumar Jaiswal and Gulrana |
582-594 |
30. |
Creation of an Export Village Level Land Use/Land Cover Information
System Using Remote Sensing, GIS and VB.NET: A Case Study From Prakasam Disrict, A.P,India
SS.Asadi, G.Rajani ,B.V.T.Vasantha Rao, S.K.Sekar |
595-610 |
31. |
Analysis of System Errors in Real-Time Propagation of Signals in L – Band Phased Array Radar
611-615 |
32. |
GSM and GPS Based Vehicle Location and Tracking System
Baburao Kodavati, V.K.Raju, S.Srinivasa Rao, A.V.Prabu, T.Appa Rao, Dr.Y.V.Narayana |
616-625 |
33. |
An Automatic Frequency Planning of GSM Networks Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Prof. T.venkateswarlu, K.Naresh |
626-632 |
34. |
Color Image Coding using 4D Nth-Order Walsh Orthogonal Transform
P.Santhi, Dr.S.Varadarajan |
633-638 |
35. |
Application of Process Mining in Healthcare: A Case Study for SVIMS
Saravanan .M.S, Rama Sree .R.J |
639-645 |
36. |
Design Of A Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine For The
Electric Power Steering
Mr. R. G. Shriwastava, Dr.M.B.Diagavane, Dr.S.R.Vaishnav |
646-653 |
37. |
Design and Simulation of Enhancing RC4 Stream Cipher for Wi-Fi Security using Verilog HDL
Rajendar Racherla, S Nagakishore Bhavanam |
653-659 |
38. |
Formulation of Cotton Mix: Development From Indeclsive to Declsion
Support Systems
660-665 |
39. |
Analysis and Design of High gain Low Power Fully Differential Gain-
Boosted Folded-Cascode Op-amp with Settling time optimization
Shubhara Yewale, R. S. Gamad |
666-670 |
40. |
Automated Discrimination of Digital Audio
Ranjan Parekh |
671-676 |
41. |
Decision Tree Construction Based on Degree of Rough Sets
Venkata Naga Sudheer T, Dr. A. Rama Mohan Reddy |
677-682 |
42. |
Design and Verification of Faster Multiplier
G. Jaya Prada, N.C. Pant |
683-686 |
43. |
Classifying Benign and Malignant Mass using GLCM an GLRLM based Texture Features from Mammogram
Aswini Kumar Mohanty, Swapnasikta Beberta, Saroj Kumar Lenka |
687-693 |
44. |
Wide speed range estimation using fuzzy logic controller for sensorless
induction motor drives
Syed Sarver Maqdoom, Abdul Ahad Shaik |
694-698 |
45. |
Optimization of memory based multiplication for LUT
V. Hari Krishna, N.C Pant |
699-703 |
46. |
Design and Implementation of CRC Code Generator based on Parallel Execution Method for High Speed Wireless LAN
Ms.Sonali D.Selokar, Mr.P.H.Rangaree |
704-709 |
47. |
Analysis of Dynamic Power Factor Correction Using Flexible Ac
Transmission Systems
Mr. Musthafa.P,Mr. M.Sivasubramanian. Mr.K.Sakthidhasan |
710-715 |
48. |
Hilbert Matrix Based CryptoSystem Using a Session Key
Penmetsa V Krishna Raja, A S N Chakravarthy, Prof. P S Avadhani |
716-720 |
49. |
Study of Network File System(NFS) And Its Variations
Omkar Kulkarni, ,Deepali Gawali,Shweta Bagul, Dr. B. B. Meshram |
