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Sixth International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET-2016)

S.No. Title & Authors Page Downloads
1. A Switched -Reluctance Generator with Interleaved Interface Dc-Dc Converter
Cefarahel.S / Pg Scholar
01-13 pdf
2. Firewall A New Approach to Solve Issues in Software Define Networking
14-19 pdf
3. An Efficient on-Line Signature Verification System Using Histogram Features
Mr.Abilash S, Mrs.M.Janani, M.E
20-27 pdf
4. An Constructive For Secure Data Aggregation Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
Sasikumar.S, M.E Student., Sugin.S.V, Assistant Professor
28-34 pdf
5. An Intelligent Automation Control On Electrical Equipments Using Internet Of Things
Mrs.C.B.Selvalakshmi, Assistant Professor, M.Subhashree, PG Student
35-38 pdf
6. Grid Pattern Based Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Fixing Connectivity in Mobile Robotic Sensor Network
M Mari Rajan, j A Jevin, Sivakumar, Sharon Nisha
39-46 pdf
7. Smart E-Agriculture Monitoring Using Internet Of Things
Mrs.S.Padmadevi, Asstprofessor, V.Deepigha, PG Student
47-50 pdf
8. EEG Based Wheelchair Navigation for Paralysis Patients
Dr. R.Deepalakshmi, X. Anexshe Revedha
51-55 pdf
9. An Enriched Method For Opinion Target And Word Extraction Using Semantic Labeling
R.Hemavathi@Jeyalaxmi, B.Benita, Mrs.D.C.JoyWinnieWise, RS.J.Doulas
56-63 pdf
10. Anticipate Human Mistakes in Statistical Typing Using Data Mining Methods and Human Manners Modeling
Mrs. J.V.Anchitaalgammai, G.Gokula Sharmi
64-70 pdf
11. Secured and Efficiency in Generating Issueing and Updation of Private Key Using Iaas Model
Ms Rameez Fathima.A, Mrs Arogya Swarna.S
71-80 pdf
12. Continuous Monitoring Of Critical Patients Using Sensor Data Mining Technique
Dr. S.Suriya, M.Petchiammal@Priyadharshini
81-85 pdf
1. An Association Rule Mining the Concise Representation of High Utility Itemsets
Immanuel K, E.Manohar, Dr.D.C.Joy Winnie Wise, C.Gobala Krishnan
01-06 pdf
2. An Efficient For Selective Data Mining Algorithm for Big Data Analytics Hadoop
Ms.Jennifa Angelin Robinson, Mr. S. Rajeshkumar, M.E
07-09 pdf
3. Novel Hybrid Multi Focus Image Fusion Based on Focused Area Detection
Dervin Moses.M, T.C.Subbulakshmi
10-16 pdf
4. Intelligent Visual Surveillance (Ivs) For Intruder Detection
Dr. P. Alli, P. Chandra
17-20 pdf
5. Website Recommendation for Anonymous Users Using Domain Ontology
Rajha.M, A.Anitha
21-23 pdf
6. A Novel Approach For Pattern Matching In Network Intrusion Detection System
24-29 pdf
7. Enhanced Intrusion Detection Systems For Discovering Malicious Nodes Against Collaborative Attacks
A. Tharik Nazeem, Y. Harold Robinson, S. Divya
30-34 pdf
8. Implementation of iot Interface for Customized Coffee Maker
Dr.S.Poonkuntran, B.Uma
35-39 pdf
9. Secure Cloud Architecture for Medical Wireless Networks
Mrs. G.Mohana Priya, G.Selva Jeba
40-43 pdf
10. Increased Security and Distribution Using Didrip Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ms K.Arul Keerthi, Ms M.Shirin Ayisha Maryam M.E.
44-48 pdf
11. Development of Bait Detection Approach with Increased Security and Reliability against Colloborative Attacks in Manets
M.Mageshwari, M.Shirin Ayisha Maryam M.E.
49-54 pdf
12. Secure Payment Solutions Fully Off-Line Functions on Frodo
S.Balaji, G. Amutha, R. Subha
55-58 pdf
13. Design of Compact Ultra Wideband Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna with Wimax and WLAN Rejection
J Jeya Christy Bindhu Sheeba, Mrs.C.Rekha, M.E., Mrs.H.Riyaz Fathima
59-66 pdf
14. Assessment System in Newspaper Based On Text Mining
Ms.J.Shantha Lakshmi Revathy, N.Sai Priya
67-71 pdf
15. A Security Mechanism for Dynamic Group Sharing Framework in Private Cloud Computing
Hepsibai Shamlin, Maria Michael Visuwasam
72-75 pdf
16. Boarder Analysis with Ensora and Doa Using Wireless Sensor Networks
Sathish Babu Nr, Aravind Swaminathan G, D. C. Joy Winnie Wise
76-83 pdf
17. Traffic and Elimination Approach for Pack
K.Vasuki Devi, X. Arogya Presskila, S. Paul Steven.
84-87 pdf