721-729 |
50. |
A Hybrid Method for Annular Plate Bending Problems
G. S. Doiphode, S. C. Patodi |
730-740 |
51. |
Image Retrieval using Fractional Energy of Column Mean of Row
transformed Image with Six Orthogonal Image Transforms
Dr. H. B. Kekre, Dr. Sudeep D. Thepade, Dr. Archana Athawale, Paulami Shah |
741-747 |
52. |
Power Quality Improvement In Distribution System Using D-Statcom
In Transmission Lines
Sai Kiran Kumar.Sivakoti, Y.Naveen Kumar, D.Archana |
748-752 |
53. |
Implementation of MIMO-OFDM system in Mobile AD-Hoc Networks
Swati Chowdhuri, Dr. Arun Kumar Mondal, Dr. P.K.Baneerjee |
753-757 |
54. |
Application of Data mining and Soft Computing in Bioinformatics
P.K.Vaishali, Dr.A.Vinayababu |
758-771 |
55. |
A Review on Border Gateway Protocol and Internet Routing Registry
Rakesh Phanindra. Akula, Vaishali P Khobragade, G.Swamy |
772-777 |
56. |
Design and Implementation of Built-in-Self Test and Repair
P.Ravinder, N.Uma Rani |
778-785 |
57. |
Development of Image Fusion Algorithm for Impulse Noise Removal in
Digital Images using the quality Assessment in Spatial Domain
L Ganesh, S P Krishna Chaitanya, J Durga Rao, M N V S S Kumar |
786-792 |
58. |
Comparative Study of Thevetia peruviana and Jatropha curcas seed oils
as feedstock for Grease production
Olisakwe, H.C., Tuleun, L.T., Eloka-Eboka, A.C. |
793-806 |
59. |
Implementation Of Brain Computer Interface
807-812 |
60. |
Security Mechanisms for MANET Routing Protocols Using Random Waypoint Models in Cryptography Analysis
M.Sreerama Murty, C.Dastagiraiah, R.Ashok Kumar |
813-819 |
61. |
Design & Implementation of 8 Bit Galois Encoder for on FPGA Secure
Data Transmission
Dr.Ravi Shankar Mishra, Prof Puran Gour, Mohd Abdullah |
820-823 |
62. |
Computational Analysis of Flow performance in a C-shape Subsonic
P. K. Sinha, A.N. Mullick, B. Halder, B. Majumdar |
824-829 |
63. |
Computational Investigation of Performance Characteristics through
Annular Diffuser
Prasanta K. Sinha, Bireswar Majumdar |
830-836 |
64. |
Analysis And Design Of Flat Slab And Grid Slab And Their Cost
Amit A. Sathawane, R.S. Deotale |
837-848 |
65. |
Network attack path Identification and packet filtering with traceback mechanism
Sneha S. Rana, Dr. B.B.Meshram |
849-852 |
66. |
Performance of VoIP in WLANs
Sameer Soni,Dr B.B.Meshram |
853-859 |
67. |
Preventive Measures For MITM in 3G-WLAN Integrated System
Pranali Dhete, Dr. B.B. Meshram |
860-863 |
68. |
An Ergonomics Risk Assessment for Hospital Workers
Mohan Jagannath and Kanagasabai Adalarasu |
864-867 |
69. |
Understand need " Uncertainty Assessment " in the system development modeling process
Kardile Vilas Vasantrao |
868-873 |
70. |
Implementation of Intrusion Recognition System In Distributed Systems.
Srikanth.Gangadhara,Anup Kumar.M |
874-878 |
71. |
Turbo Coding Based High Performance Technique to Minimise Privacy and Safety Issues in RFID
M Vijaya Deepti, M N V S S Kumar, L Ganesh, S Deva Prasad |
879-883 |
72. |
Algorithm to detect the proximity of a Moving Target & its Implementation on FPGA
Ramya Prasanthi Kota, Nagaraja Kumar Pateti, Dr.Ch.D. V. Paradesi Rao |
884-890 |
73. |
Advanced Speaker Verification System Using Wavelets
G.Madhavilatha , A.Mallaiah, T.Venkata Lakshmi |
891-898 |
74. |
FPGA Implementation of an Algorithm to Identify a BPSK (Barker)
Nagaraja Kumar Pateti, Ramya Prasanthi Kota, Dr.Ch. D. V. Paradesi Rao |
899-904 |
75. |
Design and Implements of Booth and Robertson's multipliers algorithm on FPGA
Dr. Ravi Shankar Mishra,Prof. Puran Gour,Braj Bihari Soni |
905-910 |
76. |
An efficient Sense amplifier based latch design
Rajendra Prasad and Narayan Krishan Vyas |
911-917 |
77. |
Transient Analysis of Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Machine using Matlab
Mukesh Kumar Arya, Dr.Sulochana Wadhwani |
918-922 |
78. |
Design & Simulation of a CDMA based Bidirectional Wireless Communication Data Link System for airborne Applications
923-928 |
79. |
Effects of Process Parameters & Depth of Cut Model for Abrasive
Waterjet Cutting of Ceramics
M. Chithirai Pon Selvan, Dr. N. Mohana Sundara Raju |
929-933 |
80. |
Design of Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Spherical tank system and its
Real time implementation
G.Sakthivel, T.S.Anandhi, S.P.Natarajan |
934-941 |
81. |
Screenless Displays – The Emerging Computer Technology
K. Ranganath, M.Sravanthy, P.Krupali |
942-947 |
82. |
Surface Roughness Effect on the Performance of a Magnetic Fluid Based Hyperbolic Slider Bearing
S.D.SHUKLA, G.M.Deheri |
948-962 |
83. |
Power factor Improvement of Combined Input Voltage and Slip Power Control of low power Wound Rotor Induction Generators
M. Munawar Shees,Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh,M.S. Jamil Asghar,M. A. Abdel-halim |
963-968 |
84. |
Design of High Speed DDR3 SDRAM Controller
969-973 |
85. |
Design and Development of a Secured Routing Scheme for Wireless
Sensor Networks
Tushar Agarwal, Dr. Raj Kumar, Hitesh Rajvanshi, Dr. Sohan Garg |
974-985 |
86. |
Effective Integration of External Software Based on Trustworthiness at Selection Time
T. Saroja Reddy, Mr.M.Dharma Reddy, Mr.N.Chandra Sekhar Reddy, Mr.Sagar Yeruva |
986-989 |
87. |
Design, Developmet & Simulation of Solar Lighting System
991-996 |
88. |
SAR image segmentation using Color space clustering and Watersheds
Debabrata Samanta, Goutam Sanyal |
997-999 |
89. |
Netra : Object Recognition Model Based on Artificial Sensory Physiology
Ashutosh Tyagi, Deepti Tyagi |
1000-1004 |
90. |
Bit Error Rate Performance in OFDM System Using MMSE & MLSE Equalizer Over Rayleigh Fading Channel Through The BPSK, QPSK,4 QAM & 16 QAM Modulation Technique
Megha Gupta, Prof. Rajesh Nema, Dr. Ravi Shankar Mishra, Dr. Puran Gour |
1005-1011 |
91. |
Determination of Sulphate Content in Marine Clays
Anitha G Pillai, Benny Mathews Abraham, A. Sridharan |
1012-1016 |
92. |
Temperature Cycling Studies on Metalsemiconductor Contacts
1017-1025 |
93. |
Bearing Capacity Improvement of Loose Sandy Foundation Soils through
Santhosh Kumar. T.G, Benny Mathews Abraham, A.Sridharan, Babu. T. Jose |
1026-1033 |
94. |
Estimating the Power Quality disturbance caused by Personnel Computer
A.N.Malleswara Rao, Dr. K. Ramesh Reddy, Dr. B.V.Sanker Ram |
1034-1039 |
95. |
Faiure Assessment of CFRP Skinned Honeycomb Sandwich Beam With Delamination Using Cohesive zone Model
Gopalakrishnan K C, Rameshkumar R |
1040-1050 |
96. |
MATLAB/Simulink Versus Refined Real Time Simulation of an Alternative Electrical Energy System in Dynamic Aspects
Y V Pavan Kumar, Y Jaganmohan Reddy, S Srinivas Kumar |
1051-1057 |
97. |
Investigations of Gas Turbine Characteristics by Varying Tip Clearance
and Axial Gap
RajeshYadav ,Vishal Gulati ,Puneet Katyal |
1058-1064 |
98. |
Fault Tolerant Environment Using Hardware Failure Detection, Rol Forward Recovery Approach and Microrebooting For Distributed Systems
Bhushan Sapre, Anup Garje, Dr. B. B. Mesharm |
1065-1071 |
99. |
Study of Time Series and Development of System Identification Model for Agarwada Raingauge Station
N.A. Bhatia , T.M.V.Suryanarayana |
1072-1079 |
100. |
Tracking And Positioning Of Mobile Systems In Telecommunication Networks
Sourabh Pawade, Pushkar Masodkar, Prof Pankaj Hedaoo |
1080-1087 |
101. |
Review on Data Leakage Detection.
Mr.V.Malsoru, Naresh Bollam |
1088-1091 |
102. |
Review on Efficient Reuse of Bandwidth for Throughput Enhancement in IEEE 802.16 Networks
P.Rajeshwar Rao,P.K.Vaishali |
1092-1097 |
103. |
A Review on Hybrid IDS for Detecting Intrusions based on Classification of Features and Complex Relations
Aravind Kumar.N |
1098-1103 |
104. |
A Review on Fault Tolerant Mechanisms for Efficient Data Recovery in Grid Environment
Saritha. G |
1104-1109 |
105. |
Integrated Fuzzy VIKOR and AHP Methodology for Selection of Distributed Electricity Generation through Renewable Energy in India
Asif Jamil Ansari, Imtiaz Ashraf, Bal Gopal |
1110-1114 |
106. |
A Review on Analysis of Stop and Wait ARQ in Multichannel Environment
Uday Kumar.J |
1115-1124 |
107. |
FPGA Based Variable - point FFT Processor
Padma priya dukkipati, K N H Srinivas |
1125-1133 |
108. |
A Review on Proxy Caching Model for Peer-to-Peer Traffic
B.Sampath, K.Srinivas |
1134-1138 |
109. |
Survey Paper on Peer-to-Peer Information Exchange in Wireless Network using Network Coding
PriyankaThota |
1139-1147 |
110. |
FPGA Based Implementation of 32 Bit Risc Processor
M.Kishore Kumar, MD.Shabeena Begum |
1148-1151 |
111. |
E-Banking: A Case Study of Askari Commercial Bank Pakistan
N.D. Oye, M. A. Shakil, N. A. Iahad |
1152-1167 |
112. |
Review on Secure data in Wireless Sensor Networks using Randomized multipath routing
L.Kiran kumar,V.Ranjith kumar |
1168-1174 |
113. |
Thermal performance of dome shaped adobe house-Case study for
moderate climatic zone of India
Basharat Jamil, M. Jamil Ahmad |
1175-1181 |
114. |
Survey on Collaborative Methods of Image Transmission in WSN
Saichand Amirishetti, Sanjib kumar .Nayak |
1182-1188 |
115. |
Fast QueryProcessing With Clustering Algorithm
devarapalli.demudubabu, Gachi swami |
1189-1199 |
116. |
PerfOrmance Analysis of ODD-Even Merge Sort By Using OPENMP, MPI and Concurrent Java
M Rajasekhara Babu, P venkata Krishna, Dinesh Kumar, and V.Shravan |
1200-1202 |
117. |
Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Adhoc NETworks
Er. Banita Chadha , Dr. Ankit Chadha |
1203-1206 |
118. |
Review on Query Processing For Cost Functions with Different Parameters
SP.Chandrakanth, B.RamaSubba Reddy |
1207-1216 |
119. |
Review on Efficient Requirements of Greedy, Face, and Combined Greedy-Face Routing
Syed Meer Suban Ali |
1217-1224 |
120. |
An Efficient Method For Road Extraction For Urban Planning
J.Sandeep, P.Tirumala Rao,T.Durga Prasad,K.V.Satya Kumar |
1225-1233 |
121. |
Altered Tooth-Sum Gearing For High Contact Ratio
Sachidananda H K, Dr Joseph Gonsalvis |
1234-1241 |
122. |
A Digital Approach of Satellite Image Processing for Retrieving Surface Parameters
Khondokar Fida Hasan, Md. Shahjahan Ali and Md. Saifur Rahman |
1242-1246 |
123. |
Internet Based Material Selection for Quality Function Deployment
Venu P, Dr. Jeoju M Issac |
1247-1249 |